Relationship with apologist changes heart of atheist

JUNE 5, 2024



Eric Hernandez, apologetics lead and millennial specialist with Texas Baptists’ Center for Church Health, struck up a long-distance friendship with Daniel Nieto at a time when Nieto considered himself an atheist. (Texas Baptists Photo)


After deciding the church didn’t have answers to his many questions about spiritual matters and the soul, Daniel Nieto declared himself an atheist at age 15.

From that point, he dove into YouTube video debates between Christians and atheists, never encountering anyone who could change his opinion.

“My favorite debaters were atheists, and they made sense to me at the time. I knew there were geniuses who were Christians, but I felt like they were wrong,” said Nieto, a 32-year-old resident of Bakersfield, Calif. “I was debating online all the time, but no one could answer my questions.”


In late 2021, Nieto watched a debate between Aron Ra, an atheist activist, and Eric Hernandez, apologetics lead and millennial specialist with Texas Baptists’ Center for Church Health. Expecting the same results he always had experienced—Christians with weak arguments being blown away by the strong-spoken atheists—Nieto was surprised to see the opposite outcome.

“I’m really into philosophy, and when I started hearing Eric talk, he was pointing out things I’d never thought about before. It blew my mind a little, and I feel like Aron embarrassed himself in that debate,” recalled Nieto, noting he watched the debate at least a dozen times.