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Posts posted by SafariVista

  1. Oh... and about the truck guy.... His comments were STRANGE ~ Worthy of much CAUTION. (like the get the H*LL outa there type)

    I once met a serial killer. This guy drove around California & Nevada looking to kill women that cheated on their husbands.

    We met at a City Park in Las Vegas during one of my many trips with the children. He was FULL of FLATTERY, and kept saying how thankful my husband must be, since I was so beautiful and hard working, with three kids, oh my...

    Mixed in all of his words were OFFERS for a GREAT LIFE WITH HIM (details of all the STUFF he had), he was trying to CONVINCE me to walk to the parking lot and see something FANTASTIC in the trunk of his car... a green Mercedes....

    The shy, polite person that I can SOMETIMES be, 'oh, no thanks', while pushing the kids on the swing, UNTIL he got closer & closer... I thought it was TIME TO GO!

    This guy walked right next to us, INSISTING that what he had to offer was better than ANYTHING my husband could even imagine.... "DIDN'T I WANT THAT?' JUST A QUICK LOOK IN THE TRUNK"?

    Later that night on the news, THE POLICE PUT OUT A WARNING, a guy, PERFECTLY MATCHING HIS DISCRIPTION, driving a GREEN MERCEDES, was abducting women, luring them to his car, putting an ether soaked rag over their face, and shoving them in the trunk, LATER KILLING THEM and dumping the bodies...

    His offers did sound somewhat good too~ :(

    Be VERY careful out there~

  2. Just a thought, but as far as I know, if the Employer doesn't present the correct amount on your check they are bound by law to PAY YOU BY THE HOUR EXTRA, a certain amount, until the situation is taken care of.

    Might be worth looking into.

    Instead of wanting to pay you later, he could have paid you out of pocket and reimbursed himself later

    It's okay to say "this won't work for me, I need to get paid right now" :wave:

  3. What the heck! Abigail that is ridiculous! Man, I wish I would have visited YOU today!

    Although it’s ‘easy’ to say ‘what I’d do’ while sitting back after the fact… I KNOW I would have gotten VERY LOUD…

    How about this, something like that to DRAW attention to the MAN AND HIS ACTIONS…





    Loud & clear… besides RUNNING away from you, it would make him think twice before letting crap fly out of his mouth again…


  4. Being quick to believe people has been one of my problem areas in life. Since I’m not out to swindle, sucker, dupe, sting, rip-off, cheat, trick or double cross anyone, I just don’t imagine that people are out there waiting to do that to me…

    But, I have learned that TRUST IS EARNED, and ‘the bad guys’ will usually have SOMETHING visible. So, for me to trust someone, I must spend time with them, see how they act and react in real situations.

    There are three people here at the Café that I’ve met… maybe more, but I’m unaware of who everyone REALLY is… The three that I know, I trust have my best interest at heart and would do nothing to harm me or my family… I’d feel safe leaving my children with them… just don’t know if they’d be up for that~ :wave:

  5. Mr Groucho said:

    Most Europeans think that American culture is all about Big Macs and levis...if they ever caught wind of this guy, they would run for the hills every time an American tourist would show up in their country...

    This reminded me of the time I was with my Mom in Germany... people were always asking where we were from. I said Michigan... they had no clue... so I said Rochester... still no clue... so, I said Detroit... people would slowly back away, turn & leave :biglaugh:

    I found out later, they heard that Detroit was one VERY bad place... they were scared!

  6. How terrible for you to have to be going through this Seth.

    It sounds like there are people around you that love you, their words that don't help are probably well meaning... but, they don't help.

    I had a friend once that told me she was bipolar... at the time I was heavy into TWI... I brushed her off as being possessed... for that I'm still ashamed of...

    :cryhug_1_: Hope you have more better moments than not~

  7. Well, after the disgust turned to anger, which turned into questions, which brought to light a familiar sounding ring... a German ring... someone seeking a little more perfection in their society...

    No, I don't like it one bit.

    If doctors were to have such power, it seems their insurance would be so high, that health care would be in a bigger mess than it is now.

    Are there records of people coming out of their terminal illness, anyone improving?

