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Psalm 71 one

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Everything posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. Left over gravy INCOMING! SPLAT! HOOHOO! Gotcha Garth! White Turkey! You're--- um, what was I saying? um. . . oh yeah. . . what am I holding these pies for? I keep having these fleeting images of some bird flying and laughing. . . ERRRRRRRRPP! ewww! I don't feel good! Those three guys in white--er red suits are scaring me. . . RUN AWAYYYYYYY!!!!!!! :blink:
  2. HEY! HEY!!! pork jokes at my expense! FLING!!! FLING!!! SPLOOOT! SPLASH! That'll fix the whole lot of youse! I didn't have the surgery today-- Nasty sinus infestion and my BP was too high. They sent me to a GP, loaded me up with a buncha meds and will try to reschedule in a couple weeks. (just in time to be on crutches for Christmas! <_< ) Why can't these things be more conveinient, ya know? Pickling my feet? HARUMPH! Be nice to me or I'll sneeze on all of ya!!!
  3. Well, here goes! If'n ya don't see me here in the next few weeks, you can guess I won't have my puter! <_< :o
  4. happy Birthday, Ron, sorry I missed it, too! Target practice at flying piggys woulda been boring anyway. Probably woulda been funner if you'da had a big ole bear to shoot at!! hahahahaaa! :P :P Here's some leftover gravy SPLAT!
  5. I'm late, too, but wish ya a Happy Birthday anyway!!!
  6. I read, Garth's post and laughed. . . Then I read Jonny's post and saw. . . gulp "bacon grease" um, er I think mebbe I should leave. . . then I read about the creatures next to the mashed taters-- and the roast piggy, um, I think I'll just back outa this thread and won't be back!! LOL!
  7. I made a flourless chocolate cake for Thanksgiving-- but I wouldn't throw that, I'll share it with Krys, and we can laugh at BIRDBRAIN!!! How would ya tar and feather a bird? :lol: I got it-- molases. . .
  8. Ron and Garth, yer scaring me!! AGREEING? :o YIKES! what will happen next? :P
  9. Heeheehee, Dove, It would REALLY cheer me up! BTW, how's yer hearing???? :P Krys, my hubby says he can let me use his laptop occasionally, but I really want my own puter. (I hate using a laptop--I want a mouse!!!) I do want my puter upstairs, but am not sure I will get what I want on that one! Tomorrow and Monday I will be setting up my room to be a schoolroom, sewing center, reading center, and fellow gimp-dom with my new puppy. (She has a broken leg, and is an active little bugger that we can't keep from running around, although the vet says to keep her confined!!!) She's a bright spot, but I won't be able to work with her much, and she hasn't exactly endeared herself to my hubby yet. And the best word I can describe her with is "tenacious"! I'm gonna try to keep her with me as much as possible. Krys, look for a pt, please.
  10. Timeto get out the ole 45 qt pot, plop it over a CERTAIN WHITE TURKEY and clang on it with a metal spoon!! HAHAHA!!!!!!
  11. I forgot about spinning wheels having the pedals, Wacky-- Mebbe I'll do some drop spindling! There's a pattern to make them on this one site I found. The operation is next Tuesday, so I won't be meeting the lady for at least three to six weeks, but the more I've read, the more confident I am that I can try this on my own without needing to be shown--Looks like the main thing is to get the hang of (Drafting?) the wool--not too much or too little. and if it doesn't look good, can't I just spin the spindle the other way and unwind and start again? or is there more to it than that?
  12. we've been having weather cold enough for frost, but I keep the heat at 65* at night and 68* in the day. My hubby and kids wear heavy clothing and coats, and complain of the heavy blankets they had to pull up around them when they sleep. When my hubby pulls the comforter up around him at night, he tries to cover me with it too, cuz I'm wearing summer pj's, and have only the sheet covering me, and I kick it off, cuz I'm so hot. Now what were you asking 'bout Jonny?
