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Everything posted by Cowgirl

  1. When I buy a huge tub of "Butterscotch icecream" for myself and the kids, I eat out all the butterscotch ripple and just leave them with the vanila part, that's only if I get to it before they do. Cowgirl
  2. Cowgirl


    That is just so...........................!!!!!!!!! :unsure: Cowgirl Hey Batman, when you roasted them at your grandmother's, were they done in an oven, what temperature, how long, if you remember, can you please share the details?
  3. Cowgirl


    I'm trying to delete or even edit my post but i can't find anything to click on to delete it or even EDIT it, there used to be a edit button and now i don't even half the option, please tell me what is going on Cowgirl Oh forget it!! I just read that you have a time limit of 2hrs for editiing your post. What about deleting it, does anyone now if you can delete a post? Cowgirl
  4. Cowgirl


    I was out picking chestnuts for a few hrs, this beautiful autumn day, here's what they look like!! You can dry them, use them for decorations, cook with them in lots of recipes and even make chestnut flour!!
  5. How do you add music to a thread that you can hear without having to post a link? Cowgirl Also is there anyway I can delete a post, I posted over in the "mandolin, banjo, etc." thread and it's kind of just sitting there, how can I get rid of the whole post? Thanks
  6. More news from MSN....... Houston, Galveston may escape direct hit In the afternoon, Rita made a sharper-than-expected turn to the right, and it appeared that Houston and nearby Galveston might escape a direct hit. Instead, it looked as if Rita might come ashore near Port Arthur, Texas, or Lake Charles, La., at least 60 miles up the coast. Cowgirl
  7. I happen to have both, 2 girls 11 and 12 yrs old and 3 boys, one is 7 and the twins are 6 yrs old. Goey (my fiance) has met them all and he hasn't been scared off (haha!) Have you ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right, where it would of been better to of just stayed in bed. Well that's how the day went and just about an hour ago had to of been the final straw. My 7yr old son comes in through the back door and slams it and blows out all the glass, it goes everywhere!! I send him up to his room for some time out while I clean up the mess (actually the time out was more for me so I could cool down before dealing with him) So now I have this huge hole in my back door and it's getting dark out and I need to get something in there to fill it otherwise anyone can come waltzing through my door in the middle of the night. I phone up a glass place and they're about to close in 15 minutes, so I get the twins ready and call my son down from upstairs and he comes down with blood all over his head, apparently some of the glass landed on his head, I hosed him down with the shower head and it ended up being a teeny scrape, he'll live!!! Anyways I'm trying to make this long story short, I picked up the piece just before closing and it FITS, the measurements I phoned in were just perfect, aleast I did something right today. I've never gone through this kind of stuff with my girls, they are a piece of cake compared to the boys, well most of the time!! So I'm curious those of you that have kids which do you find easier to raise boys or girls? Cowgirl
  8. Forecasters said Rita could be the strongest hurricane on record to ever hit Texas. The National Weather Service bulletin repeated its warning that the system was "potentially catastrophic." However, the latest forecast also showed a "slow weakening trend," which indicated that Rita may diminish slightly to a Category 3 hurricane when it reaches the coast late Friday or early Saturday. Latest news from MSN
  9. Hi Ron !! You mentioned "Brad" a mandolin player (that's music to my ears!) is this guy a professional? I take it his full name is Brad Apple. Cowgirl
  10. I have a HUGE favour to ask, if anyone can fulfill it for me, that would be AWESOME !!! The song "Days go By" that I posted the link to, I would love to get my hands on the invidual notes to it, I already have the chords for it, I can figure out the notes to simpler songs but this one is out of my league. Cowgirl
  11. I competed at the national level for cross-country running and I placed very well. The majority of my accomplishments revolved around long distance running. Now I run just to stay in shape. Cowgirl
  12. Cowgirl


    Here's one for ya !! I'm waiting for the new site to get up and running then I'll post some more! Cowgirl
  13. I just wanted to say thanks to you all who gave me some good ideas on the sanders! I've been checking them out on the net. And yes I would need different sizes for different parts of my work. As far as pictures go I had some on my computer but when my hard drive crashed I lost all the pictures however I did take some photographs of them when they were in a gallery. So as soon as I get the film developed I'll post them up here. Cowgirl
  14. Cowgirl

    I'M EXCITED !!

    I've been working on a life-size spiderman wall mural (drawing and painting) in my sons bedroom and I just landed my first wall mural job !! A lady came over and asked me to do an astromony theme in the adults bedroom. This is way too cool!!! Cowgirl
  15. I've started up a home business making and selling animal papier mache sculptures. Towards the end of each job, just before painting and adding the finishing touches, I have to sand each one by hand (which takes quite a while to get it nice and smooth) so I've moved on to a small electric sander which measures 4 x 4 1/2 and it works great! My question is do they make any smaller sanders than that, that can handle even more detailed work, or better yet what is the smallest electric sander that you can purchase? