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Dot Matrix

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Posts posted by Dot Matrix

  1. I do not care to report anyone to anything. I have had my fill of reporting people in TWI to no avail.

    I did not even want to participate in any conversation with Rev. Splinter to begin with.

    I thought he was an outie. I thought he either knew people I knew or was someone I knew as he was in my hometown.

    He e-mailed me about how the town was still moving the Bible there. I e-mailed him and spoke freely about VPW's crap and another person's crap.

    Then, I got a lecture on forgiveness and how I could not wipe my ***.

    I responded then asked him to NOT contact me anymore but he did. I responded. Then, eventually I just ignored him.

    I do not want to involve myself with any splinter in anyway even to tell them I think one of their people was rude. Do you think these people are logical? It is a waste of time.

    It only came up again as Ex found some connection between the Splinter Rev. and the Splinter group.

    If people want to exalt VPW to the sky, praise PFAL and wipe each other's a$$es with the books I do not care.

    But I think seeing some of the verbal exchange might help people SEE some of these splinter groups for the mini-Ways they are. But apparently, it can also turn people on to these groups. If what you read tickles anyone's fancy -- go enjoy yourself.

    If some people are looking for that, go for it.

    I think it is a waste of perfectly good brain cells. That is it.

    Rev. Splinter enjoy your life. All his followers may God protect you, all supporters of splinters -- I hope you can survive another cult.

    I guess heroine addicts are put onto methadone as a stepping stone... Some people eventually get out of both, others get addicted to the methadone.

    Your choice. Mine is to not get entangled with any of them.

    I mean this with no offense to those that see how WAYBRAIN this guy is or to those that dig his way of doing things.... Whatever floats your boat.

    (At the time he was writing to me, he did irritate me because I found him to be calloused. Now, it is like thinking about a bruise I once had. I hope nobody else walks into what I walked into, I hope nobldy else gets bruised -- But we all said "Watch out!" now it is free will...)

    Concerning idle talk, we could take the whole GS site and say to each poster -- have you gone and told them this? Have you reported Harve to Rosalee? Have you reached JAL about one of his staff? I dunno, maybe you are just a wonderful optimist and I am a realist. Or maybe I have crossed from realist to pessimist, either way, May God protect your tender heart.

    Dot Matrix

    [This message was edited by Dot Matrix on July 21, 2002 at 12:05.]

  2. Mercury in your teeth can cause all kinds of problems including something that mimics multiple sclerosis.

    i mention this as I have read about several people with different health problems and this Mecury stuff is serious! People have become crippled, then had their fillings removed and could walk again.






    Also there are connections with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are made to mercury in our fillings.

    What do you think? I think I am taking out my old fillings and getting the new stuff. Read some of this stuff, someday we will hear the whole truth about what mecury does to the human system.

    Sudo aren't you a dentist?

    Dot Matrix

    [This message was edited by Dot Matrix on July 21, 2002 at 14:08.]

  3. Kay:

    You mention fish, but from what I have learmed it is not inspected like beef or chicken. I saw on one of those information shows that a lot of fish comes in with worms and the stores just rinse them off. Then, the mecury in canned tuna is unhealthy....

    The stores have been changing the sell by date on their meat products making people sick on and on it goes...

    I get to the point where I do not know what to do....

    Also, I found this article on fillings in teeth which can cause a litney of medical problems I will post that as a new topic...

    Thanks Cool Waters

    Dot Matrix

    [This message was edited by Dot Matrix on July 21, 2002 at 11:29.]

  4. This Land is your land this land is my land...

    I don't know about the Agape song but your search was intriguing -- I wanted to see all the songs of that ilk and here are some:

    Irving Berlins God Bless America Songs of Inspiration Includes chords, strum patterns, melody and lyrics for: Amazing Grace ? America, the Beautiful ? Battle Hymn of the Republic ? From a Distance ? God Bless America ? Imagine ? The Lord's Prayer ? The Star Spangled Banner ? Stars and Stripes Forever ? This Is a Great Country ? This Land Is Your Land ? United We Stand ? You'll Never Walk Alone ? You're a Grand Old Flag ? and more.

