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Posts posted by Sudo

  1. Here's the way its all done :)

    ***********The twelve commandments of flaming**************

    1. Make things up about your opponent: It's important to make your lies sound

    true. Preface your argument with the word "clearly." "Clearly, Pawtucket is a liar, and a dirtball to boot."

    2. Be an armchair psychologist: You're a smart person. You've heard of

    Freud. You took a psychology course in college. Clearly, you're qualified

    to psychoanalyze your opponent. "Abigail, by using the word

    'zucchini' in her posting, shows she has a bad case of penis envy."

    3. Cross-post your flames: Everyone on the net is just waiting for the next

    literary masterpiece to leave your terminal. From the Way Corpse site to

    Facebook, they're all holding their breaths until your next flame.

    Therefore, post everywhere.

    4. Conspiracies abound: If everyone's against you, the reason can't

    *possibly* be that you're a jerk. There's obviously a conspiracy

    against you, and you will be doing the entire internet a favor by exposing it.

    5. Lawsuit threats: This is the reverse of Rule #4 (sort of like the Yin &

    Yang of flaming). Threatening a lawsuit is always considered to be in

    good form. "By saying that I've posted to the wrong group, George Aar has

    libelled me, slandered me, and sodomized me. See you in court, George!"

    6. Force them to document their claims: Even if Jonny Lingo states outright

    that he likes tomato sauce on his pasta, you should demand documentation.

    If Newsweek hasn't written an article on Jonny's pasta preferences, then

    Jonny is obviously lying.

    7. Use foreign phrases: French is good, but Latin is the lingua franca of

    flaming. You should use the words "ad hominem" at least three times per

    article. Other favorite Latin phrases are "ad nauseum", "vini, vidi,

    vici", "fetuccini alfredo".

    8. Tell 'em how smart you are: Why use intelligent arguments to convince them

    you're smart when all you have to do is tell them? State that you're a

    member of Mensa or Mega or Dorks of America. Tell them the scores you

    received on every exam since high school. "I got an 800 on my SATs, LSATs,

    GREs, MCATs, and I can also spell the word 'premeiotic' ".

    9. Accuse your opponent of censorship. It is your right as an American citizen

    to post whatever the hell you want to on the internet (as guaranteed by the 37th

    Amendment, I think). Anyone who tries to limit your cross-posting or move

    a flame war to email is either a communist, a fascist, or both.

    10. Doubt their existence: You've never actually seen your opponent, have you?

    And since you're the center of the universe, you should have seen them by

    now, shouldn't you? Therefore, THEY DON'T EXIST! This is the beauty of

    flamers' logic.

    11. Lie, cheat, steal, leave the toilet seat up.

    12. When in doubt, insult: If you forget the other 11 rules, remember this one.

    At some point during your wonderful career as a flamer you will

    undoubtedly end up in a flame war with someone who is better than you.

    This person will expose your lies, tear apart your arguments, make you

    look generally like a bozo. At this point, there's only one thing to do:

    insult the dirtbag!!! "Oh yeah? Well, your mother does strange things with



  2. Greasy,

    That's a pretty neat trick. Remember when the internet was just taking off and you'd see little tricks like this a lot. My favorite was one showing your IP address. That one really freaked out Bluzeman... and he's in the computer biz!


  3. This was placed in the student center at a local college. Someone had a great idea, huh?

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


  4. I LOVED the ending to the letter...."God Bless you abundantly in Jesus Christ's most powerful name". I wonder if this was said to the "witches" in Salem before they were executed? Nothing incites the faithful of a religion quite so much as when another leaves it.


  5. And of course I'm sure those of us around at the time remember VPW smoking on stage in the Main tent at the ROA's. Nobody else could smoke because it was a fire hazard as I recall. The exact same reason was given us as was given to Oakspear... he was "Doctor" after all. It struck me as arrogance by VPW even then.


  6. I don't have anything to add but.. does it strike anyone else reading this thread that you can get normal sane people to believe ANYTHING?? Mormons believe that American Indians are the lost tribes of Israel that sailed across the ocean 2000 years ago. And Scientologists believe in the galactic prince Xenu and that L. Ron Hubbard was a prophet or whatever they call him. I mean, really... people will believe anything won't they?


  7. I'm thinking there has to be something else to it. Why would the WIFE'S membership in a cult years ago be an issue at all? And just how did the NYT even find this out so fast? Is it on her facebook page or something? Its not like there's a member roster for ex-cult members some place they can check. If the reporters were digging for information asking the neighbors about her would that be something that would come out? "Oh, and BTW.. she was involved in a cult for four years a long time ago." Maybe.... maybe not.


  8. David seems to have the recipe I remember, Kimberly. And as Mstar says.. we get so little snow down here that each one is a real treat. It was nice but tomorrow's back to work. Only we'll all have our snow stories to tell all day... where did we get the car stuck... how long were the lines at Kroger's.. etc.


  9. George,

    I think you're wrong. I believe there's enough evidence to conclude he existed. Oh, all that stuff about his being one of the gods or Messiah or what not is all nonsense of course but his existence? I mean you have Josephus and Pliny the Younger and.. and.. hmmmm. Well if he didn't exist it makes a dang good story, huh?


  10. Jim and Groucho,

    Yeah, I was on WayDale just as Trancenet was ending. I'd like to know just how much damage WayDale and Greasespot have done to that dangerous cult of which we dare not speak its name. First off, wild and crazy LCM would still be in charge. Secondly, membership would be what? Triple what it is today with no internet to warn both the innies and the recruits?


  11. You're a fount of information, Geo. I had never heard of Guy Fawkes but Googled him after reading your post. That sounds like a neat little holiday. Looks like a good excuse just to have a party and festivities. So.. who's bringing the pig to roast?


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