    One of my sister in laws is a hospice nurse for children. It's difficult watching the life drain right out of these little guys.

    For the elderly who are suffering, it seems to be their choice. Every situation is different, and family & the person suffering should have a say...

    Another one of those 'things' people should talk about and take care of BEFORE they're too sick or hurt.

  8. "Followers of the Way International"...


    For those still in twi...instead of going to a website that regurgitates twi doctrine and behavior...spend some time here...challenge yourself...if twi teaches the truth, then it should hold up...right? If you have been deceived (as so many here claim), then wouldn't you want the information so that you can make an informed decision? Being free from a cult is liberating...try it...you'll like it! :spy:

    :eusa_clap: Good, clear writing Groucho.

    This post of yours had me, although I had to 'Heil' with my left hand while reading, since Bart's Butt was so distracting :biglaugh:

  9. Hello Scout Finch02~

    Sorry to hear you're having a rough health issue. You've been on my mind since I read your post yesterday...

    Just let me say, that I am reluctant to publicly answer here. When a topic gets into the issues of changing 'eating & lifestyle'... some people can get very hostile. I hope you find the help and relief you're looking for :love3:

    What I've seen work wonders for curing Rheumatoid Arthritis and other diseases that most people think they'll have to live with forever, is FASTING.

    I've done it myself four times, one week each time. My husband just finished three FULL weeks, with excellent success! It's something that might seem too simple of an answer, yet too difficult to accomplish. Knowledge of the subject will relieve the difficulty!

    It’s recommended to be done under a TRAINED doctor's supervision. There are preparatory lifestyle changes needed to insure a successful fast. While there are not too many physicians I know of that are trained in this field, Dr. Ben Kim is the most 'sane', common sense Doctor I've come across. He has many articles on his web page/blog, covering several aspects of health & living!

    I've spoken with him directly once, and have e-mailed him with a question about my husband's health, which Dr. Kim answered within a few days. On this FASTING web page he talks a little about what Fasting will do. Also, you can type Rheumatoid Arthritis in the search bar at the top of that sites page, and different articles will come up.

    Here is Dr. Ben Kim's web page on FASTING.

    Dr. Ben Kim

    This next page has a section on key guidelines that Dr. Kim uses to help people address rheumatoid arthritis with their food and lifestyle choices. The guidelines are after the article about the RA drugs.

    Dr. Ben Kim

    The cost of Dr. Kim's Fasting Clinic stay is about $100.00 per day. Not much compared to the cost of regular doctor's visits & drugs to make you comfortable for the rest of your life!

    Dr. Kim & his wife recently had a baby. They are taking a break for a few months from the Fasting Clinic, but Dr. Kim continues to write articles weekly, and his regular practice is open. They live in Ontario, Canada.

    If after reading his information you have questions, send him an e-mail.

    :wave: The best to you in your searching!

  10. Our mission is to bring believers together for fellowship over the Word of God and other subjects of mutual interest. There have always been events and activities in the Way ministry that provided us way to fellowship with believers from other areas. The Internet affords us another way to share and fellowship.

    This web site is about sharing. We are the household of God's Children and followers of The Way International. This site is about sharing the Word of God and the benefits and blessings of this ministry.

    This sounds like INCEST of sorts... once you're in the family, you'll get some special LOVE... you CAN only make each other feel good... and you don't talk about what goes on with anyone OUTSIDE the family...

    THE ONE BODY?!?!?! Jesus Christ is the HEAD.... what a bunch of idiots~ they'd be the pen*s, one hand & the a**h*le... and that's the only parts they give their attention to, morning, noon & night... What a filthy, selfish, immature CULT. It's not the BIBLE that had all those sexual connotation in it... IT'S TWI! :realmad:

    So, we have this one body... all kinds of people are part of it... REMEMBER, just one body... not a world type body of born again people... and then the special HOUSEHOLD BODY...

    TWI's logic isn't logical, and the more exposure they get, the more foolish they look.

