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Everything posted by AJern

  1. First things first, thank god there's an x-way site.. All the BS we were shoveled for so long, My God to when I was a small child, visits from VP were more anticipated than Santa Claus coming down the chimney.. "believers" would come and go so much you'd think my parents were running a flop house.. while every other "normal" family had paintings of jesus and prayer hands and such, we had VP on the wall with his dogs, Martindale's inauguration photos, dove's out the wazoo and pentecost sunday (a copy of the same from Emporia ) redamndiculous I tell you.. not being able to trick or treat when you're under 12 is more torture a child should be subjected to.. not to mention taking radio and tv away for 2 years.. and expecting the child to infiltrate normal social settings without being ridiculed and taunted for not knowing who the hell inspector gadget was.. moving 8 times in the same town 8 years because it was sacrilegious for corps to own a friggin house.. from birth in 1977 to shortly after high school graduation the Way was reluctantly my life and no one on the face of this earth could convince my parents otherwise.. until of course the reports and yet still limb overseers had to quit before my parents would begin to unplug.. But as we all know that's only the beginning.. it's like an Amish man flipping on his first light switch, outside the way.. you're nobody.. you have nothing, hell, you know nothing.. We were raised to believe we were BETTER than everyone else.. the chosen.. so when that chip is exposed for what it really is.. you are the epitome of lost The whole "waking up" sequence of the Matrix illustrates so fluidly.. Several years since.. regaining lost time is infinite.. thank you to those responsible for the existence of this website.. lol now thinking back to how hush hush the content of Abundance and Power was supposed to stay.. I remember when craig " revealed the true workings of the original sin" .. I had to look in the back of the room at my mom like WTF!!?? thinking to myself this dude has lost it.. little did I know how right I was.. or rather he never had it..
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