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Al Poole

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Posts posted by Al Poole

  1. Welcome Nellie!!

    "I also pull the buttons off shirts before discarding, and put them in my button box. I don’t use them, I just like having the buttons in there. "

    Loved this!!! Actually wish I had saved some buttons on occasions when I lost one from a shirt and couldn't find a match. Back then all my shirts came from same maker.

    I save .. wood! Seriously, I make stuff, some furniture, some other things. It can get out of hand though.. I had it stacked (neatly) and stored in three or four places in my shop. So much and so scattered I couldn't tell what I had. I decided to make a bin/cart/storage rack thing. WOW did I ever have a lot of wood!!! I have so much the "cart" is too heavy to move!!! I keep lots of things "Guy related"... like when they replaced our furnice I grapped the old squirrel cage fan and motor out of it. Later that year I made a fan with it on rollers (also saved from something disposed). Great for my shop in summer.

    But my wife loves it cause she'll say "honey can you make me a _______?" Sure!!!

    AND the "need" for that "thing" (you've had for 10 years untouched) will arise IMMEDIATELY after you see the garbage truck turn the corner hauling it off.

  2. quote:
    So Lorna, you think a return to the gun-slingin' Wild West, or maybe the vigilante spirit so rampant in the South in the previous two centuries would solve the problem of child molestation?

    I got a problem with this Linda Z....

    maybe you should think about an edit...

    Ya got nothin to say about the rightous north hmmm???

  3. Great posts Galen.....

    I do think there are LOTS of stupid people too.

    But I think the law of "natural selection" has been impeded/tampered with. For example... had you jumped up and blown the "impulsive" idiots brains all over the steering wheel.... he would never hve had an impulsive moment again. In the old days stupid people paid for their stupidity... with loss of limb, or life. Not so today!!! Oh no no no no. THEY seldom pay... but the innocent pay in spades!!! How many STUPID drunk drivers kill and maim everyday on our streets. Sometimes a multiple repeat offender. Who pays for their stupidity??? The innocent!

    Stupid people would simply die younger. Is it up to society to protect the right of stupid people to be stupid???? Maybe, but not at my expense.

    So I'm ALL for "southern style vigilante justice" (Thanks Linda Z... I guess the Yankees got it all out of their system when they RAPED their way through the south during "the war"... but I digress...really!!!) SHOOT EM! SHOOT EM ALL

  4. Just couldn't help it...... But seriously...

    This crap will NEVER end until the courts, judges, prosecutors, parole bosrds are held accountable through civil actions.

    Would you turn loose any convict knowing you could lose everything you had if you were sued??

    They decide that this person is "no longer a threat to society" and turn em loose.

    That ain't gonna happen though...

  5. Gee... maybe "his God within him" is telling him that it's his religious duty to molest little girls... that's "his truth".

    What right do "we" have to deny him the priviledge of honoring his God's instructions??

    I'm sure the ACLU would defend him.

  6. I had moved to Tulsa in 1986. We were in the Carribian, cruising on a small cruise ship, (Windjammer cruise , The Fantome) about 125 people on board. Talking to a like aged couple "where are you from"? Virginia Beach Va. .... No s---! I'm from Newport News.... Where'd you go to school? "Princess Anne H.S." No s--- ! Did you know Angie Merrit??

    "Yes! I dated her " NO S---!!!! I did too!!

    1995 downtown Tulsa, Mayfest. I was talking with my companion and said something that caused the man beside me to remark "Oh I have a class that can teach you all about that!"

    My blood chilled, hair stood on end, and the air around me grew strangely cold.... I replied "that wouldn't have anything to do with the way would it???" To which he responded "why yes how did you know? and what is your name?"

    I told him I knew more about twi than he could ever believe in a lifetime and thanks but "been there done that" and "My name is Al Poole." He said do you know Bill Poole? I said "Yes he's my brother." He had been in my brothers twig and had just moved to Tulsa.


