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Everything posted by kimberly

  1. Thanks Cman. My screen goes herky jerky at will.
  2. Watered Garden, thanks for that info. Mr. Garden sure is a nice fella to do that for ya. Hello, gc, where have you been? Loving everybody else, too. Oh, new compost pile don't fret. Your day is coming. Pitchfork does not work with ready for garden compost. Must use shovel. Beautiful. The natural working is beautiful.
  3. Picked the butterbeans and got a gallon of shelled beans. Yum, yum come this winter. I know this doesn't sound like much but considering the pods produce only 3 beans!! And there are still flowers on the bush. The nights are cooler than usual for this time of year. Gonna hold out to see what produces. WG, you go jam mama. I wish we had strawberries this late in the season. Doesn't happen here. Aaahhh, the joys of a stocked pantry. Yes, it is well worth it. The wind blew the few tomatoes onto the ground and the Labs thought they were something to play with. Oh, well, there is always next summer. I will keep that info in mind about suckering them. The collards and cabbage are so green and growing. They love the recent rains. The Sedum is laying on the ground having been beaten down by the rain.
  4. Leafy and WG, I'll trade ya'll some pecans for maters!!! As usual, I will have to fight the squirrels for them. I wished they preferred the acorns from the oak tree. Every year I scold them and tell them they should clean up the acorns from the patio and deck first. I did leave one tomato plant, that, by some miracle, survived. The bush is lush but the gems are not much larger than a golf ball. I will take tomatoes any shape form or fashion I can get them. With all the rain we have had I expect them to explode any moment. It has not rained since Monday and I will go to the garden early tomorrow morning and pick what I think is the last of the butterbeans. With all the rain and abundance of bumblebees I could be mistaken. The crowder peas should be ready to pick by the middle of next week. That should be the end of my summer garden. It seems hardly any time has passed since we all started talking about our summer gardens!! I love summer so much and the gardening I get a little blusie when I think about it coming to an end. I know ya'll have heard on the news about all the rain and flooding we have had here in the southeast. It had been dry for quite a spell. It was too much rain at one time for it to soak in. It is suppose to start raining again tomorrow.
  5. My screen is kooky, I hope this comes out ok. Rain, rain, rain. Thank goodness. No sun for over a week. Not complaining though about the rain. The collards and cabbage are holding their own. Greens love and need lots of water. Just need it to clear off and dry a bit to get out there and pick the butterbeans. They should fat as a junebug by now. The boy left the lawn mower out. I am sure it is ruined by now. This time of year he should be able to find a mower at a really reduced price!!! If not, mom has good utility shears he can use!!! The two pecan trees in the front yard are so full the branches almost touch the ground. I did a little fertilizing this past late winter/early spring. They are larger than the years before. Pecan pie here we come.
  6. True story I am a witness to.... Stay at home mom (4 children) and homemaker tells husband about end of summer party their friends are having. Let's go she says. Everyone is getting a babysitter. It has been a while since we went out and did anything together just you and me. He says I just want to stay home this weekend. Then he says...... Do you have any idea what it is like to work a 60 hour week????
  7. Iassume it is safe to say that since my screen has an hour glass figure it is time to buy a new monitor??.... I don't get it. It is a Gateway and will be only 3 years old in January 2010?!?!? So, this is the normal life time for a monitor?????
  8. WG, fire ant condo is correct. After heavy rains the hills can look like a palace. It was going around for a while to dig into the hill, pour grits in it, (naaahhh, not in the south!!!) cover it back up then pour water in the hill. Supposedly, the ants eat the grits, the grits expand and the ants blow up. Sounds like material for Jeff Foxworthy doesn't it?!!!?! This is too funny.... One method I read about and have found very effective is to dig deep into the hill, take the soil and ants and mix them in with another hill that is not near. Then I take soil from the second hill and put it in the first hill. They fight and kill like gladiators. They don't like boiling water either. I had the most glorious day in the gardens. Amended, limed, fertilized, weeded and put in 18 collards. Still have 9 more to go and 18 cabbages. I have been very negligent in the back of the yard. The grassy weeds had nearly taken over in the walking path. I was tip-toing back there. It is shady and cool and didn't want to run up on a Copperhead. I did see SOBB, Son of Big Black. His daddy is the longest black snake I have ever seen in my life. I don't know where dad went but son lives in what used to be a rabbit den. Needless, to say, no bunny activity in the greens garden for a while. Awww... Anyway, I weeded that area. Now I can see the Sedum from the kitchen window.
  9. Thanks, Modgellan. I read what you said and went back and checked a post. I never noticed that red/- or green/+ before. Whew, thank goodness I am not in trouble with you guys. So, somebody is following me around and clicking buttons...hhhhmmm. I am being stalked!!! LOL!!
  10. I thought because I had not responded correctly on shout that is why I have a poor reputation. It is not related?
  11. Hey computer folks, I am sure you can help me out with this. I just went on my profile to change a greeting. I had this red bar under my name about reputation -7, poor. I remember a couple of weeks ago I responded on shoutbox and got a moderator/administrator?? little happy face or something, it was yellow that is all I remember, at the end of my shout, that I clicked on to direct me to update. I don't remember what the icon notification was. I couldn't figure out what I was suppose to do, so I didn't do anything. Is there a special way to post on shout box?
