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Posts posted by HAPe4me

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by simonzelotes:


    Did you ever go to a youth advance in Marinette,Wi. in '72?...I went there with a crowd from Waukegan,and I remember a bunch of people from Peoria being there...I think Peoria's leader then was Howie Somebody....

    simon- I remember something I went to in Marinette or was it Beloit in 72 or 73? The details are lost in time.

    Yep, "Howie something" is actually me. He was totally flipped for a girl from Waukegan, J.Kr*j**ki. (now her last name is P@v@ica I think. Still in from what someone here said.???) I also remember a Mr. B. That is all the name I ever knew him by. There were tons of others, if you jogged my memory. I expect we do know each other at least vaguely maybe more.

    The Waukegan, /Antioch area was led in 72 or so by John D*smo*d. a tall blond Jesus look-a-like guy. I think he went on to be a deprogrammer or something. I remember coming to a Way home in Antioch and having a really fine deep dish pizza!

    I think I didn't lead Peoria until the end of 72 or early 73. We had Wows there until August of 72, and the only really speratul person, Becky B. ( later F*g*t) in our first class left to go WOW in August of 72 so that left me or Dave P*tt*t. I think I won the coin flip, or maybe I told him I would get his guitar out of the pawn shop if he would fade to the back LOL.

    Did you come down to our "first Illinois Limb meeting" Christmas 73? with VPW and Ted, Mardell and Claudette? I still have napkins from that.


    A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.

  2. HEHE Wrestlenot! Hope you get rid of that nagging cough. Mercy, I didn't even know there were Wayfers in Peoria after 86. I went there several times a year to see my mom , until just recently. She lived up in the north end of town. Back in my TWI days, I lived down near Bradley for some of it.

    A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.

  3. Dan-

    Thanks for all the helpful info. It will get me started in my quest to help them. Now I will follow up with Robert and his wife to see what they have tried and where we go from here.

    As far as your situation, duct tape comes in many colors now. I am sure you could decorate yourself in appropriate colors for the holiday!!! Seriously, I think there are plenty of prayers and help available for at least two prosthesis'. I hope you get your new one soon. thanks again.


  4. Rocky- thanks

    Dan- our friend has a business (plumbing) which his son is currently running in the interim. Perhaps this may qualify for the job when he gets his prosthesis and can participate in it again?

  5. A lifelong friend of my wife's has really had a tough year. We just got a "Holiday" letter from them and learned of their needs. At this time I am afraid I cannot give their name here, as I have not yet conversed with them but they are if I remember correctly, Way College grads. I know they were in Emporia for a few years.

    Anyway, after losing her mother in January, her husband (For prayer purposes, I will tell you his name is Robert) needed surgery for blood clots that kept appearing in his lungs. After two of these surgeries, it was found that he had a rare form of cancer in his leg, and it was determined that the only solution left to them was to amputate it at the knee. This was done in October. He has been unable to work since June. This inability to work at this time , coupled with mounting copay bills, and other financial problems has meant that he has not yet been able to obtain a prosthesis. He keeps a good attitude and continues to look to God for help. He is sometimes heard to be in the house singing "all I want for Christmas is my new right leg"

    These are wonderful people who often helped others, and it is a humbling experience for them to find themselves needing the help of others now in their life. They are coping, but are faced with needing to lean on others for the first time in their lives. Pride is hard to give up.

    We are planning to help them this season in lieu of some of our other gift-giving this year. I am asking for prayers from other GSers for them, and perhaps someone knows something about programs for obtaining a prosthesis??? I suspect there are programs out there, but I have no idea where to begin looking for information. any ideas? care to help?

    Sorry about not being able to give more info at this time, but I need to confirm with them concerning privacy before I post more personal info. thanks for the prayers for Robert


  6. I was in the first class in Peoria in 72, ran the branch there in 73-74?, and classes in La Salle/ Peru and a few other places. Used to love getting together with the folks from Waukegan in 73 especially cause I got to see one particular girl from there.

