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Everything posted by LG

  1. PMJI, I don't know nearly about astronomy as Zixar but I do know a great site for some pics, NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/). There are some wonderful pictures in the archive, which is accessible from a link at the bottom of the page. Two of my favorites: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap020127.html (Zixar's pic, with description) and http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap001127.html (composite of the Earth at night)
  2. Just kidding with you about your inclusiveness, Hopefull. In this case I find it amusing. Sometimes it bothers me, like when almost every post on Memorial Day was about veterans in general. What's the purpose of a special occasion to honor one person or group if we throw in all sorts of other people because of the feeling that honoring one person or group somehow slights or dishonors people that aren't included in that particular celebration?
  3. As a participant, I don't have strong feelings about this one way or another. If I were administering a Web forum, I would probably allow one hour for edits after posting. After that, changes or deletions would have to be done by a moderator. Corrections or clarifications by forum participants could be done through follow-up posts. The primary reason for this would be to maintain continuity in the threads. I don't think it's fair to accuse people who favor time limits on editing of being out to control others or to otherwise attack their character. I think the specific personal attacks are particularly inappropriate, especially the remarks accusing a person who has not even posted to this thread of being two-faced. JBM, formerly long gone 2
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