  12. Thanks Waysider, I love historical stuff like this. Mr. Livingston, hhhmmm. I wonder if he was related to another Mr. Livingston? When I pass by old farms I imagine the lives that were there. Took a walk up the road yesterday. I was determined to ask the rose lady how does her garden grow. Low and behold she was out in the yard and I asked her, "What do you fertilize your roses with? Mine haven't done so well this year and yours are so beautiful." "Well come on in and I will show you." Alfalfa meal and a little bone meal "Here, let me give you some so you can try it. Use about a half a cup twice a year. Just work it into the soil around the roses." I left there with a gallon bag of the alfalfa meal. She is a retired home economics teacher. We talked about gardening, cooking, sewing and sewing machines. We are going to exchange and cook together each other's grilled pizza recipes. Spent most of the day in the garden preparing the soil for the fall goodies. I ran down to the seed store before they closed at noon to get alfalfa meal. I am now a believer in that stuff since I know that is what makes the roses so beautiful. The recent rains have produced an onslaught of butterbeans. My other farming friends can't believe I still have butterbeans coming in. I managed to pick what I could. The bumble bees were a terror. The blooms are still that prolific!! Have at it I told them. Geez, I'll check back in a few days if that is o. k. with you. The daggum fire ants ate part of my right foot and hand. Came in the house, sliced open an onion and rubbed it on the bites. Instant relief. Works everytime.
  13. Ron, I truly am sorry this happened to you. Thank goodness the ransom didn't call for a Scout with a penknife!!
  14. To add to Jeter's accolades from me and my many baseball girlfriends...he ain't hard on the eyes. I must say, Mantle was quite handsome himself during his baseball days.
  15. I think it was Will Rogers who said something like, if you listen to news sources you are misinformed. If you don't you are uninformed. I always liked that.
  16. O. k. papertrained, I am busted. I thought you were trying to be a meanie. Like I have said before it is hard to understand someone's tone when not directly talking to them. At least for me, anyway. Ask away.......
  17. So, this knife crime Mr. Budd was referring to is in the Scouts? That is what the article made it seem like to me.
  18. I am getting ready to have to hunker down for the fall garden. I have a new compost pile about to go in the gardens. The area for the green leafys (not related to anyone we know on this site..ha!!ha!!), collards, lettuce, cabbage will get added nitrogen. I still have butterbeans falling off the vine. The stalks of corn are turning brown. Gonna be great for fall decorations along with some beautiful punkins.
  19. Hhhmmm, papertrained....Go ahead ask God. He is your wisest counselor. And if you really listen He will teach you a heart for people. Love and blessings, pup.
  20. Crazy stuff going on with my computer...I don't get all the posts until I reply...??? Anyway, this is not about healthcare or insurance companies in the US, BUT about the lifestyles of the countries in Oenophile's post. Thanks, Oenophile it got my chef thinging going.... The everyday life habits of Japan, France, Iceland, Australia and all mentioned are vewwy intewesting. Because of their life habits they are healthier people. Thus, less is spent on health care. Their life habits is their health care. The everyday diets of Europeans and Asians consist of what we Americans are warned not to eat...rice, pasta, meats, fried foods, butter, oils, and meat. Check out French Provencal cooking amongst the many other cooking habits of those countries mentioned. Other parts of the world don't eat garbage like we do. One interesting point is they don't consume sugar like we do. They grow and make what they eat for the most part. They exercise. They walk, they bicycle and then they walk and bicycle some more, just to get from one place to another. They don't drive to Mickie D's for lunch and then pick up KFC for the family dinner and then settle down in front of the boob tube. They don't hog out when they eat. I have a friend from Iceland. We were talking about food portions with another friend of mine and her husband who lived in Scotland for many years. He said in Iceland he and two other friends go out to a pub for lunch. They order lunch. No menu. You get what is for lunch. It was a sausage about 8 inches, 3 potatoes and a chunk of bread. That was split between the three of them. Friends from Scotland said Europeans would be shocked by the mega bars we have here. Friends from India are the healthiest folks I know.
  21. Woo woo, Ham, I never turn down some good ole homemade chili from a fellow gardener and canner. Where do you live? I am glad you posted that. I have been thinking about posting....would anybody in the southeast like to get together for a weenie roast? Atlanta or Charlotte would be central. And if you are a Yankee and want to come south ya'll know ya'll are welcome!! Sometime in 2012 would be good for me. Guffaw, laughing...just kidding...about the 2012 thing. Maybe, spring 2010?
  22. gc, you go tater woman!!! I am so jealous you have all those potatoes. What are you going to do with all those potatoes? My grandparents had a cellar under the pack house....maybe I posted all this before??... about how they preserved all the potatoes and onions and canning goods??? I never met a potato I didn't like. I don't care how many eyes it has!!!!
  23. Speaking of quirk....that got me thinking about Einstein. He was about as much a quirk as they come...that exact word was attributed to him by his peers and what few close friends he had. Tesla, also the name of a heavy metal band that was or is?
  24. Out of the mouth of babes to my ears. The boy was in 5th grade. Sean and the boy had been in every grade together in elementary school. He announces after Valentines that Sean is mean and picks on him. How long has this been going on? Almost since the beginning of the school year. I said, well you know his parents divorce has been very nasty. I am sure this has had an affect on Sean. I think he just needs a friend and know he is loved. A few days later...Sean doesn't aggravate me anymore. Why? What happened? When he was calling me names I just turned around... and then the boy showed me how he pursed his lips out and smooched with that smack at the end...like a kiss. Sean never bothered him after that. I never told him to do that. He just figured that out on his own. Sean has been the boys friend since then. Has been camping with us a couple of times. It has been my experience that bullies really do need a friend and need love. With children it has everything to do with what is going on or not going on at home. They feel very unsafe and unsure of themselves....With adult bullies the last sentence is true.
  25. Tom, stay with these people who will love you til the day you die.
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