  13. Step, clump, step, clump st--WHOA! SPLAT! OWWWWWWWW! (Psalmie gives the BIRDBRAIN a banana-peel wig and then does batting practice with a crutch, aiming carefully at a certain banana peel. . . :P ) Shaz, I'm intersted in how this is going to turn out also! LOL! I sure hope it's worth it! I have two differnt stools I can do the excersize with, but they are not shoulder width--one's wider, one's smaller. My wrists are already hurting a bit with the weight excerises I've been doing--not enough to need pain relievers, but enough to cause me to lighten up! LOL! I'm getting my room stocked up with sewing and school supplies for my "confinement". I have a circle of friends that are going to visit me and help my hubby as much as they can, and I'm already feeling smothered! I think smothered is too harsh, but I can't think of another word yet, and by the time I think of it, my editing time will be up! LOL! Anyway, they are all telling me I can't go up and down stairs, and that the kids will have to come upstairs to me for school. (The school room and this computer are in the basement--and I don't know if the dr will say I can't go up or down steps or not yet) And I'm thinking-- um, noooo, I didn't plan of going up or down the steps on crutches-- but I did plan on crawling on my knees up, and bouncing on my rear down! LOL! But now my hubby has support in telling me I shouldn't even have to leave my room! akkkkk! I'm gonna go crazy!!!! Oh, too late!!! I'm laughing, but I am concerned with how well I'm gonna handle this, too!
  14. Thanks, ya'll. Geo, I wasn't thinking of wrapping before they start to hurt! Probably a good idea. Everything I read on the internet told how to prevent it-- (don't do the things that bring it on! LOL! 'cept they didn't address when ya HAVE to do the stuff that brings it on--like using crutches when ya have to!) Geo, while I don't agree with ya on everything--(I still believe Jesus is real, and the Bible is truth, and try to follow it), but I totally agree that the name it claim it stuff went farther in causing my damage than in healing me. I'm sure there have been some genuine miraculous healings, but my ankle wasn't healed even though I confessed it to be healed and walked on it when I did one of my more serious sprains--that time I had broken bones. I have permanent damage to a bone in this same foot that this surgery-- no surgery--is ever going to be able to fix. Linda-- the walker might work-- I can give it a try at least-- my guess is, that my wrists will still be bent far enough to stress the tendons, but at least my armpits won't hurt also. I will try the B-6 and look for the spray. Can't hurt to try that too. Nowadays, I look into the alternative methods fist, but go to the doctors, too. Both of my boys wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for "invasive" doctors! LOL! (I had to have C sections-- long story, but both me and my oldest woulda died without it) I didn't think you were telling me NOT to go to a Dr., I was just making a statement in the general direction of yours and George's comments. Krys, I'm trying to prepare myself to do just as you suggest. My ankle is in this state partly because of my not listening to the doctors and doing the exersizes i was supposed to do in the healing. If I don't allow it to heal properly, I'm just going to have to go through it again later. And the support gloves might be cooler than the ace wraps-- Hotflash woman doesn't need any more heat than is absolutely necessary!!!! Now, as to the mayo in the coffee-- SHEESH! why'dya do that?? OH! I get it-- it's some new flavor of creamer, isn't it? But ya went TOO FAR with the mustard in my oatmeal, now yer gonna get it! SPLATT! Raspberry preserves in yer tomato sauce! SPLAT! SPLAT!! curdled sour milk in your pumpkin pie! HA! take THAT! :P Jim--ya might be on to something--I doubt my hubby would take it-- he was embarrassed that I took an antidepressant a couple years ago, when i just couldn't pull myself up out of a "grey time" was in. It did wonders for me-- the doc put me on Lexapro and within two weeks the sun was shining again, birds sang and butterflies fluttered by. That was a bit expensive, so I switched to the generic of prosac, stayed on it for about 6 months, and then was able to wean off. I will ask the doctor about it--I get a bit grey with the onset of winter anyway, and now that I am going to loose my independance for awhile, I'm concerned with how I will handle this.
