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GreaseSpot Cafe

Kit Sober

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Posts posted by Kit Sober

  1. Dear Washington Weather,


    Hope the sign of the time is forcast

    Much sunshine and happiness on your birthdays and the days to come.

    Hope God stays off all gloom,

    And even if the fog rolls in

    And rain comes pelting down,

    Remember always God's smiling face,

    and His blessings raining down.

    Liquid sunshine we call the rain

    Which gives what's needed to make flowers grow,

    And ever showing testimony

    That the good Lord loves us so.


    And this is just to help you know

    That Greasespot Cafe wishes you happy birthday, also.

    God bless you always,

    in all ways,

    All your days,

    Sincerely and hopefully,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  2. Dear Rockyrococoo Happy Birthday to you,


    Belated, though full of good wishes

    For a great year ahead, too.

    Hope the cake was good,

    And friends and family, too,

    Had plenty of good hopes and cheer prepared just for you.

    And people of the Greasespot Cafe, want to add

    Our good wishes, too.


    God bless you always,

    In all ways,

    All your days,


    Sincerely and hopefully

    and wishfully,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  3. Dear Digitalis,


    We hope you're warm and cozy,

    Hope your future's bright and rosy,

    (Not trying to be nosy,

    Just want to tell you that we care,

    That we are there for you,

    And there's always a Greasespot table and chair,

    Just for you.)


    Hope you have flowers galore!

    God bless you always,

    In all ways,

    All your days,

    Sincerely and still soberly,

    One of your friends at Greasespot Cafe,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  4. Dear Oilfieldmedic,


    Happy Birthday we wish for you

    (and Happy Thanksgiving, to you, too.)

    We hope it's delightful,

    With friends and family galore,

    A lovely time that's a token,

    Of all the blessings God has in store.

    For He loves you the most,

    Of all of us here,

    And His praises and and blessings

    Inspire the Greasespot Cheer,

    Happy Birthday Dear Oilfield medic

    God Bless you now and forever,

    And hope you enjoy the cake!


    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  5. Precious is the life of a friend,

    (I don't think friendship has an end)

    In a friendship we have a taste of Jesus' love for us.

    And the rewards of all eternity surely must include that continued affection.

    God console and bless you always, in all ways, all your days,


    Kit Sober angelkit.gif

    But let me tell you something wonderful, a mystery I'll probably never fully understand. We're not all going to die, but we are all going to be changed. You hear a blast to end all blasts from a trumpet, and in the time that you look up and blink your eyes, it's over. On signal from that trumpet from heaven, the dead will be up and out of their graves, beyond the reach of death, never to die again. At the same moment and in the same way, we'll all be changed. In the resurrection scheme of things, this has to happen: everything perishable taken off the shelves and replaced by the imperishable, this mortal replaced by the immortal.

    Then the saying will come true: "Death swallowed by triumphant Life!"

    --from I Corinthians 14, The Message, Gene Peterson<BR>[/i]

  6. Dear Ron G,

    Now that we see,

    We can wish Happy Birthday to thee

    From all your friends (which includes me)


    Hope it's the best birthday ever,

    (Which is possible, now that your ties with TWI you did sever.

    God bless you always and for ever and ever.

    Party on, Dude.


    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  7. Dear Valerie,


    What a most precious name,

    Have met a few wonderful ladies,

    with the name the same.

    And in my experience that with that Valerie name,

    The love of Christ came

    Into the world,

    to keep His banner unfurled.

    God bless you always,

    In all ways,

    All your day.

    party on


    Sincerely and hopefully for all your hopes and dreams to come true,

    My prayers are with you, too,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    Happy happy birthday, from all of us to you.

    Happy happy birthday, may all your dreams come true.

    May you have happy birthdays,

    All your whole life through

    Happy Happy birthday,

    Much love from Greasespot Cafe to you!

  8. Dr. said there was no pain. The most painless form of the stuff.

    That's the only nice thing I can say about it now.

    (I lost my friend and have been lost myself since.)

    I just hope you're extravagantly loving with your time now.



    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  9. Dear Pawtucket,


    As founder of the Greasespot Cafe

    We want to thank you

    As well as wish you a wonderful happy birthday day.


    We hope you are safe at home to stay,

    With many happy blessings on your way.


    God bless you always,

    In all ways,

    All your days,


    Sincerely and hopefully,

    along with the rest of the Greasepot Cafe gang,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  10. Dear Ex-Wayer's Mom,


    We wish you a most happy birthday,

    Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful year.


    With hope that reconciliation with your precious son is near.


    God bless you always,

    In all ways,

    All your days,

    Sincerely and hopefully,

    all your friends at Greasespot Cafe,

    as well as Fred and Kit Sober, Kevin and Paul


    I love to hear you laugh -- God

    [This message was edited by Kit Sober on November 20, 2002 at 6:50.]

  11. Dear Anafontana and Grizz Bear!


    Happy Anniversary to you,

    Happy Anniversary to you,

    Happy Anniversary dear Grizz Bear and Anafontana,

    Happy Anniversary to you!

    And many more!

    Many things have happened to shake the foundations of our lives in such a short linear set of time. But love still stands. Thank you for sharing the inspiration of your lives with so many who have lost the sense of an anchor to their soul.


    God bless you always, in all ways, all your days,

    Sincerely and hopefully,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  12. Dear Ttessa,

    Indeed it is understandable that you could mistake GSC and fruitcakes; however, Pawtucket is of the impression that a cake with particular fruits therein is a distinct type of everlasting item non-perishable (and non-edible) item. . .

    And he was not refering to the Song of Solomon 6:11 fruitcakes (of which there may be some in Greasespot Cafe -- I have been called such from time to time).

    Indeed Pawtucket is a gracious guest and it was a blessing (can I say that word). Fred was working in California and didn't make it home to enjoy the visit, but he sends his love as well.

    Thank you, again, Pawtucket, for the visit.

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  13. If Greasespot Cafe were to get some clerical help here, to try to arrange the archives into some reference-able order, what kind of archives would you suggest?

    for instance, I was thinking of

    -- TWI--Leadership (people threads such as lcm, vpw, rr, etc)

    -- TWI--Doctrinal soup

    -- Bible/spiritual Issues (such as the speaking in tongues thread, miracle threads etc.)

    -- America

    -- Holidays

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  14. Dear Valerie52,

    From Las Vegas, too.

    Glad you found the Greasespot Cafe II,

    And W - We Welcome you,

    And wish you happy birthday, too.


    With many good wishes, and prayers and all our love, too,

    With hope that all the kindness you have given,

    Comes flooding back to you.


    God bless you always, in all ways, all your days,


    Sincerely and hopefully,

    Fred and Kit

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

  15. Dear TCAT,

    The 1858 year caused me to think that you didn't really give a good birthday date, but I'll just follow along with Mr. RonG -- for he sure knows how to please!


    Hope your year -- your every day -- is filled with all the goodness God has in store for you.


    Hope you have many happy returns for all the kindness you have brought into the world.


    God bless you always, in all ways, all your days,l

    Sincerely (and still soberly),

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    I love to hear you laugh -- God

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