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Posts posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. 31-1!

    The Illini still didn't play as well as they should have, though perhaps the loss of their coach's mom had something to do with it. Again, a win is a win.

    Where did Georgia Tech come from?



  2. 30-1!

    Of course, the Illini are going to have to do better from the free-throw line when they face some real competition; but, a win is a win.

    I see that UNC overcame a scare from "resurgent" Clemson. Let's see what Saturday brings!


  3. When I was in grad school in Illinois, my branch leader, Don Brunelle, referred to Phil as "the sweetheart of south Chicago." Then he clarified by saying "Phil's a great guy, but he don't take no s---!" Someone who comes that highly recommended certainly has my prayers! icon_cool.gif

    Of course, bypass surgery has its perils; but if it's done properly, Phil should feel better than he has in years.


  4. Well, if you smoke again, you haven't quit; you've only paused!

    My mom tried to quit several times bu never succeeded. My dad just decided that he was done wih it one Christmas, and he was! He said the hardest thing to overcome wasn't the desire to smoke a cigarette but the habit of having one in his hand.

    I took one puff on a cigarette when I was seven. It's all the smoking I ever want to do!!

    Keep at it. I'm praying for you.


  5. Obviously, you don't feel you need TOTAL privacy! icon_wink.gif;)-->

    Unlike some groups, participation in GreaseSpot is totally voluntary, so chime in when you feel like it!


  6. quote:
    Originally posted by dmiller:

    But -- at AC '79 -- we did have to listen to "Beautiful Ohio" each morning on our early morning march to the auditorium.

    I mighta left then and there, if we were required to stand in line, and sing it! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    I was there, too, Dave. Though we weren't required to, most of my "branch" wound up singing "Good Morning, Lord" which, as I recall, followed "Beautiful Ohio" every morning. It's amazing how you can learn to hate even the nicest songs if you hear them over and over and over and over....


  7. Welcome to Greasespot, Out-2! Have you been in Texas long? If you ever get down to the coast (Freeport area, especially), drop me a Private Topic. We could ram a couple beers at the beach.


  8. (Said in my best Wallace Shawn voice) INCONCEIVABLE!!! icon_frown.gif:(-->

    I only watched the last ten minutes of the game, but it was enough to see Illinois drop a ten-point lead. Ohio State only led in the game for five seconds, but it was the FINAL five seconds. (A last-ditch attempt by the Illini bounced off the rim.)

    I trust that the Illini will shake this off before the Big Ten tourney this coming weekend. It's somewhat of a comfort to know that the absolute WORST they could do is to finish 29-3, and I expect they'll win at least a COUPLE more games. (38-1 would be nice!)

    29-1. (Sigh)


  9. quote:
    Originally posted by nandon:

    i almost want to test it out, just go to fellowships, have a good time, dont ABS, Dont agree with thier BULL$41T debt teaching, dont agree with what i dont agree with...

    i wonder what would happen..

    Why would you go to ANY church, knowing full well you disagree with their doctrines? I doubt that that would bless you or the others.


  10. 29-0!

    A merciless pounding of Purdue in Illinois's last home game. Ohio State might present more of a challenge this Sunday. Of course, there's still a LONG way to go for a comletely unbeaten season, which would require 41 wins (30 season, three conference championship, and eight NCAA championship games).

    If the seedings predicted in the SI website hold, Illinois's last three games might be Duke, UNC, and Wake Forest. That would be interesting!


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