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Posts posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. And Belle,

    A many a missive I wrote callin back formers to TWI and no response and rightly so!!!

    I even have one response by phone call

    "If you ever get in touch with my family again~~~~"


    Go figure eh!!!

    That's how dedicated I was to TWI!

    And also dedicated enough to my own good prudence something was not right~~~

    TWInty years of that and good prudAnce a realization there is more to life than trying to control people and even much more and much more than I know~~~

    I just prefer to be compassionate and laugh and cry and been there done that and ~~~

    quietly try to walk on the water at the oceans edge~~~ my wife is witness~~~

    that's really fun to try~~~

    And I will always try that feat~~~ if it ever happens ~~~ oh my my my


  2. Belle,

    Heres another if you would like~~~ dated early 90's

    Dear Dan,

    God Bless and Greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Living Lourde and Saviore Jesus Christ!

    On Sunday October 20th at 5 pm you called my wife. You informed her this was on your heart to talk with her. That is very kind of you to think of us. I am sure your intent was one of pleasantry, you know , how's the weather type of thing- But the conversation turned into condemnation of our lives. Of course, you were being led by God to say such things since God only talks with those of the Household of The Way Ministry- The Body of Christ. If God only talks with those in the Household, what are you doing talking with us? Does this mean God is limited to talking with us through you? Since when did your blood become so pure?

    That was the first paragraph~~~

    Shall I post the rest of this missive Belle?

    It's quite a letter

    and I have a few more~~~


  3. quote:
    Song. Piecing together all these perspectives, the "simpleton explanation" theory on VP just can't be swept from the table, can it? From my singular perspective, that is, my body of experiences w/VPW... I mean, he was like an adopted Grandfather to me. I was a trusted friend of "the family." He even personally paid the last couple hundred bucks of my Way Corps tuition. That was THE single factor that enabled me to graduate from the corps. I saw that at the time as a big endorsement. I kept it to myself, basically because I felt it could easily become an elephant around my neck.

    HCW~~~ I suppose I understand from a distance my singular perspective as to yours. VPW was no

    adopted Grandfather to me.
    , he was

    My Father In The Word


    Do you understand that HCW?


  4. quote:
    Sadly I have no copies reply

    Whoops, I do have a reply that just entered my memory and I became~~~

    Main Entry: treach·er·ous

    Pronunciation: 'tre-ch&-r&s, 'trech-r&s

    Function: adjective

    Date: 14th century

    1 : characterized by or manifesting treachery : PERFIDIOUS

    2 a : likely to betray trust : UNRELIABLE b : providing insecure footing or support c : marked by hidden dangers, hazards, or perils

    synonym see FAITHLESS

    - treach·er·ous·ly adverb

    - treach·er·ous·ness noun

    Pronunciation Key

    © 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

    Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

    I used to have a thread here regarding

    "Letters That Speak Volumes"


    ...and the wind blows...

  5. Belle,

    I have many letters hand written along the lines you just CYBER SPACED!!!

    I have copies those I sent out .

    Sadly I have no copies reply.

    I can only quote Mr. H>>>

    I would only hope that this does not fall on deaf ears, Belle.
  6. Please engage your new pooches in Obedience Training Classes so that you may understand what they do not understand about you!!!

    The relationship truely becomes companionship rather than just finding a room mate off the streets.

    I can not SAY enough the benefits of DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING !!! Please believe me on this. I sware by it my Bucky & Darcy, companion shelties whom I miss much.


  7. quote:
    ...but let me say...my mind is so far removed from those days that even when I recognize some subtle thought that was influenced by twi...it really doesn't bother me anymore.


    are you in any way involved with a high profile splinter group of TWI?

  8. RE: Spring Lecture Series Presents "Cat and Dog Theology"

    Spring Lecture Series Presents "Cat and Dog Theology"

    February 27, 2004

    “The Bible can be seen as one book with one introduction, one story and one conclusion.” But who is the main character of that story?

    Through humorous generalizations, Missouri Baptist University’s Spring Lecture Series offers an eye opening, fast-action seminar presenting UnvelinGLORY’s “Cat and Dog Theology.” The lecture delivers a heart message to a postmodern generation that has been taught to interpret literature, including the Bible, through their own personal perspective.