  15. Psalm 71 one


    I am going to be getting an operation on my ankle to repair a "sloppy ankle" (I've sprained it so many times that it tips on me frequently-- causing many minor strains, also. And it hurts all the time!) So, time to finally have it done. I hope it is as successful as I have been hearing about them! Anyway, I will be on crutches for 3 weeks, and then over the next three weeks, they said I will be allowed to put weight on the ankle slowly, but they will want me using crutches while i walk. Last few sprains, I ended up walking on the sprained ankle way too soon cuz the crutches buise my armpits and I get serious tendonitis in my left elbow and wrist, and carpal tunnel on the right wrist! (I'm a mess huh? LOL) The tendonitis on the left wrist is along the outside of my hands into my fingers and it gets REALLY painful. I have been trying to find out if there is anything I can do ahead of time to ease--or pre-strengthen, or SOMETHING! to prepare for it. The surgery is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. I've been using 3 lb weights and lifting them only at the wrists--and can feel the left wrist flaring up a bit. (not serious pain, just a light achiness) I am not looking forward to this, although I know I need it. My hubby and I can both be impatient and stubborn in different ways from one another, and stuff like this can make it very stessful in our home. My hubby has a limited tolerance when I get sick (Or sprain an ankle) After about 3 days he begins to unravel. He's grumpy and impatient with the boys, gets after me even for getting out of bed to go to the bathrooom, waits on me to the point of control, but all with a nasty attitude. I get up and start taking care of the house, kids, anything I can, sick or not. (he works at home, so we don't get enough escape from each other during those times. Otherwise it is really a joy to have him working at home!) I'm no angel in all this. I get stubborn and do a lot of stuff I am not supposed to be doing. (like walking on sprained ankles--and twice--BROKEN ankles! :blink: ) I did the same with my two C-sections-- lifting too much, etc. People that don't know me very well probably couldn't see my attitude, but it is there-- and directed at my hubby (The person I need the most at that time, and the one who loves me in spite of my shortcomings). I also get to feeling pretty sorry for myself! I've told my local friends that the best thing they can do for me, is spell my hubby--give him a chance to get out of the house as much as possible. (He won't leave me alone, and I think it would do both of us a lot of good if he DID get out of the house every once in awhile, so I've asked 'em to either come sit with me and shoo him outa the house, or take me away for an afternoon). If any of ya have any suggestions about my wrists, I would appreciate it. But I think what we will need the most is prayer!! (for sanity! LOL!)
  16. Sheesh! I guess this stuff happens a whole lot more than I thought! ! :blink: Socks--Too funny! LOL!!! Actually I am the youngest female in my family-- my brother (the one who's visiting) is 5 yrs younger, but I have always known he was my Mom's favorite. (She'd deny she has any favorites, but the actions--ever so subtle--prove differently. Weird as this may sound, I still have no doubt she loves me though--probably as much as she does my brother!) Oh Wascal! You are so right! But it hurts ME even to read what your siblings and OutOfDaFog's have done to you! LET ME AT 'EM!!! (Psalmie throws gooey mixture of chocolate pie, spaghetti sauce and mashed taters on both "mean big sister's" heads!!!! :P ) OdaFog--I wish I had answers for you--parting company with them would help you have less of the rejection, giving the hurt a chance to heal, but it brings it's own set of hurts--missing them! Missing out on all the good things that happen. (I hope there are some!) I think the biggest thing is the boundaries--which I am still having to learn.
  17. Jonny I've been following this, and want to tell you--I'm glad you are there for Terry--You are a wonderful friend. And I'm also glad your wife is involved, as you said. I know the challenges I would have if my hubby was helping someone in a similar situation--based on her story, I would believe he was genuinely helping her, but I still would deal with jelous thoughts. It's really good you've involved her! Sounds like Terry is going through so much guilt-- and you can tell her she is NOT the guilty one, but it will take time for that to sink in--she has so much to sort through. I'm so sorry she and Allie have had to go through this-- and that the monster is still on the loose. It's easy to say time will heal, I will be praying for her-- and for you to have the best words of comfort--or the best ear at times! God Bless you Jonny and Mrs Lingo!
  18. I agree with Wacky about the kits. A lot of people don't think they have time to make things, but will buy a kit beacuse a lot of the preliminary stuff is done. Wacky-- too cool about the felting! I'm gonna try to contact the local "spinning lady" heehee! , within the next few days-- I am going to be laid up for about 6 weeks right after Thanksgiving, and I'm gonna need something to do. (Getting an ankle operation)
  19. Psalm 71 one

    The REAL deal

    awww, Cathy-- what a man! I wish I'd known him too! Not knowing him, I still have tears in my eyes! and David-- that was the funniest story, too!!!
