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Everything posted by kimberly

  1. kimberly

    Cult News

    Unbiased news.... the Weather Channel. "Storm Stories" is one of their great shows.
  2. Some friends and I were talking the other day about food allergies. We all agreed that growing up and even into our adult years we never heard of or knew anybody allergic to peanuts.
  3. Sports medicine doctor says, Kimberly your knees hurt because of all your years as an athlete...all that running and sorts. It is arthritis and you will just have to live with it. But the good thing is, your cardiovascular system is in great shape!!!!! What a trade off! Yee haw!!! Great cardiovascular and sometimes the pain in my knees make me want to say real ugly words. I keep going, though. I keep exercising (walking) and not going to let this get the best of me. blah, blah, blah... I'm suppose to live with this? Ain't no way. Then I read an article about a woman who had the same problem. She went with a friend to a homeopathic type health food store. The woman working there noticed her limping and asked her about it. Oh, it is just arthritis. The clerk asked, have you ever been tested for food allergies? The woman responded she had not. After being tested by her doctor it was found that she was allergic to gluten. She eliminated gluten from her diet and within a month had a new lease on her knee life. I read this and decided to eliminate gluten from my diet. Give it a try... what do I have to lose. Well pain free is what I have lost and 15 pounds to boot. It has been 3 months and I am here to tell you I am a new knee life woman. I never imagined I could live without bread. Growing up a southern girl there was bread every meal. I did not grow up eating pasta but love it in my adult life. I ate lasagna a few weeks back and the pain in my knees returned. The left knee (that I had surgery on some year ago) was particularly trying to out smart me. I don't think the allergy is from the wheat seed. I think it is in all the herbicides, pesticides, and whatever is used to "fertilize" the wheat, rye or barley. Chemicals, chemicals, chemicals mutate that what was once good. I guess this coming summer I will have to make gluten free bread for all those home grown mater sandwiches. Thank God there is still grits. It works for me. I hope this can help someone else.
  4. Back at'cha, WG! I must say the veggies from the garden have been keeping us comfy warm. Several pots of soup. I love the speckled butterbeans on top of a bowl of rice. There is no getting out to the garden. The temps just will not allow it. The end of this arctic blast is in sight for us. Starting Wed. it is suppose to be in the 50's. Dang, that will feel like a heat wave.
  5. kimberly

    Cat whispering

    Hey Twinky. I used Gatorade because I knew it had "stuff" in it to replenish, on a short time basis, certain human body minerals. I thought, if it gives a little jump start maybe it would for Sweetie Pie. I read an article and saw the same on Animal Planet that cats learn to hunt from their mothers. If their mother doesn't teach them then they do not know how to hunt. I had never heard such! Sweetie Pie is now 4 years old. Forget her hunting anything. We decided about a year ago she should start going outside. It was an itty bitty step by step coming of age for her. At first she sat on the window ledge and howled. A long process it was. Then after a couple of months she would lay on the ledge and watch the critterhood. Then she started laying under the bushes in front of the ledge and watching. Then she ventured out under the bushes by the fence. Then she started laying under the pecan tree near the house. She was amazed by everything. She even got to where she liked to go outside at night for long spells. She started laying under the bird bath. The birds did not seem to care. One day Sweetie Pie was drinking from the bird bath with husband and wife Cardinal. We fully expected a preening day at the bird bath spa to be next. Animals are so instinctive. About 6 weeks ago there was a feral cat howling in the critterhood. Sweetie Pie was outside. She has never wanted to go out since then.
  6. There is a telephone number you can call and have your name/number removed from the call lists. Sorry, I don't remember the number as it was several years ago. I haven't had any telemarketer calls since. Just a little info in case some are bugged by them...
  7. kimberly