    On day one of the lecture series, speaker Dr. Gerald Robison began speed-reading page one of the Bible. Student eyes glazed over and jaws slacked. After several minutes, Robison broke from reading. “I’m going to ask the question, you’ve all been thinking,” he said. “‘Is he going to read us the entire Bible?’”

    The seminar vividly showcases two Christian viewpoints, compared to the different attitudes embedded in a dog and a cat.

    A dog says: “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, You must be God.” A cat says: “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, I must be God.”

    “The average true believer says the Bible is all about God, but lives as if humanity is… Humanity often replaces God on the throne,” says Dr. Robison.

    “Cat and Dog Theology” challenges the listener to switch from meology to theology. This challenge dictates seeing the scriptures with God as the main character, not humanity. When this change is made, the Christian attitude switches from “God lives for us” to “we live for God.”

    In addition, the lecture series encourages readers to give all verses equal weight; verses of encouragement and blessing must be read side-by-side with verses discussing Christian suffering and sacrifice. The American Christian’s view of blessings is not incorrect, says Dr. Robison, merely incomplete.

    Dr. Robison serves as Vice-President of UnveilinGLORY. His passion is to see God's people become excited and committed to glorifying God and to taking the gospel to all peoples. Gerald co-authored the book Cat and Dog Theology with Bob Sjogren. He has pastored churches in the United States, as well as in Australia and the Netherlands. To find out more about “Cat and Dog Theology” visit http://www.JealousGod.org.

    Missouri Baptist University is a premier Christian university in Saint Louis, offering graduate and undergraduate studies in over thirty specialized fields and nine degrees. MBU's education and fine arts programs are nationally known in addition to business, religion, administration of justice, and more. MBU is currently one of the fastest growing higher education institutions in Missouri with an enrollment of over 4,000 students at four locations in the greater Saint Louis area — West County, Lincoln County, Jefferson County, and Franklin County.

    # # #

    © 2005 Missouri Baptist University | One College Park Dr. | St. Louis, MO | 63141-8698

    (314) 434-1115 | (877) 434-1115 | fax: (314) 434-7596


  9. Forgive me CM,

    I am in no shape for bible arm wrestling.

    ~~~was a time though.

    Look up all the blood ya want.

    All the blood line.

    All the scenarios.

    Moses was a bloody man!

    By the blood of goats and bulls~~~


    By the blood of Jesus Christ

    and all that

    kind of birth

    I have no more to know what to think about all that type of thing anymore.

    TWInty years of blood on my hand and JC Our Passover and all kinds of covenants~~~

    too much for me anymore~~~

    I am maybe sure there are others here to offer such gratuitous fellowship of holy bible scripture quotes and "its" meanings.

    Forgive me~~~

    I will only offer my thoughts~~~



  10. quote:

    http://www.gscafe.com - Powered by Infopop

    Re: Huriahulla (Mr. Hammeroni). May 01, 2005 13:28. About The Way, 804, 39703.

    Re: Who is Rosalie Fox Rivenbark? (Pirate1974). June 06, 2005 23:21 ...

    http://www.gscafe.com/groupee/forums?a=cfrm&s=971605702 - 90k - Cached - Similar pages

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    Re: Huriahulla (Mr. Hammeroni). May 01, 2005 13:28. About The Way, 810, 39810.

    Re: Scientology Revisited (Galen). June 08, 2005 0:58 ...

    gscafe.com/groupee/forums - 89k - Cached - Similar pages

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    Must uf a been a late nite for me

  11. Okay

    I suppose the party is still on???

    Belle, wher'djya go???

    Hey if Satori can't stick to his own rules, I suppose the rules are make em as ya go~~~

    Looks like a load of boiled jumbo shrimp (Unified Field Theroy ) just placed on that buffet table


  12. quote:

    If we don't become Jesus Christ men and women, and rise up to HIS level and ability to handle great hurts, then our friends and relatives who were hurt do not have much of a chance.

    BTW that's a quote from Mike

    Grease Spot by midnight is the way I take it from you Mike!

  13. quote:
    If we don't become Jesus Christ men and women, and rise up to HIS level and ability to handle great hurts, then our friends and relatives who were hurt do not have much of a chance.
    quote QUOTE MIKE
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