  20. I read one article that said the mother stood with her daughter the whole time. I'm with Sudo and Bramble--sometimes these extremes are truly necessary. In MD we had a neighbor girl who was like your daughter, Sudo. The middle child, single Mom--Mom was doing her best to properly care for her child-- this child did need meds-- and wouldn't take them! She was constantly in trouble-- at school, with her Mom and with the police. She threatened to kill her Mom. The Mom didn't believe it would really happen--but who knows? This Mom eventually kicked the girl out of the house-- tough love. I was glad to be a shoulder for the Mom that day--and partly understood why she eventually let the kid come back. The kid behaved for awhile, took her meds--and started becoming a mon ster again just about the time we were moving to GA. I think about the Mom a lot and worry about her and the other two left at home--I hope I don't read about them in the news. I aplaud this Mom in OK--and PSHAW! about the psychological damage! So the kid was okay psychologically before that? yeahhhh, riiiiight! <_<
  21. Pre-script: WARNING! long post ahead! :P Thanks everyone—sorry I didn’t get back here to answer til now—had a glitch in my puter and didn’t get it figured out til now. I am doing better today, anyway! But I think throwing food at ‘em will make me feel even better! LOL! Socks, I will have to make sure I’m ready for it if I do talk to them. While I love my brother dearly, he is very good at arguing and I hate confrontation—I will “lose” that verbal “battle”—and he is a master at never being the one at fault. (Even in joking, if he drops something—say a jar of pickles, it’s always someone else’s or something else’s fault—it wasn’t his fault he dropped that jar, because the jar was slippery—someone else musta not cleaned it very well). It would definitely be a matter of choosing my battles, because it has always been this way. But as Jonny points out—ya never know how long ya got em for, and I don’t want to have any regrets. I have a sad feeling that this will be the last visit from any of them for awhile, and depending on how many years that will be, some of em might not be around the next time—I kinda have to make the best of this! Thank you, my friend, While Dove—I’ll throw a bowl of gravy in your honor!! Heehee! Pond, I’m sorry for your hurt, also—it’s hard! And I’m really sorry to read it gets worse each year-- I hope things will get better for you with your family. Belle, your expression “white sheep” made me smile. One of my best friends is a black woman (She doesn’t need the hyphenated distinction), and she says she’s the “white sheep” of her family! and as you, and several others pointed out, I know I need to adjust my own thinking. Give them the best they’ll accept, and not let my feelings get hurt if there are some things they don’t want to do with me that I thought would be great to do together. They AREN’T going to change—much, I wouldn’t think, because it has been this way since I was really little. It is in my nature to do things for others—little acts of service—and most of the time I don’t feel used. But every once in awhile I do! And I feel hurt. But I am still responsible for what I do with those feelings—I CAN choose to get bitter and “never see ‘em again!” But I wouldn’t really be able to say flippantly, “It’s their loss”, cuz it would be mine, too! These are really nice people! (despite what I’m bishing about right now! LOL!) I do have other folks that I am really better matched with—more on an “Equal footing” with, and they are who I spend most of my time with. And Rascal—you have a very valid point—while I thought having them go with me to our Bible study would be something they would enjoy (They talk the talk a whole lot!), I was wrong to assume that is what they would want to do here. I DID want my friends to meet my family and my family to meet my friends. But you are right that I can’t take it personally—it is their choice. (Although when I would visit them, it was never presented to me as a choice to go to their church, but an insult if I wouldn’t go with them—so I sorta expected the same! It IS a fine line—it was still my choice to go with them, as it is their choice to go with me—thanks for pointing that out) (What’s funny—and annoying, too, is that this middle of the week Bible study wasn’t a regularly scheduled meeting—we usually meet on Sat nights. This was scheduled to accomodate the family coming in from MD—they said they wanted to meet frequently while they were here and that was what I passed on to my family in the planning. Now all of the mid-week meetings are cancelled! :o But my family’s plans are set! And skipping out on the meeting wasn’t something I thought of cuz I figured they’d just go with me. All that to say, I hear ya Cathy—and I know it’s a fine line balance—and attending a fellowship doesn’t have to be a big deal-nor does my doing what they expect of me when I visit them ;) ) Wonton Soup—I’d love to see the piggys! And as you said, “What do you want to happen with your family? I'm asking this knowing it is a complicated question with conflicting thoughts and feelings.” You are so right! A nice simple statement is to say—I want us all to get along! But that is not such a simple thing to do, knowing we have all gone separate ways as adults—it’s really complicated! Kit—that is somewhat true with me and my family—and having been in a cult once and now not being in a church they would approve of, doesn’t help them to trust my judgement as sound—in their opinions. The Highway--boy did you hit the nail on the head! And I have spoken to my family at times, too—they actually see that I often get the short end of the stick—(Most recently the camping events) we’ve discussed it—and talked about ways to resolve it even! I’ve gotten a chance to say how I felt because of it, but it always seems the next year, that which I’d asked for—even paid for in advance, gets changed to accommodate someone “more important”. Establishing boundaries is the best way, (Thanks, Mo, too!)I know, but if they won’t budge, I have a decision to make. And in the same way, my expecting them to be willing to do all the things I planned for them when they come to see me, is possibly seen as boundry crossing to them! Exie—I’d love to do that—and may still. (But I’m also quite sure they will not see it as the same thing) Thank you all-- I hope I didn't miss any of you--ya helped a lot!
