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soul searcher

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Posts posted by soul searcher

  1. I never called VP a good man. I've never called myself a good man. I don't recall that you or any other poster called themselves a good man. Even Jesus didn't like being called a good man...

    ...I've said that VP did good things, not that he was a good man. There's a difference. Nobody is a good man.

    Our "sinful nature" notwithstanding, I completely disagree with this. I am certain that there are many good men and women in this world...decent and pure of heart. I even know some personally.

    Also, I was never in TWI but from everything I've heard, this vpw character (and his slimeball successor) were monsters. That they purported to teach the word of God doesn't mean a thing. Heck, pedophile priests supposedly teach the word of God and they belong in jail.

  2. Well, I won the lottery once---sorta.

    I was in a lotto pool at work, with several other people. Our ticket hit for $1,000. We sent the office temp to cash it in at lunch and she never came back.

    Ha-ha! (sorry) :)

    Did you call the police?

  3. You say you have been reading GSC for 10 years. And you still don't underatand the seriousness of plagiarism?

    This would seem to be a slam-dunk.

    More interesting is that he hasn't noticed or read all the evidence that many have posted here.

    I've mentioned before that my ex-Way friend sent me some PDFs of Weirwille books for me to read. Luckily, I found this forum before I wasted my time. After reading about the man and what he did, I did a permanent "shift-delete" on all copies so that none would remain on my hard drive. The man has zero credibility as far as I'm concerned.

  4. As long as we're having fun...what were those seven dirty words George Carlin referred to?







    tits (this one slipped by the censors LOL)

  5. Wait a minute, I'm confused....

    Wasn't "Glass Onion" the answer to your The-Walrus-was-Paul clue?

    I told you about the walrus and me-man

    You know that we're as close as can be-man

    Well here's another clue for you all,

    The walrus was Paul

    Also, the answer to my clue is NOT Carry That Weight, . The answer was Golden Slumbers.

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