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Broken Arrow

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Posts posted by Broken Arrow

  1. Oh yeah! Seeing those, beautiful, powerful animals pull that shiny red wagon is quite a spectacle. You wouldn't think it would be that big of a deal until you see it.

  2. I like the commercial showing the Budweiser Clydesdales trotting along in the snow-covered woods with the song, "I'll be Home for Christmas" playing in the background. I don't know if it's the horses, the snow, or the thoughts of beer that put me in the Christmas "spirit".

    I thought I'd paste the ad in case anyone wanted to check it out.

  3. I like the commercial showing the Budweiser Clydesdales trotting along in the snow-covered woods with the song, "I'll be Home for Christmas" playing in the background. I don't know if it's the horses, the snow, or the thoughts of beer that put me in the Christmas "spirit".

  4. Is it LaGrange-----ZZ Top?

    That's it Waysider! Very good! It's a good thing you got it on the first try because I can't understand any of the lyrics. Probably because it would not have been played on the air otherwise! Your turn Waysider.

    The "Barack Hussein Obama" song? :lol:


    That took a minute to sink in, pretty funny!

  5. "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show" by Neil Diamond

    (Technically, in this thread you're supposed to use the FIRST line of the song, unless it contains the title.)

    I've been cheated, been mistreated...


    Sorry about the first line thing. I'll remember that from now on. This one is "When will I be Loved?" by Linda Ronstadt.

    How about..."Uh-how how how how...Uh-hmm hmm hmm hmm".

  6. Yeah, he's living in Boise and running Chris Geer's classes. Still doing the same things just with a different group. At least he was 5 years ago. I was a WOW in Coeur d'Alene '83 and '84 and then lived in Lewiston '84 through '86. I saw Dana often. Idaho is a beautiful state. I miss it. I don't miss being in TWI in Idaho, but I miss Idaho. That's where I was living when my daughter was born.

  7. -----Stealers Wheel

    This was posted on another thread recently so maybe you should take the next one too.

    You are correct of course. Here's another one.

    "Put some whiskey in yo' water, sugar in yo' tea.

    What's all these questions they're askin' me?"

  8. OK this just irks me.

    The news:

    A short and terse paragraph about how 18 people died in a suicide bomber's explosion in Bagdhad. No names mentioned.

    The news:

    A long and flowery article on the new TV series about the Jackson family (as in Michael Jackson). TV network blasting it every fourth commercial calling it about "The First Family of Music."

    The news:

    A series of long and ugly stories about Tiger Woods' sexual liaisons with various high end escorts.

    A) I don't care about the Jackson Family - seems like the old man just making another dollar off of his kids like he's done for 40 years. Who cares about the first family of music?!?!?

    B) I don't care about Tiger Woods' little escapades. While many may find it distasteful that he had those little liaisons - fact is it happens every day in every country - without making the news.

    C) I DO care about innocent people dying because of some religious zealot obeying his Way Corps directive as to how to attain his 70 (or so) virgins).

    If this is news then we have become less than bottom feeders. At least bottom feeders (shrimp, oysters, crawfish, catfish) make for darned fine cooking. This is news?!?!? This is somehow entertaining (applies to all three of the above)?!?!? This is somehow informative and educational?!?!? Something we need to know as "informed American citizens?" (Don't chomp of me for using the word American without specifying USA citizens or I'll remind you that CBS coined the phrase "informed American citizens" - go crap on their plate of spaghetti.)

    I second everything you said.

  9. Erkjohn,

    There are several places to find actual quotes. I usually pick an episode I like and google it something like this:

    "next generation" "the battle" "quotes"

    You will then get some links, usually to IMDb, Memory-Alpha, StarTrek.com, and others.

    You can also find entire scripts to many episodes of the various series at TWIZ TV. Just scroll down to the Ss.

    You don't have to do this from memory!


    P.S. I would open the google search or TWIZ TV site in a separate window, to facilitate transferring quotes.

    Oh good! I thought you guys were just plain amazing at remembering the diaglogue! I thought, "Man, who does that?" Anyway, why doesn't someone else take my turn this time and I'll jump in later more prepared.

  10. O.K., I don't remember the 60 Minutes one but that was quite a while ago. You're right, Wierewille played all of that to his own advantage. I remember feeling horrified when the deprogramming stuff started happening around '75. For me the whole thing engendered more of an "us vs. them" way of thinking and entrenched me more. It gave me an enemy to fight. VP would actually show these stories at big meetings and get people jazzed up. If there were a deprogramming that went wrong, Wierwille would have the victim testify in front of large meetings. I think he loved it. If you think about it, those were years TWI grew the fastest.

  11. I believe L.E.A.D. was started by a non-corps married couple named Sk!p & 3llen W00ds. I'm not sure what their qualifications were. I think there was something called LEAD before that (not TFI) but it was different. The Woods never made it through the academic year as I recall and D0ug McMuIIen headed it up. That would have been '80/'81. It was never revealed why the Woods left so abruptly.

    TFI was run by VP's son-in-law who was also an officer in the Marines with combat experience, or so we were told. I didn't get the impression that VP and he saw eye-to-eye on a lot of things. Someone like HWC would probably be better able to speak to that. By the time the 11th Corps went into residence, LEAD was a requirement including the hitch-hiking. On a couple of occasions people were arrested and jailed as hitching was illegal in Kansas. People had to be bailed out of jail and still make it to Tinney within the original 36 hour timetable. Hey, it was what the "Man of God" wanted so it had to be right regardless of the law of the land. The hitchhiking was supposed to be for in-residence Corps only. The guy who coerced his branch to hitch to LEAD was out of line even by TWI standards.

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