    TWI is like PORN... not reality, acting out as though they're above & beyond fantastic, something you DON"T want your kids to see, it's a waste of good money, IT ATTRACTS PERVERTS, young people get involved and are hooked, can’t seem to get out of it, and yet, it can still spark the curiosity of many...LIKE A PEEP SHOW

    Just disgusting~

  11. :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

    You mean to say...if I hang a "nice" towel, maybe red, over a window in the house that I paid for and own...I could go to jail?

    ...Doesn't sound like America, land of the free...does it?

    Sure doesn't Groucho!

    Seems Euclid's residents are fairly young... the average age is 38.

    Sounding like a 'yuppie-ville'...

    There are MANY subdivisions like this in Las Vegas! The association rules are obeyed, or you'll be fined.

    The last one we lived in there, ANY additional tree, plant, decoration you wanted to place in your yard, had to be approved FIRST by the ASSociation. If you put a tree in your yard that wasn't approved, you had to remove it, and if you didn't THEY would remove it and CHARGE YOU FOR THEIR LABOR!

    Another funny was, your garage door COULD ONLY BE OPEN if you were present. If you were cutting the grass in the back yard, and were away from the open garage door for more than 15 min, you would be fined. Also, garbage cans HAD to be out of sight! If you left yours out over night, you would be fined.

    There were only certain approved COLORS for homes allowed, and ANY outbuilding or play equipment, after being approved, NEEDED TO MATCH the house! They even had rules as to WHERE your play equipment could go. Seems after paying $400,000 for a tiny 1400sqft house on an 1/8 of an acre… you could have a little more freedom~ :unsure:

    They actually had people DRIVING around EVERYDAY checking! (and not just DRIVING by... they'd get out and look over your BACK WALL!) If you were found to be in violation of any such rules... and there were LOTS of rules... pages of them... you'd get a letter in the mail RIGHT AWAY!

    If you're thinking you'd like some of this... take a look:


    It's under Associations/Council/Governing Documents :confused:

  12. Life is about thoughts... if some don't seem to work well for you, try different ones. It's all up to YOU!

    Reading is very good.

    Food for the most part is something that should benefit you. Not just taste good

    Most bad habits are protected by excuses...

    The real bad guys usually don't look to shabby.

    If you're unsure about something, ask...

    It's perfectly normal not to know all the answers

    Things can be replaced, people can not

    Lying is the worst... so many things are ruined because of it

    Wear what looks good & feels good on your body

    Those 'Bad Boys' don't usually have a lot to brag about as adults

    Being filthy rich isn't as wonderful as it seems

    The more 'stuff' you have, the more work you'll have to do taking care of it

    Old, wrinkled up people have a lot to offer, and can be a lot of fun. Don't be too concerned about how they look, because they don't like how they look either :redface2:

    Always look someone in the eyes while they're talking, think about what they're saying, and ask some questions. People like to tell you about themselves... you'll have your turn... just be patient.

    You're wonderful

    What you think others may be thinking is probably wrong... don't waste your time

    The anxiety of a difficult task is usually worse than what will actually happen

    Doing something for someone else makes you feel good

    People can change, but most do not

    Be involved, be active, let your voice be heard... you will make a difference someplace

    Your brain is a muscle, it can grow, or it can shrink

    Overindulging too often makes you feel bad... that's not what your body or mind is meant to do

    Find something you love to do, and try to make a living doing that

    Reading can take you places... :wink2:

    Your grandparents were in WWII...they have a lot to share about life... most of it they're right about

    Keep practicing your _________. Music does wonders for your soul!

    Get together often with your friends, write down & remember the important things in life, like BIRTHDAYS

    If you thought you had too much work to do as a kid, all that was for YOUR benefit as an adult... you're welcome :biglaugh: (Really, I could have done it all myself in half the time)

    Spend lots of time admiring the outdoors, plants, animals, weather... fascinating stuff

    Make your home a sweet, comfy place you'll look forward to getting back into... just like your favorite p.j.'s

    Share some time & goodies with your neighbors

    Don't take chances in or near moving vehicles... the outcome may be deadly

    Your words can do all kinds of things... help, hurt, confuse, encourage, reassure, scare, comfort, humor...etc... Words ARE a big deal!

    You'll build better relationships playing cards with your friends than you would sitting with that new PlayStation game together, barely talking...

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