    If any of you came down to what we billed as "The first Illinois Limb Meeting" in Peoria at the Pere Marquette Hotel I must have met you. It was a great time with Ted and Mardelle, Claudette, and oh yes, VPW and his wife. We had a great time pulling that together. Hardest part was buying the Drambouie for VP, since we were all under age LOL

    Left IL to go WOW in PA, and never lived there again. I have gone back often, especially this year, but those trips are finally about done.

  7. quote:
    Originally posted by herbiejuan:


    Are you _still_ looking for chat?

    Jeeze would someone _PLEASE!!_ talk to Shell???

    I swear she doesn't bite

    Here is the latest chatroom link. Its all the rage!!!! come check it out.


    For more info, check out the threads in the Open Forum. Come there or miss out!

    Are you SURE Shellon doesn't bite? (putting on Armor gloves just in case.)

  8. quote:
    Originally posted by ChattyKathy:

    Hape, Was I still there after I left? icon_razz.gif:P--> Kathy

    No, Chatty, you were not there, it was Lindy, Flysweet and someone else at 11:00 mtn time that still showed up on the list.

    If you didn't log out when you left, then maybe I am wrong about why people still show as being in the room. Maybe it issomething to do with "Always on" connections and not logging out?

    Not a big deal, just an observation to make for less confusion in a popular place. Sure is fun to see people there and get away.

    HAP Hap (not hope or hop) HAPe4me icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  9. quote:
    What if you are not registered how do you register. I put my name and a password and it just locks up

    you do not need to register or put in a password at this time. I guess you can at the parachat main site if you want to pay a fee, but the room doesn't require it. What do you mean it locks up? Describe what happens.

  10. quote:


    Originally posted by L.B.:

    I have one about double wide now and "Desktop" is listed as well as "My Documents". How do I get it back to the one thin line tray that I had before?


    Is the task bar the only thing that is bigger than usual on your desktop and programs? I thought it might be an appearance setting (Control Panel>Display> appearance) but most of those settings would affect more than just the taskbar. ie caption button size setting. You might save your current scheme as something you remember (I use dates to help remember the latest scheme) Then try adjusting the settings for variou of the items listed.

    I dunno what else, hopefully Igotout or someone will pop in here to help you soon. I am no expert, just a trial and error person.

  11. quote:
    Originally posted by L.B.:

    I have one about double wide now and "Desktop" is listed as well as "My Documents". How do I get it back to the one thin line tray that I had before?

    LB, you might be able to put your cursor near the top of that tray. if it changes to an up/down arrow thing, you can drag it back down to proper size. (Or almost hide it completely)

  12. hehe, my college junior kid was digging through some old vinyl 33s I have and he dug out some Simon and Garfunkle, Joan Baez etc and stretched out on the couch to rest. After several trips to flip the records, he turns to me and asks:

    "How on earth did you ever get to fall asleep to music when you were a kid? I no sooner get my eyes closed and I have to go change the record!"

    I laughed and said there was always radio.

    Ted, thanks for driving yourself Mardelle and Claudette to Peoria, IL in 73 or 74 for the first statewide Illinois event. We were so glad you accepted our invite.

    Loveya, HAPe4me

  13. John zix, Goey et al,

    These tricks have been helpful to me to in trying to configure my son's Sony laptop with XP. (I run Win 98 on my desktop, due to being too cheap to buy a new scanner, among other things)

    I used the screencapture tricks to capture the running tasks on his XP machine. My question is this:

    1. With 98 I typically end task on everything except systray and explorer when I 9install new programs. What would be the comparable processes to keep running in XP when Installing?

    2. Could you point me to a site that tells what are the typical running apps on an XP machine? I suspect that he has too many going right after bootup. There are 26 at that time. I suspect some of them are due to the proprietary nature of the Sony laptop, but I don't know for sure. I am now gonna see if I can use that link to learn what some of them are.



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