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Posts posted by excathedra

  1. How many came out of the advanced class ministering healing like Leonard did?

    that's so sad. i wish it had been different

    also sad about people who really wanted to help people and got slandered, kicked out, etc.

    but god / jesus christ is our hope and i'm not sad about that


  2. ohmygosh started reading this thread and wondered when i would weigh in lol

    it's 5 years later and what i said is still true

    just in case the person who wanted this brought up again wonders.....

    it was so nice to see all the support i got

    when waydale started it was such a different story. i started telling and boy did i get slammed. glad things changed



  3. what fine are you talking about dear kit?

    did you lose your job because of being deaf?

    is there a deaf society that will fight for you?

    um, don't you qualify for disability?

    do you already get social security?

    are you entitled to any of fred's social security?

    i'm sorry. i just think you should be entitled to HELP. i wish i knew more.


  4. what a sick joke.

    the only reason i know higher ups wouldn't want you to be with the one you're with is so that they could have you.

    maybe you think i'm kidding. i'm not.

    been to "way" too many weekends in the way


    Yeah. Been there, done that. After *lots* of faithful service, I asked local clergy to marry my wife and I. They said "after she takes the class". Well, she took the class and they still wouldn't do it. We got married by a Universal Life minister". 28 years ago. Still together. My daughter did her first wedding service as a Universal Life minister two weeks ago. The circle is complete. Without TWI.



    i have more to say but i have to go back and read again to remember sorry

  5. grace on God's side, faith on man's...

    i have to agree

    i have ALWAYS said the reason i am god's child is because of his grace and how do i know? because of my faith

    i struggled to decide what to write my "research paper" on in residence -- grace or mercy?

    i decided on mercy because i was so sure of what an underseving sinner i am

    not trying to go off topic

    but faith has led me to where i am and it is because of god's grace and mercy and the love of jesus christ our lord and savior

    i wish i could say it better

    i've known this since i was in grammar school

  6. question for bible people

    last night i was beyond desperate for help and i spoke in tongues


    then i was thinking about people (old friends) in way offshoots i have asked to pray for me. more than a few of them asked me to tell them specifically what i wanted them to pray for. i said god knows.

    i guess i'm confused and this is more than one topic

    but is getting "clear and concerned" a requirement for someone praying for you?

    i'll add more later, but i appreciate your input


  7. couples got pregnant got abortions then couldn't take it anymore and wanted to keep baby. so they had to go LOA (leave of absence) and then looked down upon for lack of commitment. then didn't come back to family corps and were DFAC (dropped from active corps) then were looked upon as sheet on the field then then then

    hopefully they know they did the beautiful right thing. one's mind gets twisted with all the pressure too sad

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