  7. "Mister" P Mosh....

    You quoted (my friend) Satori thus":

    Originally posted by satori001:

    When individuals within an institution commit a crime, the institution is defined not by the crime but by its response to the crime.

    Then launched into an inaccurate analogy and erroneous conclusion.

    So if I wear my badge from work, go out and run a red light on my way to the office, you think the cops should send the ticket to my boss? I suspect you wouldn't, but even so, why would my boss have to come out and defend the company I work for because I ran a red light? Granted, there is a huge difference in seriousness, which I suspect you will try to use to point out how "bad" I am for comparing pedophilia to running a red light, which I only did to point out how things work with a crime that is not as emotionally charged, and not a direct comparison as you would undoubtably read into it.

    The "church" is an institution of our culture and society. Where you work is NOT. (Even if it's IBM.) So no one will expect your boss to explain anything.

    Nobody should have to come out and make a clear statement that child molestation is wrong, because it's clear that the normal view of society is that it's wrong. Very very few people would disagree that it's wrong to molest kids. Why do we need to demand people to make speeches about how bad it is when we all already know that?

    Well... apparently not...

    You're free to believe that, but I find it hard to believe that an old guy in his 80's with Parkinsons and a host of other illnesses was in charge of anything. I seriously doubt he was running the Catholic church for years, and instead let others make decisions in his name. Either way though, it doesn't matter anymore because he's dead.

    YOU MISSED THE WHOLE POINT OF THE POST.... JP2, as HEAD of his church was responsible for the actions of it's leaders....

    Hmmmm any other "churches" come to mind where abused followers want to hold the "head" responsible for the actions of it's leaders????

    He was/is ALSO responsible for the climate in which such absuses are allowed to happen, and continue to happen.

    How far removed from a crime do you have to be to be not guilty? I'm sure you got your attitude from being in The Way but in the real world, people don't get prosecuted for being ok with a person who was ok with a person who was protecting a pedophile. If you want to call for the death penalty for molesting priests I'm right there with you, if you want to throw Bernard Law in jail as a facilitator, I'm there with you, but beyond that it's hard to really make a case against anyone.

    NOT hard at all... we're talking about an institution not, a guy, who knows a guy, etc. etc. etc. ad. stupidium... Yeah... we can make a case against someone... right up the way tree.... oops... catholic higharchy.

    You want to hold vpw and his leadership responsible for what happened in twi.... yet refuse to hold JP2 accountable for what happened under his watch. Makes no sense. Where's the difference???

    If you really believe this, then you're no better than a terrorist. Al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 because their followers believed that all Americans were guilty because we allow our government to murder innocents in the middle east. They blamed us for the deaths of all those kids in Iraq who failed to get the food or medicine that they needed because of the embargo. They blame us for helping Israel continue to occupy land that they don't own, and kill Palestinians for simply existing.

    Do I feel responsible for the deaths of innocent kids in Iraq, because I am an American? No. I didn't make the choice to harm anyone. Am I responsible for any innocent deaths of Palestinians or Israelis because my government would rather sell weapons to them than work towards a solution? No, I have no control over that, and I never said it was ok.

    If Usama bin Laden is wrong about blaming all Americans for the harm our government has done, then you are just as wrong for blaming all Catholics for the harm a few priests have done. Yes, their crimes are immense, but you have to put it squarely on the shoulders of those who are guilty, not on everyone around them for simply existing. You are the type who stirs **** up to lead to things like the Salem witch hunts, the Oklahoma City bombing, or even 9/11. When you blame an entire group of people for the sins of a few among them, then you are a bigot, and are trying to be just as evil as the ones you blame.

    AGAIN your analogy is erroneous and your logic is flawed. You compare an apple to an orange tree. This one's the funniest (stupidest?) and longest strecth of all. Why do you think so many people left twi? Yes lots of the obvious stuff. But I NEVER saw the sex abuse and other related things going on. I knew the ORGANIZATION, (okay let's use another word... institution) was corrupt and I would not support a corrupt organization. SIMPLE.

