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Everything posted by GarthP2000

  1. Jeepers! --> The rest of us have schedules or to-do lists. Smikeol has "time priority charts". Wow! Something like that must mean that he has w-a-a-y-y too much time on his hands. "He still references Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. This statement is in reference to a version of the scriptures that has chapters and verses. ..." Now ya gone and done it. --> SMikeol is now going to rearrange and recompile the PFAL and associated books-- Ooops, I mean Books into Chapter and Verse format, complete with italics (for those additions put in in later editions), gold edged pages, and maybe a little red book mark ribbon to put right down the middle of Session 5. :D--> Mike wroteth: "The perfectly renewed mind cannot be received from KJV study, but it can be received by mastering the PFAL writings, including it's repetition of many KJV verses." Mike, Mike, Mike, Next time you go and grab some coffee, stop and look at that white powder that you're dunking in there. Look **r-e-a-l** carefully now. ... Are you sure that its Sweet N' Low? ;)--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  2. --> This thread is going to exceed even the THE threads in length and continuence. In that Mike is like the energizer bunny and just won't give up in his claims, and apparently there are folks who just won't give up trying to get Mike to give up. This isn't really a criticism, just an observation of amazement. Maybe I should get in contact with Ribley's Believe It Or Not!, or the Guiness Book of World's Records. :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  3. Carpe Carpetum! Seize the rug! :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  4. LarryP2, Uhh, now why would you need sympathy if have your 'tool' the size of a mule (or horse or whatever)? Or could it be that you're seeing things thru the mirror that sez, "Things are smaller than they appear." :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  5. Zshot, Its just another sign that there are some loser geeks out there that need to get a job and stop living with their mommies. :o--> Maybe then they'll even finally wind up getting girlfriends. :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  6. Well folks, it appears that Smikeol is obviously losing his game, as well as whatever bull.... he uses to make it sound ((cough)) 'logical'. Now he is reduced to complaining about the mess we made on his floor and more of his now-obvious dodging. Face it Mikey, ... you lost. :P--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  7. Happy Birthday Hopemiester! :D--> But seriously, hope you have a very happy birthday and many more to come. I wish I coulda seen you last weekend but you know how the schedule went. :(--> Anywho, Have John and the kids take you out for a nice scrumptious dinner. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  8. "When these special vocabulary words are recognized, then it opens up a better understanding of the PFAL teachings. Many things that Dr said and wrote may be clarified as we get more skilled at recognizing these subtle distinctions. Most of us didn't read the PFAL books with this degree of sharpness." So bring your special V.P. Wierwille Mystery Train Decoder Ring, boys and girls, to see what those special vocabulary words mean! :)--> ;)--> :)--> ;)--> "Those who aren't ready to try this are excused with no hard feelings on my part, and you're always welcome back." We can go now?? YIPPPPEEEEE!!!! We can go now!! :D--> :D--> :D--> --> Seriously Mike, like I said before, you ain't preaching to the choir here. With the questionable exception of seaspray (who I think is your alter-ego), you have made NO conversions here. And I wouldn't say anything about that now, except you are evidently opening up some old wounds here with your spiel that many here would rather remain closed and healed. So why don't you take the not-so-subtle hint, be like Paul when the folks at Athens wouldn't listen to him, and simply walk away like he did. Simple and easy as that. --> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  9. Now, now folks. Smikeol is just feeling left out and lonely, what with us all talking about the war and other, more significant matters of life outside of the pervue of the 'god breathedness' of PFAL. Mike! Get a job man. The economy *is* improving, really it is! --> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  10. Then you had whats-his-face come on and give his anti-war speech. Man, I bet quite a number of folks loved THAT one. :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  11. Seaspray, Your formula of "If a=c, and c=b, a=b." presumes the following: a = the Word of God c = the Bible b = PFAL writings am I right? If so, then it is *just* a presumption, as there have been no proof given that that 'formula' tests true. As a matter of fact, Rafael (and quite a few others) have shown where 'a NOT = b', ie., 'the Word of God NOT = PFAL writings'. When a formula is presumed true, and there is clear and convincing evidence that there are serious flaws in that formula, ergo the formula becomes non-true. Ie., a LIE! Like they say, back to the drawing board. :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  12. "You wing it in your criticisms, and then accuse Dr of winging it in his writing. Real rational!" The difference is that Zixar isn't 'writing God breathed material' like you claim VPW did. Therefore VPW's writings must be held to a higher standard. Zixar is looking in a spiritual gutter because he won't consider VPW's words to be 'God breathed'? --> ... Yeah! Right! Move over Zix, there ought to be more room in that 'gutter' for the rest of us. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  13. Wordwolf, You forgot E) VPW was really hitting the Drambrue when he was coming up with this stuff. :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  14. Mike, Thanks but no thanks. I always say 'No' to drugs. