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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. i call upon Forest's Lt I call upon Chat i call upon Hollow Eyes I call upon Raf I call upondoes anybody remember LAUGHTER
  3. RainForestRun i signed the green card for it's essence essential value value echo o o oh Somewhere alnog those lines i came to believe it was God Breathed, but nothing like you have taken it to Mike! WOW thank god i was spared that tire iron! For years I tried to put my finger on that drop of mercury~~~ what the pluck happened? and then i real REALIZED i made up a LIE!!! RainForestRun!!!
  4. I think that would make a wonderFULL screen nick RainForestRun
  5. mike do you believe the rain forests have an inkling of a chance a remote possibility survival?
  6. quote: What can we talk about that would make you feel genuinely better? I'm willing to talk here in front of everyone else, or in PT, or e-mail, or by phone. Okay~~~ Mike, what's you favorite body of water and describe it in three adjectives~~~ that's my unalterable table of challenge to you! song
  7. Okay~~~ Mike, what's you favorite body of water and describe it in three adjectives~~~ that's my unalterable table of challenge to you!
  8. damn ya just gotta love windo washers as well as the honey wagon and sht & shinolaa
  9. finally i understands so he droveout the man and he placed at theEND WHOOPS THE EAST OF THE GARDENOF EDAN AND NOT INNA GADDA DE VIDA BABY Eden Cher a buims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life~~~
  10. whoops ahsholy did i mention that i "used" to speak in tongues more than ye ya'll?
  11. December 17, 2002 WordWolf Postaholic Posted February 18, 2005 04:53 Please keep in mind, HCW, that Mike is not only disinterested in anything that supports the overwhelming evidence that vpw wrought pfal by his own will and in the interests of making a class with KEYS for Genesis to Revelation. Mike's looking specifically for anything he can isolate from its context, and use to claim that pfal REPLACES Genesis to Revelation. (Which contradicts what the books say.) Please keep in mind that the contents of the books-which he claims to be directly from God in the sense the Bible is- have done nothing to change this point of view-even when the contents directly contradict it. Mike also takes the liberty of mentally rewriting anything HE says, anything YOU say, or anyone ELSE says. For example, he's depicted himself as having been wildly successful in outdebating us and in presenting evidence supporting his position. Mike has also said he's seen that Jesus, when he returns, will have a copy of the orange book in his hand and be teaching from it. When asked if he was joking, he said he'd seen him this way several times. So, HCW, you may respond to Mike however you wish, or NOT respond to Mike however you wish. I thought you'd like a quick word of warning first, however. Let me know if you need some links for some of this stuff.Posts: 2441 | Location: New York City | Registered: June 13, 2002 Steve Lortz I'm fine, really Posted February 18, 2005 10:27 quote: Originally posted by Mike: HCW, As a preparation for our discussion, could I ask you to think through the setting in which Dr's comments occurred? I'm not only interested in the EXACT words he said that you paraphrased, but also anything he said just prior and just following your reported words. I also want to know exactly what you said in that conversation. I even would find it helpful to know a few of the other topics that were discussed that day, as well as any similar topics that came up in previous days. In other words, I'm seeking exact wording he used AND the EXTREMELY exact context in which the whole conversation occurred. Translation: I haven't been able to find any way to twist the material you've given me, so please give me some more. Maybe I'll find something in the new material to twist. Your faithful, humble, obedient, etc. S. Lortz, OLG Extraordinaire of the United States by Popular AcclaimPosts: 889 | Registered: September 26, 2002 Mike Thinks Gore won the election Posted February 18, 2005 19:27 HCW, Aren't you thankful for such considerate posters protecting you from my evil clutches? Why if it weren't for them and their insightful warnings I might be able to wrap you around my little finger. Posts: 3907 | Location: San Diego | Registered: December 17, 2002 TheSongRemainsTheSame Postaholic Posted February 22, 2005 00:29 I have a finger or two for you Mike no laugh machine intended just Posts: 2574 | Location: A1A, Fl, USA | Registered: June 17, 2002 Mike Thinks Gore won the election Posted February 22, 2005 01:57 Song, I don't know what that means. I'm willing to listen to an explanation though. Seriously, let's dialog. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not trying to hurt anyone or trick anyone. I've see from your posts elsewhere that you're not a bad guy either. I've seen some of your heart. What can we talk about that would make you feel genuinely better? I'm willing to talk here in front of everyone else, or in PT, or e-mail, or by phone. I come here to help, not to bother people. It bothers me that I bother you. How can we communicate better?Posts: 3907 | Location: San Diego | Registered: December 17, 2002 TheSongRemainsTheSame Postaholic Posted February 22, 2005 21:52
  12. Forgive me~~~ just the touch of a Master Interior Carpenter
  13. i began to cough and i remember DR saying coughing is an awareness of sum thing not right or sum thing like that~~~
  14. Some where along the line i became to believe tha pfal is the wog ~~~ and i was mistaken for some reason
  15. Mike , what is that about ignorance can be corrected cured or something like that i think that was from the masters of the word obits or sumtink like dat
  16. Yeahm tht's what he said to me and I waged my ban me for this as whoops wipe that and threw in what the f ya talinking about and wagged me my tounge and received the bill!!!
  17. For me~~~ when I signed the GREEN CARD ~~~ it never ever mentioned what you CLAIM MIKE!!!!!! uyhmm period.
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