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Posts posted by nandon

  1. oil is power.

    it fuels countries and helps create super powers.

    we are running out of it.

    If we weren't we wouldn't be going to war for it.

    anybody who says we have plenty of oil on our own is dreaming. We all wish we had it. If we had that type of access to oil, we wouldn't send one penny to the mid east. Our economy would be so dominate.

    Wonder where a guy like this gets his info

  2. First off, this was my favorite class from TWI. By far. I had a ton of fun and laughed.

    Secondly. I was only 13, so my judgment is suspect.

    I also remember him teaching that if a man didn't have a wife, or if for some reason his wife was unable to have sex, he "oughta learn how to masturbate." Too bad he didn't practice what he preached.

    masturbating is healthy for the prostate. Whether you're shooting alone or with someone else, keep on shooting. And I'm 100% serious about this.

  3. I know that-as early as the end of the 1960s, when he met D**p and H33fn3r, vpw had

    rationalized that orgies were accepted by God, because D**p reported that vpw had offered

    his rationalization for them to D**p, who wasn't buying it.

    If there were orgies, I would have no idea-I wasn't where or when I could have found

    out about it. All I know is that vpw was cool with them-according to vpw, and according to

    vpw, God didn't think they were "BEST", but made them "AVAILABLE."

    vpw met h33fn3r, as in mr. playboy?

  4. krysilis,

    Thank you,

    Much love to you and your family. I believe in my heart that your sons stand was one of the huge factors that has set me free from TWI. TWI was my life for my first 22 years. I would have never left had I not known the truth, and without your son... who knows...

    Thank you, God Bless you, I love you

  5. Ya, i remember this. Rev. P. Mosq... told me all about what happened and why he left. I'll never forget him for telling me these things, really made my life a lot clearer.

    only problem was i didn't hear of it until LCM got sued... and said it was a "one" time affair. After this, I contacted P.Mosq... he told me what I needed to hear. The corruption and lies...

    :) love him for that

    I wish healing to all those that were hurt..

    I would like to thank the man who confronted LCM, whoever he is, I think he is brave! He helped protect a lot of people from more hurt!

  6. ya, it sucks to start a thread and have people bash you.

    religion is tough to talk about because it means so much to all of us.

    The greatest thing i've been learning to to really listen to what other people think and respect it ESPECIALLY when I disagree with them.

    I like the doctrinal forum and I hope it stays. but CATEGORIES within the doctrinal forum would be awesome!

    I learn a lot from you all.

  7. LOL @ fast food.

    Ed and Sandi are cool.

    But, from personal experience, they stood up for some idiots.

    Some of my favorite people of all time r from TWI. I still like them, but I would love to see them grow beyond TWI. The Oedings, the Wallaces for example.

    Both have bad stories attached to them, but both are great people to me, and were great friends.

    I'd love to see them get out.

  8. Children of The Way, what do you believe

    I believe: That It Is All True

    Who am I to judge anyone's experience in the imaginary? How can I judge anyone's unprovable reality?

    How am I to know how a God is showing itself to anyone?

    I believe: God Is Love

    I was raised in TWI. Fam.7 WC. Advanced Class Grad. Got out in 2002.

  9. I think he's painted himself into a corner..

    "undereducated buffoon" really was not a personal remark. More of an observation. Where's he gonna go if (or when) they cut him loose?

    Like loy, I don't see fortune 500 companies fighting over him..

    good point. What would he do? He has no job skills, no education, no retirement(maybe TWI has a 401K?), no house... pretty much nothing. He made some money buying and flipping a house or two in oregon, before it was made against TWI rules.

    I wonder how many others are in this situation. No other job skills, 50 something, no where else to go without having to start all over.

  10. i've got good memories of him. But I was a kid when I knew him. Never really knew him when I was an adult. Only had a few conversations with him as an adult.

    Threatened with DEATH?>??? what the hell? seems like that happened more often than we all think in TWI. "ministers" somehow saying that you are going to die unless you do what they say.

    he's the rocky mtn region coordinator, stays in colorado.

  11. sex is so annoying...

    growing up in TWI i didn't know what to think. my mom and dad said wait till marriage. they were way corps ppl, so i figured they were smart...

    then other "higher ranking" way co. ppl told me pre-marital sex was fine, and not only COULD i do it, i SHOULD be doing it, because "you need to learn how to please a woman"

    so i got guilted from one side and pressured from the other.

    when i acted conservative and followed my parents advice i would get in trouble for not being loving enough... when i would follow the other advice i would get in trouble for being too forward...

    now as an adult, I'm still trying to figure out what's right and wrong.

    Post TWI, I've tried it both ways: If im conservative with a girl, she gets insecure, and that sucks... If I give the girl what she wants, she expects me to call her every day, and return text messages every 30 minutes.. or else she gets mad and insecure...

    So, i have decided that my parents were right... im staying away from sex till im married... not cuz of religion or guilt... but because its the best way to treat a lady... tell her right up front "I'm waiting till marriage" if she don't like it,,,, move on immediately, if she respects it,,, i may have found a good one.

    i hope this was still on subject...

  12. I have not studied yoga or Eastern Meditation. The meditation I practice came through Pagan/Wiccan sources but it maybe quite similar. When I was a TWI believer I spoke in tongues faithfully, but the business of SIT seems quite in contrast to meditation, which is more a be still, calm down, quit racing type activity.

    During meditation I do occasionally have a burst of creative thought or 'answers' to current personal issues, but mostly I sleep much better if I meditate before bed.

    Yes, the stillness, the focus and concentration. I never learned that from twi, but it seems to be a theme in the bible. Only thing close to it was when we'd do the 24 hours of prayer. I only did it a couple of times, but we weren't allowed to talk, we just had to sit there and SIT.

    thanks Bramble

  13. don't know if its illegal...

    but its stupid, im sure there is a better way...

    u know how easy it is to lie on your taxes??? the gov. is losing so much money its ridiculous.

    im kinda leary of a paying a ton of tax to a gov. that spends time debating if they should put a warning label on a red bull, or if they should punish a baseball player for trying to be a become a better baseball player...

    just my opinions... i know that its not only a possibility that im wrong, its a guarantee...

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