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Posts posted by SafariVista

  1. We had the 'privilege' to be in THE FELLOWSHIP that ol Loy secretary was 'sent' to, after being replaced.

    Bless her heart... this woman was dysfunctional to say the least. Not sure of her duration at HQ, but she hadn't been active in 'the world' for quite a 'few years' to say the least.

    It was her understanding, that when she mentioned 'a need' to someone in the fellowship, that it should 'BE TAKEN CARE OF WITHIN 24 HOURS'.

    My husband was yelled at for NOT GETTING BACK WITH HER RIGHT AWAY, AND TAKING CARE OF SOMETHING in her apartment...It didn't matter that he worked 10 hours a day, in the heat, at his regular job, He SHOULD HAVE MADE HER JOB the priority... since of course she was IN THE HOUSEHOLD!

    She was mean and bitter...NO CLUE as how to deal with REAL PEOPLE in the REAL WORLD... the hardness she exhibited was classic WAY mentality...

    My husband wanted to scream right back at her. He had NO DESIRE to do something for someone that DEMANDED ACTION... as if he were some slave~

    It was explained to us how we were to have MORE COMPASSION for her, since she didn't know how to act. :confused:

  2. Yeah, we were required by our leadership (at least in my area) to buy the meal package... so we could be in one accord with the likeminded believers and all that crap. They tried to make it sound like a good deal but I remember it came out to be really expensive per meal. What a crock. I think there were a few restaurants in close walking distance that would have been much cheaper.

    Ah yes... what control was being pressed upon us...

    After you all talk about it... more and more is coming back :blink:

    I do recall going to 'The Spaghetti Factory' with a few people...

    Don't remember how we even got to Texas... must have been by plane...the year before that, was the Advanced Class at Gunnison? We went to both... actually worked the Adv Class.

    Dates are beginning to blend... or is it that 'blocking out' mechanism?

  3. Sorry... :offtopic: again~ Perhaps TWI will look here and see first hand the product of their teachings and treatment of their people and SEE the NEED FOR AN APOLOGY :(

    Hey Ck!

    Let's see... did you give the Minister's Web site a good read?

    If I think back really hard... I remember myself acting irrationally, forceful with what I was learning from TWI, just like you. It's really true.

    What the Minister was saying about maturing is worth considering.

    There is so much more to life than what VPW taught.

    There are many pastors that have been teaching what Jesus Christ has done for us, and groups of people that love.

    I'm embarrassed for you... :redface: ... probably my Mom was hurt the same way when I was being irrational. Maybe if you take some time to read and listen... talk to yourself... hey, what would I have done... what does the word say about this situation? Could I offer some help here? What would Jesus have done. He sure was calm with that woman caught in adultery, yet telling her not to do it anymore.

    Tell me, would you stand talking with me, and just shout out your tag line? Can you picture that? Because that would be very strange.... I think if you did, you'd scare my children... make them feel uncomfortable...

    Maturing is a process… TWI doesn’t encourage personal growth, so it wouldn’t have happened there…

    Bless :wave:


  4. :offtopic: But on Target!

    Taken from http://jimmartin.typepad.com/place/2006/01...dults_only.html

    ... have you ever known a grown man or woman who was stuck in adolescence? Have you ever known someone who just refused to grow up? Have you ever known someone who had an adult body but who was so immature that he/she damaged many people in his/her life?

    I've been a minister for a long time. Through the years, I have known a few very immature ministers who began working with a church only to stifle that church by their own immaturity. Nothing is more sad than a minister who spends his time and energy manipulating people into propping up his ego instead of relating to people on an adult level. Of course, this kind of behavior is not limited to ministers. I talk with people on a regular basis who deal with such people at work.

    So what does it mean to be an adult?

    Adults are learning what behavior is appropriate and when. Want to learn more about what it means to be "adult"? Read Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, or the book of James. All are in the Bible. All give us pictures of people who are maturing and those who aren't.

    Somebody in here needs to grow up!


  5. An old hillbilly farmer had a wife who nagged him unmercifully. From morning till night (and sometimes later), she was always complaining about something. The only time he got any relief was when he was out plowing with his old mule. He tried to plow a lot.

    One day, when he was out plowing, his wife brought him lunch in the field. He drove the old mule into the shade, sat down on a stump, and began to eat his lunch. Immediately, his wife began haranguing him again. Complain, nag, nag; it just went on and on.

    All of a sudden, the old mule lashed out with both hind feet; caught her smack in the back of the head. Killed her dead on the spot.

    At the funeral several days later, the minister noticed something rather odd. When a woman mourner would approach the old farmer, he would listen for a minute, then nod his head in agreement; but when a man mourner approached him, he would listen for a minute, then shake his head in disagreement. This was so consistent, the minister decided to ask the old farmer about it.

    So after the funeral, the minister spoke to the old farmer, and asked him why he nodded his head and agreed with the women, but always shook his head and disagreed with all the men.

    The old farmer said: "Well, the women would come up and say something about how nice my wife looked, or how pretty her dress was, so I'd nod my head in agreement."

    "And what about the men?" the minister asked.

    "They wanted to know if the mule was for sale."

  6. It was the last or second-to-last one, in Dallas. 1996 maybe?

    I'm sure I was there... was it in a convention type hotel?... So many meetings & classes. SO MUCH MONEY SPENT! <_<

    I do remember this being a somewhat ROWDY bunch... and, also heard some 'coordinators' getting REPROVED (horribly embarrassing)... they needed to get on TOP OF THIS before it got out of hand.