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  15. "I see the fuzzy beginnings of the new administration barely starting in 1942, then proceeding to 1982, when this 40 year preparation period was completed, and Dr announced it in the record many times. I said MANY times, but no one saw it." ((((SIGH)))) Apparently Smikeol does. Hey Raf! Just when it looks like Smikeol can't outdo himself, .... he does. --> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  16. Hope, Or as Dr. Frankenstein once said, "It is a-L-I-V-V-E!!" :D--> "People, people, people, you're missing it here. Power for Abundant Living is God's Word." ((sigh)) Looks like Smikeol has finally got himself a disciple. :(--> "My preciouusssss!" "How do you know that there's been no change of administrations?" So Mike, not only are we adding to the Word so to speak, we are now adding administrations too? And what does it mean when it talks about the 'gathering together' anyway? That it isn't a physical leaving of this earth? Please don't tell me that it already happened in the person and arrival of VPW and PFAL. Ye Gawds!! If the whole TWI experience is the best that God can do regarding the gathering together, well, maybe its time to stop believing God then. :o--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  17. Yeah Grizz, you're right. Sorry about the pop-off. Thinking about it further, I guess that the 'mind control' answer sounds plausible in some respects, especially to people who is looking for an explanation for what happened, as well as a 'stick' to use in retaliation for the abuses that they suffered while in these respective groups. Picky ol' me, however, just sees some 'splinters' in that 'stick'. :D--> And how that 'stick' might break, and that we need a better stick perhaps. And I think that this all fits in with the point that Hope brought up; in making known the abuses in TWI as best we can. P.S., and stop trying to pick a fight with Seaspray. :D--> That's my job. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  18. Heck! I got me an entirely new, hi-tech whirl-pool installation, with a 5 setting showerhead, Mr. Bubble dispenser, fridge w wine coolers, and even an internet connection, ... to let me know online when the water is hot and ready. Ooops! I just got the IM from my whirl-pool. :)--> Catch ya all later. :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  19. Grizz, Well at least I have the gonads to take that topic on, rather than taking the easy route of "Ohh well, let's just leave it to the experts, and they'll tell me what I went thru. Yes, Dr. Singer, I was brainwashed, ... I was brainwashed, ... you have the doctorate, I don't, so I'll take your word for it, ... I was brainwashed." ....! And they are the ones telling us to think for ourselves?!? Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  20. Pat, No, we didn't get hurt because we "didn't take responsibility for our own actions". We got hurt because of jerk-off individuals heaping abuse on us in the name of God's Word and wanted us to accept it anyway. That, however, is not 'mind control', any more than if someone punched you, is that 'mind control' simply because *they* are the ones responsible for punching you, rather than you yourself. See what I mean by people bandying about of terms like 'mind control' w/o really realizing what the he** it actually means and entails? I have said time and again that the abuse did occur. And there are those here who can readily attest to that. Where I have my doubts and disagreements refer to what is and is not 'mind control'. Yes Virginia, there is a distinction between the two. And I can (and have many a time) agreed with the accounts of the abuse w/o agreeing with the concept of 'mind control'. Thinking minds can do that ya know. :)--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  21. "Ironically, none of us would be here if we hadn't taken a class called Power for Abundant Living." Nahh, we'd be out doing more 'godless', more 'bogus' things, ... like living our lives and achieving our dreams, maybe?? Bummer dude! :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  22. Ohh looky! Smikeol, Part Deux: The PFAL Wars. --> (looking around for my Mike of Borg pic) So if PFAL is all a bogus, then all of life is a joke?? Come on man, isn't your God bigger than some 36 hour class taught by a guy who had a lousy selection of '50's style ties? Please tell me that He is, please! And the abuse was because of our neglecting and rejecting of the PFAL Word?? Dr.s Last Teaching? Oh right! Spare me. Jeez! I don't think I need a 'god' (notice small 'g' here) like that. Yukk! :P--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  23. Not in the pat fashion that many 'anti-cult' people seem to think and apply the terms, Pat. (sorry for the play on your name. :D-->) Not to the degree or fashion that the 'experts' have depicted by their illustration of Korean War POWs and then used in such a liberal fashion about the current day 'cults'. Not w/o further *independent* (and may I say, more professionally done) means of verifying and more honest application of the terms. Does that answer your question? :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  24. Frankly, I'm siding with JBarrax here. The concept of innocent until proven guilty is one of the things that make for a civilized society, even if the concept isn't as strictly enforced as it would be in court. Not everybody who asks for 'proof' are doing so from a standpoint of defending VPW's reputation in such a blind fashion. Others have asked because they were indeed unaware of and shocked in hearing about this travesty inflicting the ministry, and would reasonably expect to hear of 'proof' that this happened to the extent that it did. I was one of them, and I am not sorry for asking for proof, evidence and verification that this happened. And neither did I require for people to give their names either, as I realize the security issues involved. The vast number of accounts here have indeed proven true, but that is no reason to buy into the "I have the right to be believed" routine. Nobody has the right to be believed. They do, however, have a right to be heard. Also, denial is a two-edged sword, and can cut both ways. And one form of denial are the oft-used excuses of 'programming', 'mind control', 'brainwashing' and the like. We use those terms because we don't want to admit to the world that we readily believed that stuff that we now see as garbage. "I must have been brainwashed to believe that stuff, that a rational person usually wouldn't believe". (--> Ya know, I've heard that line used by an atheist once, in describing what he was taught in church!) So how much 'denial' is used in this respect, eh? Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  25. In that case, look for Dubya to look older than his dad by the time 2004 rolls around. :D--> Unless he gets continuous face lifts like Clinton did. Gotta look good for all them interns, doncha know. ;)--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
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