    That was easy. Twi had no redeeming charitable purpose that I could see, unlike the catholic church whose numerous catholic charities held 100's of 1000's. Yet indirectly/technically when you give to them (the r.c.church) you would be supporting a system that has sheltered abusers/pedophiles.

    If JP2 wanted the abuse to stop, he could have PUBLICALY and plainly made an edit.... "you play, you pay, we will excommunicate you, throw you to the civil authorities,and assist them with your prosecution. Could that BE any clearer???

    BUT HE DIDN'T So he condoned the behavior my omission... but he condoned it none the less.

    ...... if you are not for me you are against me.

  8. WB...... don't remember the 11th corps gal you asked about....

    Remember a hughe double standard for some corpse people though. The ones with means/resourses of their own, or who had parents that gave big.

    Glad it happened... saw for myself that twi was no different than any other organization.

    Emmmmm...What do they say.... "money talks" Yeah that's the ticket!!!

  9. Yes!!! ABSOLUTELY right HCW!!

    All the time spouting off "God is no respecter of persons" they fell all over themselves to ... to what??? Kiss their a**es while we swept up the crap. And telling us to "believe" for prosperity yet telling us to live on as needed basis.... sick sick sick sick!!!

    YET!!! That is what tipped me off to the underlying true nature of the beast. So indirectly I'm thankful for the duplicity.

    I was watching a program on Dick Clark and the history of American Bandstand. They were showing some famous artists first apperances on bandstand. I saw Prince, with his band, and they intro'd each member and Gayle Chapman was on keyboards.

    There was a tape going round in '86 that she was on.... It was said she had played w Prince. Never gave it too much credance, but there she was on AB. That was kinda cool.

  10. Sooooooo even though the "plantiff" may be as greedy as twi el. al. I think he may very well have a case. Especially with the current leaning of our courts vis a vis religious interferrence into peoples' lives.

    When twi's "doctrine" concerning titheing and "abundant sharing" is examined in conjunction with the teachings regarding "results" one reaps when titheing/or not..... I don't see how a reasonable person would not side with plaintiff.

    I use the word "teaching" liberally. If I, as an outsider heard lcm's RANTS about the evils befalling those who, in his judgement, weren't giving enough, I would think he was INSANE as well as using a form of extortion to milk these poor fools for every dime they had.

    I think twi SHOULD absolutely be held accountable for this robbery. I also AM a-mazed they (BOT) weren't investigated/indited for "an on going criminal conspiricy" with the massive sexual abuse by LCM, and cover-up by the BOT. Rosie is one very lucky person that the Ohio/U.S. attorney general has better things to do than come after her.

  11. Yes........ what everyone post's here regarding the "no tithe... no protection... blessing... hedge" call it what you will. And the peeler's can supeana (sp) every single SNS tape, teaching tape of any kind IF THEY CHOOSE!!!

    They can also sup. former "followers of the way" that regurgitated LCM's spittle in home fellowships and other places. As attested to in these forum's the "brainwashing" was very deep and thorough. Not only concerning finances but in all other areas as well. Dot Matrix, an intellegent woman, when I asked her why she didn't leave twi sooner than she did, replied that she literally feared for her life, consequences etc. So this case may not seem as hopeless as some think.

    On one hand; participants "gave freely". On the other hand; participants were phycologically conditioned objectively (so and so wasn't titheing so he lost his job, his house burned down, and his car was stolen) and subjectivly, everything spoken every time LCM opened his mouth about ABS.

    So this is not hands down, open and shut. They do have a case against twi and I hope they win big. It's not like twi will be able to show abs went to any good work in the commumity!! At least the local baptists have a meeting place and staff in my neighborhood if I wanna go for a service! To my knowledge twi won't be able to name ONE thing done by HQ on a local level to help even ONE "follower of the way", or follower of ____________ (fill it in). ABS to twi was ALWAYS a one way ride.