    Did this one have a Texas BBQ for the 'GRADUATION' meal? and the BIG TREAT FOR ALL OF US WAS TO RUB SHOULDERS WITH ol Loy in his big hat?... um... Howard Allen & Don Weirwille too... :biglaugh:


  7. WTH:

    Just out of curiosity, when you gerbamble, does it hurt your kerfuffle? By that I mean, your method of polyoxinology seems inconsistent with the way you bedicterate your flobhoppleton. It's not always traphectorish to follow. It doesn't bother me, but I just wanted to make sure your nesdilitation doesn't need ponwafinating.

    J…! FAR krow eciN ~enses yna ginikam t’nsi HTW, RAELC YREV ti edam siht gnidaer tub, em ot t’nsaw that wonk I

  8. Cool OakSpear :)

    I know this man you speak of ;)

    Perhaps to all of that attention, it was okayed for him to do 'something'... what did he do? Smile & nod? Wave?

    The singing lady I'm referring to was the 'head girl' (for awhile anyway)... The LAW hadn't been in effect forever... started, I believe in the 90's... mid to late. The LAW about it all was MOST important during events that were video taped (that's when she'd see us in the audience~ our 'faithful' trip there once a month... we WERE in the 250 mile radius) :biglaugh:

    ... anyway... THOSE HAD to be professional quality productions :confused:

    which word in business was that?... thinking back... It seems I took part in some of that noise :)

  9. animated_moose_swinging_head.gif

    Nope... wasn't me Jonny

    :blink: :blink: ..... Waitaminute!

    Jonny, .... moose sausage? Moose? ... You aren't referring to the distinct possibility of ... Bullwinkle the Moose are you?

    What does Moose taste like? Similar to deer? Hopefully NOT like rabbit... but if it's like racoon, snake or horse... then I guess I'd like it :)

  10. Maybe I missed something in reading here, but WHY would VP even be thinking such nonsense?

    I just don't get it, did he read something and jump to conclusions?

    Did he have ulterior motives? Did this stance help promote something of his own?

    I honestly never new, previous to reading here, that he even talked about this…but then, after our first ‘encounter’…I didn’t like him much anyway ;)

    Here's a Map, counting the deaths:


  11. Fur dich LikeAnEagle~

    We are Valient for da Truth

    Glorifying Gawd in all ve do

    We're not of the number that refuse to know Gawd

    Ve are valiant for da Truth

    Some make their dwellings in the midst of desheets

    Vearying demselvs to commit antiquity

    They bend their tongues like bows to shoot forth their lies

    There is no fear of Gawd before their eyes

    Their mouths are full of cursing, full of bitterness

    Hearts filled mit envy and with all unrighteousness

    They change da Truth of Gawd into a lie

    But ve are not like them, ve proudly hold truth high

    Ve are Valiant for da Truth

    Glorifying Gawd in all ve do

    Ve're not of the number who refuse to know Gawd

    Ve are valiant for da Truth

    Ve stake our lives upon the Truth of Gawd's pure Vord

    Expending ourselves fully to reach unt and make it heard

    Ve keep our hearts prepared to seek da Lord

    Living the Present Truth in vun Accord

    Our hearts are full of Lub and full of Tenderness

    Minds filled with thoughts pornfessing only gawdliness

    Speaking da Truth in Lub ve grow dairby


    Ve are Valiant for da Truth

    Magnifying Gawd in all ve do

    Ve are of the number who rejoice to know Gawd

    Ve are valiant for da Truth

    Ve are Valiant for da Truth

    Sounding out the Vord in all ve do

    Ve are of the number who rejoice to know Gawd

    Ve are valiant for da Truth

    Ve are valiant, ve are valient for the Truth

    Called out disciples and ve're Prevailing mit der Vord

    Ve are valient, ve are valient for da Truth

    (Ja, Ich verstehe, mein Lieber, Das it schade! :cryhug_1_: )

  12. Button Pushers...

    Being lost for ideas to help motivate my children...

    Getting mad about stupid stuff

    Being overcharged for medical supplies in the Emergency Room

    When the Bank makes a mistake, but charges for their time to find it

    Stupid accidents from silly distractions

  13. Of course, in fairness, I should point out that I have little regard for most rock and roll, certainly rap (eee gawd), and of course Country Western is what they play in Hell 24/7, I'm quite sure...

    It was my impression that the crotch grabbing, gyrating, F**king Rap was Hell's first choice... Country Whining songs maybe second...

    Country Love songs would be forbidden there, I'm sure of it... and Toby Keith's "Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue" still gives me the chills :wink2:

  14. Oh Gawd !

    :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

    Yep... it's TRUE GOEY!!!!

    There are PLENTY MORE... those songs just kept ROLLING OUT!

    I did speak personally with the Choir Director... Ted? Short guy…... anyway, it was his job to think up these songs, or okay any lyrics presented to him... I don't know if he agreed with this, but I do know staff DID WHAT THEY WERE TOLD!

    Even the singing ladies... my WOW brother's wife is one, we visited in their trailer on grounds (shared by two families!)... she IS NOT ALLOWED TO WAVE OR ACKNOWLEDGE IN ANYWAY anyone personally while on stage. She would get FIRED!

    TWI so wanted to be recognized as being PROFESSIONALS... Somewhere along the way, they LOST the HEART... This 'self-promoting' music showed this ever so CLEARLY!

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