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Al Poole

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Posts posted by Al Poole

  1. I never trusted the bod etc from before I got in the corpse. vp would attack the rc's for beleiving that the pope spoke "excthedra" (sp?)

    then turned around and expected us to treat him like he was "speaking for God. Yeah right!

    I knew that the lunch rants were "flavored" if you will, the first week in rez. I was wrongly crucified during lunch by jal for something reported to him during a fire drill the night before.

    I guess I was just lucky/blessed? (almost hate to use a perfectly good word because of the associated with it)

    I can't imagine staying in as long as some did.

  2. We had a girl/woman in our corps that totally flipped out during lightbearers our last year. She was beautiful, her brother was in the 11th corps, married and one of the "leaders". I don't know if he was in the "inner circle". NE way his younger sister came back from lb totally wigged out. My )then)wife Linda tried to talk to her but Pat Lynn segregated her from the rest of us. She had some kinda breakdown.. No one was ever told what exactly happened to her and she ended up not graduating and just "disappered".

    During lb the corpse coordinators visted the teams out on the field. D--e B-d--- visited our team. Hit on my wife in a big way. She thought she had done something to provoke or encourage it... she was totally wigged out but it wasn't as blatent as vpw in the coach. That woulda got him an *** whuppin... as I'm sure he knew.

    So what happened to my corpse sister??? makes you go hmmmmmmm??? Sh ewas never black balled, accused of possession etc, I think "they" knew better.

    Damn damn damn damn damn... if I had only known!! Geesh I like to think I woulda stood up at lunch and called em out but I don't know that I woulda... maybe?

    Yeah ex10 your dad and brother Pat woulda made some damn short work of pp I mean vp. He didn't dare try that **** with you. I could just see Pat Jr.... How's he doing anyway?

  3. None of it was/is excuseable.


    I see Dot' POV about a "sweet" twig... for many that was the twi experience. But I cringe to know I sent money to those lying thieving scum.

    It is one thing to sin knowingly when both participants are willing. But what was done in the name of service to God "on a higher plane" makes me sick. They make the scribes and parasees of Jesus's time look like saints. They are all VERY VERY lucky that no ones's husband, boyfriend, brither or father came a calling for revenge.

    If I were lcm I'd watch my back and live in fear.

    [This message was edited by Al Poole on December 31, 2003 at 16:48.]

  4. Any "group" has a level of group think. Boundries, rules, mottos, creeds, by laws, ummm... CES is NOT way lite. If you're looking for the perfect group dream on.

    HEY... here's an idea... start your own!

    I am surprised about the "marriage" thing. Sounds real twi ish and I hope that mentality is an isolated incident. CES has helped 100's, 1000's of ex wayers over the last 18 ish years and without obligation or money being extorted. I do wish them well.

  5. Dittos Ex

    Hiya! I was friends with many of ex's family in that last year before pop. And I owe a tremendous debt to her brother an x14th corpse. He visited me in Tulsa in late '86 and "shared" things he knew from his interium year on staff. Things I couldn't, wouldn't believe. Until he revealed the name of one of the people involved. This person was an "up and comer" a "great believer" and pretty dynamic leader, (yet all the while involved in the "sordid underbelly" of twi.)

    This person suddenly just "disappered". No one seemed to know where they were or what happened to them. What happened was they had gotten pregnat by lcm and would not abort the child. So they were caused to "disapper". When ex's brother revealed their name to me all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place and I believed.

    I too had had walls and filters up during my entire way involvement. I didn't "buy" every word that came from some leaders mouth as if it "came from God." I too got hold of some of jal's material which solidified my decision to leave. When JS's paper was attacked and he was fired I was already "out" but that proved to me the rightness of my decision.

    My thinking was simple...

    "If the bot would not publicly admit their sin and repent... then the behavior would continue, the events would be covered up, swept under rthe rug, and life, for them, would go on."

    And it did and they're still there. Back then no one bothered you about it... you just didn't come to "twig" anymore. Even the limb and region coordinators left you alone. It was much simpler then it seems. I was in school and moving on with my life. Never gave it any second thoughts AT ALL. Then back in 2000 I got curious about "them". I had heard some things from time to time from jal and a few others. Then I was sitting in front of a computer and just for kicks typed twi into "yahoo". WOW!!! It blew my mind how RIGHT I had been about my reasoning!!

  6. quote:
    I start this thread in the belief that TWI was a magnet for strange characters over the years.