    Cat whispering

    I just checked out this thread for the first time last night. I guess I thought just because I don't have any scaredy cats I wouldn't have anything to add. Cutey cute pictures of the cats. They all look like they could have been from the same litter. I just got my daughter a yellow, male tabby for Christmas. Her other yellow tabby, Spanky, (yes, two of our dogs were Darla and Alfalfa) was maimed by the two boxers that Alfalfa protected me from. This little fellow is just 8 weeks old. It is sweet having a new baby in the house. Our other cat is Sweetie Pie. Sweetie Pie was also the name of the baby in the carriage in Our Gang. Our Sweetie Pie is a black, white and yellow calico. When I got her, I was told she was 8 weeks old. I said, gee, she sure is tiny. Oh, her mom is little. Sweetie Pie almost died and the owner was forthcoming and admitted she was only 5 weeks old!!! Sweetie slept on my chest or neck and I woke up to find her limp as a dish rag. I woke up daughter and we worked feverously through the night with her. She was limp yet panting with her tongue hanging out. I started injecting small amounts of red Gatorade down her throat with one of those little pet syringes. As soon as the pet store opened I was there to buy feline mother's milk. One hour she got a syringe of milk and the next a syringe of Gatorade. After 24 hours we took her off the Gatorade. We kept her on the milk for 2 more weeks. It took her about a week to recover to where she was able get up and walk. Very scary couple of weeks. As far as Sweetie Pie knows, we are her mamas. She doesn't know how to hunt because she has never been taught. She knows her name and will come when called. She rarely has to be called because she is content being where we are. Her reaction to the new baby kitty is another story, though.....
  8. I have to laugh about the flowery romantic languages (French/Italian/Portugese)....anybody ever hear John Hendricks speak in tongues?..?..yippy skippy, whatever....
  9. RottieGrrrl, I know you have the perfect pair of shoes to wear with those jeans!!! Cause just not "any" shoe will do!!
  10. Hey, Twinky, my garden isn't doing anything either but that is good. We are experiencing abnormally low temps. It was 14 degrees this morning and only reached 39 for the entire day. The temps are suppose to be like this for the next week. We usually have something like this for a week in February. We make it to the compost pile every other day. I have a bin under the kitchen sink where we put compostables. The new one is growing. Fixin to try my hand again with snow peas. Must have a soil sample test done on one of the gardens. The collards in that garden twice as small as in the others.
  11. I got to sleep in Christmas morning, woo woo!! We did our traditional going out to breakfast. Going out to eat is special because that is the only day of the year I eat out at breakfast. Unless, I am on vacation away from home. Like you, brainfixed, I was able to put my two feet on the ground and get up. I run circles around folks twice younger than me that complain/grumble about this and that. I have a job(s) and that is a true gift these days. I have several friends hurting right now because of job situations. We have a roof over our head (which will be paid for Jan 2011), heat, food, clothes but most of all, the most important gift, family.
  12. One of my misuse/misspelling peeves is sit and set.
  13. kimberly

    The Truth

    Shellon, one thing I learned from my children in their teenage years is that they loved to hear about all my sufferings. I am serious. And I have to kind of chuckle right now thinking back about those years. The boy is 16 almost 17 so he knows most of it. It made them feel like, "if mom went through it and came out on top then I can too." I have always been very honest with my children about everything. There is some ugly details about a divorce they have never heard and doubt they ever will unless they ask.
  14. kimberly

    I cry do you!

    Roy, my brother, I can certainly understand your frustration with Social Security and all their questions, questions, questions and paperwork and paperwork and paperwork and paperwork.....and on and on and on. It can certainly seem unending. But that is just the particular nature of the paperwork beast when it comes to Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare. The system is designed to know the business of those it helps. That way they can help in the best way. You can be a big baby if you choose...BUT....I know you are a praying man. And I know you have been praying for this doctor(s) you are going to see and all this Social Security mess to get straightened out. You know you are loved. I cry. There are still moments when I am overcome with grief concerning the death of my nephew, Josh. He committed suicide and to this day we don't know why. The pain my best and dearest friend suffers sometime from the loss of her youngest daughter makes me cry. I know where you are coming from, Roy. Love and blessings, Kimberly
  15. And by all means, share those recipes..yeh, yeh, yeh
  16. Alrighty, Rum, we know you are busy with your company but you have to update us on those fabulous fixins....
  17. kimberly

    Tracking Santa

    ChasUFarley, I have to say that is the one thing I miss about Christmas....having little ones, in their footie pajamas, rush to the tree then stand there in wide-eyed amazement.
  18. DWW, dang, since you used to be someone then I would go back and that someone.
  19. Once again, all is well in Bedford Falls. I watch this movie every year on Christmas Eve as if it were the first time. This year, I think the tradition finally sunk in. Ahh, maturity of the children. They intently watched the movie without complaining about it being in black and white. I don't think they will poke fun at mom anymore for watching old movies . They FINALLY grasped the meaning of the story. I heard a sniffle or two. YES!!!!
  20. kimberly

    Tracking Santa

    I saw this on the History channel the other day. The family still has the letter in their posession and will not sell it for any price.
  21. kimberly

    Christmas Music

    Tonight, I heard Karen Carpenter's, Merry Christmas Darling. I think that is the name of the song. Must admit I got a little twingle in the heart...what a voice and how sad that voice ended so young.
  22. Congratulations, Bride!!!!!!
  23. We have been keeping up with this story, also. I agree Ham, these children did not come up with this on their own. They learned from somebody in their life to hurt others. In one article somebody said the boy or boys (I forget now) should not be punished so severely for a mistake they made as a child. Misspelling a word on a spelling test is a mistake. To me, a mistake indicates unintentional harm.
  24. Just wanna let ya'll know, them collards is yum yum good. Plenty to get us through the winter.
  25. kimberly

    Christmas Music

    Oh yeh, and it is heartwarming hearing Burl Ives sing in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. It reminds me of my childhood. John Denver's, Please Daddy Don't Get Drunk This Christmas, reminds me of childhood, also.
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