  22. Thank you, Lifty! There is only one of the statements in Belle's post that I really agree with--the one that says people are leaving church and finding God. But I have a feeling it doesn't mean the same to me as it did to him!
  23. My family was planning on coming to see over Thanksgiving, and I was REALLY looking forward to it, being that they have only visited me 5 times in the 19 years of my marriage. I've always gone to them-- sometimes it's every two yrs, but I travel to them. When I go, it's expected of me to be the flexible one. (eg: after travelling 12 hours to see them, they would then want me to travel to see each of them at their homes--some of them live more than an hour drive from each other--I have 11 siblings! Once I had kids, they were a little better about it, but then our family started doing camping trips togther. I always got last choice in room arrangements, even though I would send my money in advance and make it clear what I wanted. Last minute, those plans always fell through, and someone else would "of necessity" HAVE to have the place I had reserved. Too long to explain, and I am probably not making sense) The last couple years, I have gone through some healing, and little by little have stopped putting up with it. It is a hard thing to do with my family, because I really do love them, and always used to accept that I was lowest in the pecking order. In other situations, I've done pretty well in being assertive, but with them, I didn't make as much progress. Well, this summer, for the first time (probably ever), I didn't come back from my trip to see them with bruises (Figuratively). I wouldn't let them push me around, didn't move out of the cabin I was in when someone "more important" than me came in and needed a place. (I gave them the couch in the cabin, although I know it was expected of me that I shouldof taken the couch) One sister said that was great for me to have done that, and it seemed I was better respected because of it. Then my brother and sister in law told me they were coming to visit over Thanksgiving and bringing my Mom. (They didn't ask if I had previous plans, and in my own excitement that family was FINALLY coming to see me, I forgot our plans). Once I got back to GA, I did remember there had been tentative plans for some friends from MD to visit--they were going to be staying with mutual friends, but we were all going to do Thanksgiving together, which I was hosting. No problem to me, the more the merrier--and more people were added to the guest list as each family I was going to have were each having family come in, and I said "Bring em!" The guest list is now at 31 folks! (It's become more of a pot-luck now, but I am ready and excited). Well, about two weeks ago, my family emailed me their plans--lo and behold they WEREN'T going to be spending a week with us, but only Tues evening through Friday morning! WHOA! That gives us only one full day to visit, since Tuesday was going to be a partial day, and Friday was going to be a partial day, and Thursday is going to be a crowded day! I'm a little slow, and it didn't occur to me to be offended til my hubby pointed out a few flaws in their explanation of the plans they made. Then Monday night I get a phone call and they now tell me they might want to spend part of their time with me at a hotel! That left me reeling! The real problem they were having was that we were going to have our home church meeting Tue or Wed night, and we wished they would come with us to see how it is. (We don't go to church, our group is under no "covering" of any religious establishment--we just do "Home church" and believe the only "covering we need is the Lord Jesus Christ. No one but my hubby and I has been in TWI, and we don't teach any of twi's teachings--in fact we're unlearning a lot of that!). But my family still sees me as being in a cult, and until or unless I can "measure up" to their standard of religious establishment, I will always be sub-par in their eyes. They explained that they didn't know anybody in our group and would therefore be uncomfortable--(never mind I go to their church every time I visit them, and don't know anyone in their church, either) And now today, I get yet another call-- they are staying in a hotel the whole time--will see us Tuesday late afternoon, go to hotel after dinner, come back wednesday for the whole day, go to their hotel after dinner, the the kicker-- Thursday, come only for a few hours-- the time of dinner, and then leave--go to hotel, get up Friday and head back to MI-- not seeing us Friday (Gee, don't do me any favors!) What's funny here, is, the rest of the family in MI will see this as them (my bro, sil and Mom) as being the gracious ones, poor them "having" to stay in a hotel, and me as the ungracious hostess, for not accomodating them better! And they don't even have an inkling of how I accomodate my guests! (As they've never stayed with me long enough to see!) I'm angry. and REALLY HURTING right now. :(
  24. Two words, Birdbrain--FEATHER PILLOWS AND BUFFALO WINGS! oops, that was more than two words! well, gets my point across! siiiiigh, silly ole Bird anyway!!!
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