    (Yes, I know some real bad ones too but I'm trying to keep this lighthearted.) We all seemed to have suffered from them. Might as well get a chuckle too.

    TWI was a magnet for strange characters... but probably because we really got involved in peoples lives far far more than we ever would have under regular day to day cicumstances. Out side of our families we rarely get into peoples "personal lives" to the level that we did when in TWI. [ for GOOD, or for BAD!] I know in the days before pop was revealed, pre '86 (at least on the twig/fellowship level) things were tight, people DID really care about one another, gave to one another, helped one another, ACTUALLY exhibited much Christian character.

    YES, I know that there were "things" going on, and there were "leaders" on the field exploiting/abusing believers. BUT there were still many areas that were thriving and growing without stress or strain or pressure to "run a class". The one thing these areas all seemed to share was a genuine love and concern for one another. Kinda like the things we in the 70's and early 80's SAW that attracted us to the "fellowship" in the first place.

    That real loving care and concern also exposed to us the insides of a persons life. Because they trusted us they opened up and we saw all the "yuck". God knows... we didn't have any "yuck" WE had it "all together". Yeah right! But ya know what?? We did at least seem, to them, to have it together better than they did at the time.

    We really opened our hearts and lives to those strange characters and later found that they weren't any stranger than we were!!

    When was the last time you got that involved in someones life??? When was the last time someone looked you in the eye and said, "I'm probably alive because of you,"

    "You saved my life."

    Been a long long time for me. twi is FUBAR now.

    MAybe it was all along... but I know before things went way bad in the late 80's the "light" did live in some lives, and it did shine into some others lives, and they were set free.

    I may have taken this thread off track but the "strange characters" touched off something and I had to .... SHARE!!! aaauuuuggggggg!!!

  7. sorry folks... I'm still in shock that soomeone E d Horn y BRAGGED about pimping his wife!!!!! What a piece of slime!!!

    I left in 86 so never saw most of this perversion... I am ABSOLUTELY flabbergasted.

    It's one thing to have some "backroom/bus stuff", but for someone to openly admit to the point of bragging completely floors me.

  8. hey ....party on ya'llll

    yep been here in oklahoma for 17 years now (here in oklahoma "ya'll" is plural for youse guys... or youse, or you uns, case ya didn't know, thank you Dorothy) and I swear if I ever get my truck fixed I'm otta heer ...

    broke down on me passin thru and (17 years ago) and da um parts is hard to find...

    well I see th gangs all here... been a long time ..... ooo I see the mints are all arranged just so... never could figgure that one out...

    ole craiggers got the mints just right but seemed to miss the part about tresspassin... what part of "thou shalt not" didn't he get anyway!!! oh yeah stupid me... I obviously just wassin spiritual enough to "handle it"...

    but hey it's really great to be here with some old friends... new friends... and soon to be friends... LOVE the snow cones BTW!

    EX how do you know my sister in law?? 11th was junior to th 9th I guess that would make some sense...

    haven't talked to Bill ooppsss REV Bill and Fran in .... lessseeee over 6 years. Since my fathers funeral Jan 97. Funny thing is he calls our sister from time to time... well as everyone knows I'm POSSESSED noe that I've left the "household" and haven't died!!

    Isn't that the story???? if you didn't die it was cause you're possessed so naturally the debbill ain't gonna off you!! no sirrreee!!

    Wow... so much talent in the room carpenters, musicians, refinishers, refinished musician carpenters!

    I may be in and out on the party, get called away to actually do a little work now and then. Had to reduce the staff by one last week so now I'm busier than before but I can still be here.

    yes yes yes TRISCUIT... I believe I remember now a little cream cheese a little strawberry jam yes a sweet treat it was too!!! (Grey... just who are they? ...really)

    GREAT idea Grey... I think it's time for a little music from our guests...

  9. knock knock... lemmme in man... it's Al

    Al 's not here man... we're lookin for him

    no... I'm Al lemme in it'cold out here...

    Al ?? Al's not here!!!


    hey man Al's not here dot look out you're gonna drop the roach....

    knock knock... hey!!! c'mon I'M Al... A L AL!!! please $hit!!! It's colder than Gunnison in January at midnight now open the door PA-LLEEESE

    Al ? not here...

    man I knew they'd be into the $hit if I was late but that sno-cone truck scared he!! outta me.... Dot said... NO PROMISED me a mini coach... sheech, back room girls, mints, a clean water glass.... sheech... All the way from Tulsa and I can't get in .... yeah He!! I coulda just stayed there with Oral in the prayer tower and practiced putting...