    I seem to remember in the OT God said "bring the tithes and offerings ... that there may be meat in my storehouse" NO ???? well somebody ate that meat and it wasn't just the priests.

  12. I abhor the state we find the courts in today. Half the suits filed these days are nothing but legal extortion useing the courts and insane judges that agree to hear a "complaint." I firmly believe that all suits should be "loser pays all costs." Which the defendant does if he loses.... but if the plaintiff loses he must sue to recover his costs. Usually a losing proposition. Perhaps it should be if the plantiff cannot pay the costs to the vindicated defendant.... the attorneys that brought the suit should have to pay!!! Bet that would redue the number of bull sh1t dangs filed!!!

    But I digress... in this case I hope the insanity of our courts works in favor of the Peelers.

  13. Okay folks let's get in the time machine and go back and remember our attitude and mind set when we were "in". We knew it all we knew the truth we knew the "real" spiritual "reality" behind what we could see in the "5 senses realm."

    And what got through to us????????? Well... it wasn't any one thing... was it?? So TC.... maybe do what you're doing. Tell them what truth you know about twi. Offer no $ while they are "in". But be there if they ever want to leave.

    There may be one thing you can do though. Tell them to LISTEN to GOD when they see what they think are contradictions.... tell them to believe GOD is showing it to them.... that it's NOT just their natural mind senses talking to them and that GOD will talk to them just as much as anyone else.

    Basiclly (sp) use the twi logic against twi! Reinforce their desire to serve God... and reinforce their "spiritual eyes" so that...

    when the time comes for them to break away because the've relized twi's evil, they won't have to overcome pride to admit they made a mistake!

    Think how many times pride has stood in the way of resolving a conflict. No one likes to admit they made a mistake. And when it comes to something you believe in as much as we did like twi... it's even harder.

    So stay in touch with them even if they don't respond. And build them up so it will be easier for them to say... "You were SO right but I just couldn't see it until I was right in it." Or something like that... and good luck!

  14. quote:
    In fact I recently met her again at our 25th Highschool reunion. Seeing her now, made me glad that I had dropped her back then :-)

    Galen you are one cold dude man! LOL!!!

    I understand, I divorced 10 years ago, dated a bunch, occasionally will cross paths with one of them...... nuff said. Glad I made the choice I did when I married this one.

  15. VERY Well said H

    This thread started with a simple question about JAL's marital status and involvement in CES.

    Amazing how far a thead can denigrate! Worse than sharks!

    Here's a guy who has made his "living" for decades telling others how to live their lives - teaching, counseling, exhorting, reproving... leading by example? What's wrong with that picture?

    That's all it took........ and we're OFF....

    The implication that because he has divorced that he doesn't practice his beliefs, or his belief system is flawed. Once again... do you know the details of why he's divorced? Do you know ANYTHING at all about the details??? And since when is it YOUR business anyway???

    I was going to go through this thread and address all of the vitreolic posts but I type so so it would take me all day. So I'll forego that inclination.

    I'll leave it at this... HCW was right on the mark. Some of you have so much pride that even when you KNOW you're DEAD wrong you still won't admit it. Others of you are your own God now and will be till you die.

    All of us have that right ... to be wrong, and to be prideful, and to spout off their opinion. To those who have "gotten it off their chest," their thoughts and feelings about JAL... I say "well now don't you feel better!" isn't that special!!

    .... if the shoe fits.... Oh... stupid me... you wouldn't know if it fit anyway.

  16. Okay..

    Since my post yesterday at about this time, there have been postings by 8 different people.

    Have any of you taken John up on his open invitation to e mail him with your curiosity on the subject of his marriage and involvement in CES ? Hmmm????

    I never cease to be amazed!!

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