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Posts posted by AdiosMiCorazon

  1. At first you said to Excathedra:

    Who is dead, after all. What point is there in letting him stress you any more from beyond the grave?

    Then in your response to Ginger you said:

    The length of time you allow dead people to abuse you is entirely up to you. Displacing the blame only serves to make the vicitmization linger.

    Zixar, to me these words mean that you want Exxie to just get over it. Can you imagine how hard it is to get over such a thing. Yes, he is dead but like I said before so is Hitler. Am I comparing VP to Hitler, maybe I am. The point is I am trying to get to a point where you can understand what it is like to be a victim. I think you can have compassion for someone who was victimized by Hitler and the anger they might feel even though he has been dead for many many years. How insensitive you would seem to them if you told them "The length of time you allow dead people to abuse you is entirely up to you"

    Displacing the blame on whom Zixar?

  2. quote:
    Wow. What color is the sky in your world, anyway? I mean, doesn't it physically HURT to be that willfully ignorant? I usually tolerate your scatterbrained derailings with a due sense of exhaustion and dread, but my buffer is finally full.

    What color is the sky in your world Zixar? You have said some bizarre stuff but hey you are entitled to believe what you want.

    As far as Gingie being willfully ignorant and a scatterbrain, you obviously do not know her! I do and she is a very smart person.

    I have more to say, but first I have to go count to a billion!

  3. Go hand in hand. You are right no one deserved what VP did to those women. I am glad that as a man, you can understand that this is not an easy thing to deal with. Everyone is so ready to jump on LCM, but if you mention VP's sins, it gets some folks jumping on you!

    Where do you think LCM learned his craft? ummmm lets see....was it in the wurd?...nope that is not it.....was it revelation?....nope that is not it either.....Ah yes I got it, from VP? Yes that is it! You win the grand prize.

  4. Yes Ginger there are a lot of evil people who are now dead and I say thank God for that! Just because they are dead does not mean their evil deeds died with them. Hitler is very dead and maybe his victims should just get over it.

    Oh you see but VP is not dead. No sir he is very much alive through his teachings. Yes our father in the word, Dr. VPW, step right up and worship him. What's the harm he is dead? So he sinned a little, who cares? He was righteous and therefore God forgave all his sins. Shouldn't we?

    I will never ever ever forgive that man for what he did to Excathedra and others. He is not my father and neither was he "the man of God." so get over it!

    [This message was edited by AdiosMiCorazon on August 06, 2002 at 10:01.]

  5. Zshot darling Dot does have direct knowledge. She was told that wiping her a$$ with PFAL will save on toilet paper. Sorry Dot, that is my interpretation. Care to join my group? Its called the first church of her goofiness.

    I have first hand knowledge of "twig" and if I was playing word association the first word that would come to my head is "shudder"

    That is my opinion and I am stuck to it.


  6. Steppin can be dangerous...step very carefully to the next cult.....

    oops I mean fellow----alien ship

    oops I mean wierdo living room....

    oops I mean give me your money...

    oops I mean just 10% instead of 15%...

    oops I mean owe everything to me and no one else...


    C'mon get real!!!!!! listen to yourself!!!!!


  7. Ruben Blades

    By the corner of the old neighborhood I saw him pass,

    With the same strut that all the street thugs have

    Both hands always in his overcoat pocket

    So that not one knows which side is carrying the knife.

    Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, halfway to the side and tennis shoes that, if there is a problem,

    he can fly off.

    Hés got on dark glasses, so that you dont know where hés looking

    And one gold tooth, and when he smiles you see it glitter.

    Three blocks away from that to corner there is a woman Shés pacing the sidewalk for the 5th Time

    She goes into a bar and get's to drink to forget

    That this is a slow day and there were no clients.

    A car passes slowly along the avenue,

    It's unmarked, but everyone knows that it's the police.

    Pedro Navaja, his hands still in his coat pockets,

    looked and smiled, his gold tooth shining.

    Looking both ways, he didn't see anyone,

    And moving quickly, but quietly, there he crossed the street.

    Meanwhile, the woman is coming from the to other side. Complaining because she didn't make any money to eat. While she walked, she took out a gun out of her old coat to and tucked it in her purse, so it won't get in the way.

    A 38 "Smith and Wesson" the Sat Night Special

    That she carries with to her to free to her from all evil

    And Pedro Navaja, knife in hand, went up to to her,

    His gold took lighting up the whole avenue,

    while he laughed, he sunk the knife in her with not compassion,

    when suddenly a sound, like to Cannon...

    ... There he fell to the sidewalk, looking AT the woman who, with the gun in her hand, mortally wounded, said to him:

    "And I was thinking: This isn't my day, Ím out of luck,

    but Pedro Najava, yoúre worse off, you ain't nothing ".

    And believe me people, although there was noise, not one came out.

    There was no curiousity, there were no questions, not one cried.

    Just one drunk, who stumbled over the bodies,

    Picked up the gun, the knife, the money, and marched off.

    And stumbling away, there he sang out-of-tune,

    The chorus, that I have brought you, and the message of my song:

    "life gives you surprises, surprises is what you get from life" Oh God...

    ... the corner bully, that lives by the steel dies by the steel...

    ... Wicked fisherman, you threw bad bait,

    and instead of a sardine, you hooked a shark...

    ... 5 million stories in the City of New York...

    My grandmother says:"He who laughs last, laughs best "...

    ... When destiny you has been determined, even the brave can't change it,

    If you were born to be hammered, the nails will fall from the sky...

    ... Thugs out there, be careful on the streets, Be careful friend,

    Everyonés got something up to their sleeve

    Like in the Kakfa novel, the drunk turned down an alley...