    .... maybe I got the wrong night... think I'll go back to my car and try to get in with somebody...

    ...I hope someone else is a little late too... jezz I hope I don't get reproved ...

  10. imablvr... Do You? Really?

    Like Aqualung???

    You are so showing your age girl!!!

    [ Unless you're like my 13 yr old daughter who is a Carol King, early James Taylor, and early Billy Joel FREAK!!! LOL! (she thinks Brittny S is a sl--! and Christina A is worse! how lucky could I be?? ) ]

    I saw Tull last fall... some things are better left in the memory box!!! The music was great but the "pipes" were gone! Still like the old stuff though!!!

    I think Aqualung could be a good start for ex wayfers.

  11. is a BIG deal... having read thru all the posts, and having some recent "single" experience myself, I just had to jump into the pool.

    but first... itchley.... corry seems to be looking for a "mate". If you're using "lover" synomimously (sp) okay but "lovers" in the vernacular are a dime a dozen and shouldn't be confused with a mate, your mate should be your lover but a mate incorporates SO much more!

    Sorry bout the digression but I just had to go there.

    Corry.... the best all around advise so far has ABSOLUTELY been.... chas.

    You don't say your age but with two teenage sons I'll wager... 30-40... how bout 36???? that's about when I found myself single again (37). I say chas cause I did EXACTLY what she said:

    "After having been married once I knew what I could and couldn't live with -- I knew what areas of life I could compromise on and which ones I couldn't."

    ALL OF LIFE WITH SOMEONE IS A SERIES OF COMPROMISES!!! So you have to be strong enough to give BUT SMART enough to know when you're giving up everything you are and stand your ground. I've been married to Betty for almost 4 years. 2nd for us both. I was single for 3 yrs in between. SHE TOLD ME POINT BLANK.... this is what I am, and I dated her long enough to see her "style/actions" agreed with her words.

    In your future relationships watch for how your companion deals with opinions, decisions, situations, that are adverse. BEFORE you get too much emotion invested.

    "When I met hubby, I had been dating a man who did not want to get married, already had a child from a previous marriage and didn't want anymore. He wanted the milk and not the cow, if you get my drift."

    GREAT POINT CHAS.... why do you want to get married????? companionship??? or stud service???

    Looking for ONE rest-of-your-life-partner????

    In most cases/with most men...Your mother was right "they won't buy the cow if the milk is free"

    I'm sure you get it, but to put it simply... if you're "giving it up" too early... even a good man will probably write you off... yep, it's a double standard but that's still the way it is.

    But that goes back too WHY you want to get married and if you haven't REALLY thought it through long and hard you're SOOOO not ready to even be thinking about marriage.

    "Hubby wasn't that. After I realized we were pretty compatable, I basically gave him my "business plan" -- I wanted the American Dream -- house, kids, and 2 cats in the yard..."

    CHAS... I'd love to meet you and your hubby sometime... you got it gonin on ... You knew what you wanted... Which means you'd thought it through. THEN you laid it out for him... which shows your honesty... AWESOME

    "He said he wanted his kids to have red hair (I'm a redhead and wanted to live in a house near the lake). BTW - we'd met in Jan '00 and were married in Aug. Our son was born in July '01. "



    "The moral of the story: Know what your 'must haves' are, have an idea of what your 'would like to haves' might be and what your 'no-way-in-hell!' is, too. This is someone you DON'T want to make another mistake with, so why settle for less?"


    CHAS has in a very few short paragraphs encapsulated the wisdom of many many books, CHAS...the cliff notes editor....

    "BTW -- about your 'Christian' friends -- they won't have to live with the man you choose to settle down with -- they should be happy if you're happy and if they aren't then they should keep their pieholes closed! =)"

    I might add.... to all the... "trust in God" advise... Yes trust God, trust your brains and your gut instincts TOOO. I've trusted God for many things... AND got myself off my *** and went and looked/worked/studyed for those things too (I think you get my drift).

    And one more thing... if you're looking at a divorcee' MAKE SURE HE'S HAD TIME TO WORK THROUGH HIS BAGGAGE AND SETTLED ON A LOAD HE CAN CARRY HIMSELF.... and.. you do likewise..

    Don't be discouraged... good people/men are out there, don't wait for them to find you, and don't wear your heart on your sleeve. Be friends, just friends, ABSOLUTE friends, with a lot of men. You'll learn so much and you'll see more and more of what you like, don't like, and you'll discover TONS of new things. Relax, have fun with it!!!

    Happy hunting!

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