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Kit Sober

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Posts posted by Kit Sober

  1. 1. Does anyone have a copy of the other suicide thread?

    That thread showed that treating people like used stuff to be discarded was a prevailing attitude.

    People are so precious.

    I am thankful for everyone that gets out of that place!

    2. How is Al doing now?


    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  2. Dear Linda,

    On a follow-through of thank you's

    Your kindness was a protection for so many

    (my family especially I saw)

    You helped Holy Spirit stay around that place.

    And that, to my mind, is what a front-line soldier is all about.

    You took the heat of fire of hypocricy and legalism and passed down the kindness of Christ.

    Thank you, again, so very much.

    We wouldn't be where we are today in God's heart without the kindness you showed.


    May all your cake and ice cream be filled with good wishes and love (and no calories).


    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  3. Roll tide your birthday once again has rolled around.


    And here are some birthday wishes found. Wishes and prayers, hopes and dreams, that your new year is one of many hopeful beginnings and satisfying closings, with much joy and laughter in between for everything.


    God bless you always,

    In all ways,

    All your days,

    Sincerely and soberly,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

    [This message was edited by Kit Sober on October 20, 2002 at 11:41.]

  4. Praying with you and for you,

    and sending all my love and prayers to you

    and yours,

    Hoping for a speedy resolution of this dilemma.

    GOd bless you always, in all ways, all your days,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  5. Dear act2,

    May I suggest you get a hotmail or yahoo email address so if they come by and want to contact you, they can.

    Many don't want to register at GSC for various reasons, but if you have an email account they can still get in touch with you.


    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  6. God really does have things under control.

    And He really does win in the end.

    And oftentimes way before that as well.

    I have had dear friends apologize for being mean to me in TWI. I have had children I used to have in Children's fellowship find me on these WayDale/Greasespot Cafe places. . .

    He really is full of surprises -- surprises that surprise even such a hopeless case as myself.

    And we have such nice environment for a waiting room while we wait for His promises to come to pass.

    (The Coburns are precious to me and Fred also. We miss them and would love to see them again as well.)

    Hope you are enjoying yourself at the Greasespot Cafe. saladtoss.gif

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  7. Somehow I see the love and prayers of people weaving that net of covering protection over us and others as well,

    That net also which was let down from heaven for Peter,

    And of the stuff in there, there was nothing common or unclean.

    God's love and grace covered it all.

    Hopefully, still,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  8. In the honeymoon suite,

    The groom takes off his pants and gives them to his new wife and says, "Try on these pants."

    The new wife trys them on and says, "they're too big for me."

    New husband says, "I wear the pants in this family, and don't you forget it."

    New wife takes off her panties and gives them to her husband, "Try on these panties."

    Husband tries to put on his wife's panties, but they are much too small. "I can't get into these panties," he says.

    "That's right, mister," says the wife, and you aren't going to until you change your attitude."


    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  9. From Socks in "Christian Music" thread Christian Music thread

    "Sincerity" was always one of those buzz-kill words that red flagged anyone's efforts as being sub-standard. I can picture Wayfers reading your words and thinking "but it's no guarantee for truth!" Yet, those people you saw were out, working hard, doing what they believed was right and at some personal expense to boot, not holed up in solitude enetertaining themselves like some Pharisees-on-bingo-night.

    I always knew we would one day, "look back on all this and laugh," but I didn't know we would be looking at ourselves as ridiculous.

    (At the time I thought we were really holy, not wholly holey.)

    Glad I have the chance, again, to die free,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  10. chinson, thanks for the effort to set this up:)

    I went over there easily, too.

    What does "warning Applet" refer to? Is this an internet dangerous method of posting chat?

    Will Greasespot be able to have this chat enter link on the top of GSC?


    Looking forward to chat getting going once again.

    Hopefully still,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  11. Praying with you and for you.

    p.s. you can know that no matter how terrible things seem, it would be worse if you didn't have the Lord.

    I feel so sorry for those who have no hope.

    Thankful you do.


    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  12. Dear Petrock,

    My hope and prayers are with your knee and any other needs.

    God bless you always, in all ways, all your days.



    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

  13. crows.gif

    God bless you always,

    In all ways,

    All your days,

    And many wishes and prayers that you have many happy returns of all the kindness you have brought into the world.

    Sincerely and hopefully,

    Kit Soberangelkit.gif

    The course of the bubonic plague was turned by the concept of clean.

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