  8. Ruben Blades (yes the actor)

    Por la esquina del viejo barrio lo vi pasar

    con el tumba'o que llevan los guapos al caminar,

    las manos siempre en los bolsillos de su gabán

    pa' que no sepan en cual de ellas lleva el puñal.

    Usa sombrero de ala ancha de medio lado

    y zapatillas por si hay problemas salir vola'o,

    lentes oscuros pa' que no sepan que está mirando

    y un diente de oro que cuando ríe se ve brillando.

    Como a tres cuadras de aquella esquina una mujer

    va recorriendo la acera entera por quinta vez

    y en un zaguán entra y se da un trago para olvidar

    que el día está flojo y no hay clientes pa' trabajar.

    Un carro pasa bien despacito por la avenida,

    no tiene marcas pero todos saben que es policía.

    Pedro Navaja, las manos siempre dentro del gabán

    mira y sonríe y el diente de oro vuelve a brillar.

    Mientras camina pasa la vista de esquina a esquina,

    no se ve un alma, está desierta toda la avenida,

    no se ve a nadie y esa mujer sale del zaguán

    y Pedro Navaja aprieta un puño dentro del gabán.

    Mira pa' un lado, mira pa'l otro y no ve a nadie

    y a la carrera Pedro sin ruido cruza la calle

    y mientras tanto en la otra acera va la mujer

    refunfuñando pues no hizo pesos con qué comer.

    Mientras camina del viejo abrigo saca un revolver, esa mujer,

    y va a guardarlo en su cartera pa' que no estorbe,

    un 38 "Smith and Wheson" del especial

    que carga encima pa' que la libre de todo mal.

    Y Pedro Navaja puñal en mano le fue pa' encima,

    el diente de oro iba alumbrando toda la avenida,

    mientras reía el puñal hundía sin compasión

    cuando de pronto sonó un disparo como un cañón.

    Y Pedro Navaja cayó en la acera mientras veía a la mujer

    que revolver en mano y de muerte herida a él le decía:

    "Yo que pensaba hoy no es mi día, estoy sal'á,

    pero Pedro Navaja, fíjate tú, tú estás en n'á'".

    Y creanme gente que aunque hubo ruido nadie salió, no hubo curiosos, no hubo preguntas, nadie lloró, sólo un borracho con los dos cuerpos se tropezó, cogió el revolver, el puñal, los pesos y se marchó.

    Iba pensando, se fue cantando desafinao

    el coro que aquí les traje, mira el mensaje de mi canción:

    Sorpresas te da la vida, la vida te da sorpresas, ay Dios,

    Pedro Navaja mató en una esquina,

    quien a hierro mata a hierro termina...

    La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida ay Dios.

    Maleante pescador, mal anzuelo que tiraste,

    en vez de una sardina un tiburón enganchaste.

    La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida ay Dios.

    Cinco millones de historias tiene la ciudad de Nueva York.

    La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida ay Dios.

    Como decía mi abuelita:

    El que rie ultimo ríe mejor.

    La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida ay Dios.

    Cuando lo manda el destino no lo cambia ni el más bravo,

    si naciste pa' martillo del cielo te caen los clavos.

    La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida ay Dios.

    Barrio de guapos cuida'o en la acera

    Cuida'o camara'a que el que no corre vuela.

    La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida ay Dios.

    Como en una novela de Kafka

    el borracho dobló por el callejón.

    "La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida" ¡ay, Dios!...


    [This message was edited by AdiosMiCorazon on July 20, 2002 at 10:53.]

    [This message was edited by AdiosMiCorazon on July 20, 2002 at 10:55.]

  9. Green Day

    Another turning point

    A fork stuck in the road

    Time grabs you by the wrist

    Directs you where to go

    So make the best of this test

    And don't ask why

    It's not a question

    But a lesson learned in time

    It's something unpredictable

    But in the end is right

    I hope you had the time of your life

    So take the photographs

    And still frames in your mind

    Hang it on a shelf of

    Good health and good time

    Tattoos of memories

    And dead skin on trial

    For what it's worth

    It was worth all the while

    It's something unpredictable

    But in the end is right

    I hope you had the time of your life

    It's something unpredictable

    But in the end is right

    I hope you had the time of your life

    It's something unpredictable

    But in the end is right

    I hope you had the time of your life

    back to top


  10. Alanis Morissette

    Dear Matthew,

    I like you a lot

    I realize you're in a relationship with someone right now

    And I respect that

    I would like you to know that if you're ever single in the future and you want to

    Come visit me in california I would be

    Open to spending time with you and finding out how old you were when you wrote your first song

    Dear Jonathan,

    I liked you too much

    I used to be attracted to boys who would lie to me

    And think solely about themselves and you were

    Plenty self-destructive for my taste at the time

    I used to say the more tragic the better

    The truth is, whenever I think of the early 90's your face comes up with a vengeance like it was yesterday

    Dear Terrance,

    I love you muchly

    You've been nothing but open hearted and emotionally available and supportive

    And nurturing and consumately there for me I kept drawing you in

    And pushing you away I remember how beautiful it was to

    Fall asleep on your couch and cry in front of you for the first time you were the

    Best platform from which to jump beyond myself What was wrong with me

    Dear Marcus,

    You rocked my world

    You had a charismatic way about you with the women

    And you got me seriously thinking about spirituality

    And you wouldn't let me get away with kicking my own a$$

    But I could never really feel relaxed and looked out for around you though

    And that stopped us from going any further than we did

    And it's kind of too bad 'cause we could've had much more fun

    Dear Lou,

    We learned so much

    I realize we won't be able to talk for some time

    And I understand that as I do you

    The long distance thing was the hardest and we did as well as we could

    We were together during a very tumultuous time in our lives

    I will always have your back and be curious about you

    about your career, your whereabouts


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