    At the music box site:

    God Bless America, Stars and Stripes Forever, America the Beautiful, You're a Grand Old Flag, When the Saints go Marching In, This Land is Your Land, Battle Hymn of the Republic, U.S. Army Anthem, Anchors Aweigh - U.S. Navy Anthem, Semper Fidelis, U.S. Marines Anthem, Semper Paratus, U.S. Air Force Song, Washington Post March, My Country Tis of Thee, United States National Anthem (Star Spangled Banner)

    Dot Matrix

  5. My father-in-law has kidney cancer. He NEVER drinks water. Even when told to drink a full glass of water with a pill, he will take one small sip or use another liquid.

    Now, he has cancer in his kidneys. He still fights when told to drink water and will not change his diet.

    Masterherb:If you were to write out a balanced diet, what would it be?

    For instance:

    Make sure you have at least four helpings of vegtables fom the following list:

    blaa blaa

    Protien daily choose from the following:

    blaa blaa

    Only choose once a week form the following if you can not live without:

    Bacon, blaa blaa


    Choose (whatever) 4 helpings form the following:

    Starches and breads only whatever helpings of the following:

    Then Water in the amount of:

    Can you please get us to a healthy diet, without giving up all meat (some can not) and a vegatarian one?

    Can that diet help those of us overweight loose weight? Under weight to gain? Out of balance to get in balance?

    Interested in your suggested diets...

    Dot Matrix

  6. always found that event in Russia baffling. Wow, you could read a newspaper at midnight in London with the explosion light. So, they saw a cylinder first? It is amazing.

    Roswell has also been such a stifled subject. So, radar guy saw 5 shapes?

    In the beginning they did acknowledge UFO’s and alien life, then it was squelched and turned into a weather balloon story. All accounts I have seen, the powers that be said it was because it would rip apart our religious beliefs. I never understood their logic? How would that ruin my Christian beliefs? God is big enough to have life elsewhere?

    Thanks Rascal! Wish I was there with you.

    Dot Matrix

  7. Ex- That was pretty funny!

    Rascal - yes to think outside the box is very freeing! Please ask your neighbor.

    Zix - I know you are probably popping ateries by now, so sit back and enjoy the ride --

    The "What if" train is now on its way to the outer limits....

    Dot Matrix

  8. On Unsolved Mysteries years back they had a now older gentleman who said he was a civilian around Roswell. He was dating a nurse. The nurse was called into the hospital and worked on these "creatures" that had crashed. When she met with her boyfriend she told him she was forbidden to speak of the incident but drew him pictures, on a napkin of the now famous looking big head almond eyed creatures.

    Later, she was called back to the hospital and he went to see her and learn about the hoopla. When he got there she, the nurse, told him to leave for his own saftey -- then military men escourted him out of the building.

    This woman, the nurse, was never seen again.

    On the same show, one guy, now a respected professional said he had a piece of the weird metal like substance found in the field and the military came and collected it from the home.

    Another military guy said he was one of the folks "hiding evidence" and he said he also saw these weird unearthly beings.

    Now, when I was in TWI I just dismissed everything as a trick of the devil or a TALL TALL story. But now, I dunno.

    My Father went through Roswell area and at the museum the same guy talking about the nurse on Unsolved Mysteries, sits there answering questions. My Dad a highly educated retired professional, said the speaker is very compelling.

    I alwyas blew off the abductions as "crazies" and even when the medical reports would provide evidence of a strange implant -- I would think through my Way brain and think "devil trick"

    But hey, I was tricked by TWI, so maybe these fols are telling the truth as they know it and the WAY was devil happy about anything they could not explain.

    As for measuring things by those indicators we are used to , well God has no begining or end. We think in timelines... God has no "time restraints" Perhaps much like we thought the molecule was the smallest measurment, then we discovered the atom...

    What if life as we know it is not the only life?

    What if measurements are not held by merely the speed of sound or light? What if things can travel by color or something different? Is there anything in the Bible supporting TWI's theory that all planets are out there, and all life is to bless us?

    Could be... Or that could be a self centered way to keep your/my thinking "small".

    Dot Matrix

  9. It was posted on the GS on the ez board forum.

    A guy contacted me because I said something about my hometown, which was his current home.

    I thought he was a committed "outie". I spoke about VPW's crimes of sex in TWI and of a Rev. L who, in my opinion still smells like the sheets at TWI.

