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soul searcher

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Posts posted by soul searcher

  1. When I had you to myself I didn't want you around

    Those pretty faces always made you stand out in a crowd

    Someone picked you from the bunch, one glance was all it took

    Now it's much too late for me to take a second look


    Oh baby give me one more chance

    (To show you that I love you)

    Won't you please let me

    (Back in your heart)

  2. It is, indeed, Morning Dew. However, it was written by Bonnie Dobson.

    Here's an interesting tidbit: Wikipedia says, "Fred Neill heard Dobson's song and re-arranged it to suit his own style. Tim Rose heard Neil's version and then recorded his own in 1966, adding himself as co-writer. Through a loophole in US copyright law, Rose was able to claim royalties. Dobson has consistently questioned Rose's right to a co-writing credit."

    My vinyl copy of the Dead's Europe '72 cites "Rose-Dobson" as co-writers.

    But yes, you're right.

    Edit: I just checked my copy of Jeff Beck's "Truth" and it also lists Rose-Dobson as writers. I only mention all this because I knew there had to be a reason I cited TR earlier.

  3. Well...I was never in TWI but I was turned on to the bible by somebody who was. She sent me a class on CD produced by way-offshoot STF entitled "A New Life in Christ". I honestly found the class to be fascinating. (It helped that the two speakers, JW Schoenheit and his sister Susan, were excellent.) And if it wasn't for that class I would not have bothered to read the bible. (At this point I'm almost done with Revelation. It took me about a year and a half, through varying levels of motivation and interest.)

    However, after I found the GSC, and after participating in bible discussion forums, I rejected all the questionable Way doctrine. When I brought up topics like "four crucified" and "six denials" in other discussion groups, nobody (save for the 1-in-100 bible scholar or clergyman who has bothered to read Bullinger's footnotes in The Companion Bible) had ever even heard of those interpretations. It made me wonder.

    So... I've had the somewhat rare experience of reading and interpreting the bible on my own (technically I'm Catholic but, bad daddy that I am, I don't go to church with the wife and kids) with no personal guidance or instruction whatsoever, save for the study notes in my NIV and various other commentary that I've read on the internet.

    Anyway...oddly, or sadly, or ironically -- whatever -- I initially started reading the bible to try and pull myself closer to Christianity. But after having read it, I now wonder if I'm really a Christian at all. I mean, if being a Christian means that you have to believe that God ordered Moses and the Levites to execute 3,000; or Joshua to obliterate the Gibeonites (or dozens of other atrocities in the OT) then I don't think I'm on board with that.

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