    Well, this "outie" turned out to be a Rev. (and VERY proud of the fact that he was an ordained cultist). I posted his letters and referred to him as Rev. Splinter.

    He told me I could not wipe my a$$ if not for PFAL. And other sundry little blessings in his love notes. All who read his posts saw and spoke loudly of his "way brain" and the insanity of the Way still poured from his words.

    Maybe Paw will bring it over from the other site. It generated about 5 pages of commentary.

    Dot Matrix

  10. Rev Nick Spliner?

    Yes, what exhortation and comfort he gave me --

    Like a used barf bag.

    Do people know this CFF is a weird little splinter -- or at least some of the people that have said they were in it are? Gosh, I hate to see people throw away good brain cells on a new cult.. Like that stupid Momentus thing ... That took a quart of brain cells right there.

    But maybe some folks enjoy it. Like Rev. splinter told me, I could not wipe my a$$ without PFAL. Speaking of which, there is some Craig literature I would enjoy wiping my a$$ with.

    Dot Matrix

  11. I love Oprah!!!!!! She brought compassion to talk shows before her it was the Phil Donahue "make people feel bad" forum.

    I loved Dark Shadows and also ran home from school to see it, Kay. Loved Barnibus!!!

    I never liked Hogan's Hero's and always thought it was too far fetched to have these Americans able to do all this stuff inside a POW camp.

    The German's were not stupid they were ruthless and cruel in those camps so I NEVER saw any humor in it at all.

    The Love Boat was a bland as bland can be and fantasy Island was kind of a paternal twin to it.

    Dot Matrix

  12. Then, some of you folks really believe it was a weather balloon at Roswell?

    Even President's of the USA have seen UFO's.

    I am not a believer or disbeliever...

    I don't know.

    But people said they saw the small grey's at the Roswell thing and they were reputable. Maybe on earth we have calculated the speed of light as the fastest speed -- but what if there are smarter beings calculating in other ways?

    Dot Matrix

  13. We saw signs with Mel G. and it was a frightening little soga about ET's. It incorporates crop circles and UFO's.

    Makes me wonder what all you believe.

    I know we were taught that all the planets EVERYTHING was made for us. I do /did think the ET stuff that was going on was a set up for the return of Christ; where did all the people go?

    Explaination: Abuctions by aliens.

    What do you think, are we alone out here in the glalaxy?

    Dot Matrix

  14. Jerry Springer does suck

    Cop Rock was horrid - but I give the creator kudos for trying something new.

    My mother the car was far fetched

    Jim Belushi's new tv show is not good, shame because I like him.

    I think Gary Shanling (spelling) should be represented.

    Big Brother is as exciting as watching people fish. (Which the fishing guys should be listed)

    Brady Brides was the pits

    And Watching Ellie (Julia Louis Dryfess deserved a better script)

    Then, Bob Patterson with Jason Alexander

    After Mash -- I wanted it to make it but it was poor

    Dot Matrix

  15. H- I would imagine it would have said $250.00 on it -- oh well, maybe that is why it is an urban legend -- the story is a hoax as was suggested.

    Research G--

    Are you really Ben Stein? You know about so many things just like he does -- So, are you? We will not tell....

    Dot Matrix

  16. Sorry, it was NOT my story but a story e-mailed to me -- don't know the person or why they did not do that.

    But thanks for trying to help me out!!

    Also Lucky, Rascal and WA weather -

    Cool at least it is a good recipe even if I am on the other end of an urban legend!

    I am not offened that it was pointed out it was a urban legend -- just kinda feel like -- gosh, I got fooled again!

    But I am glad you guys said it was a good recipe I would hate to have posted something yucky.

    Thanks everyone!

    Dot Matrix

  17. Rob - nyeah I know the ending flips it around and I still do not know what to make of that.

    XV- I will have to see if I can see the Harrison Ford movie. (PFAL spoof and all)

    Fraility disturbed me because it brings EVIL into a family as "good" of course that is if I discount the ending.

    I thought of many things as I listed. But also how we were introduced to EVIL via good the PFAL class. It is a difficult trick to escpae from.

    Rob -- yes, it does sheow how people see things differently.

    Dot Matrix

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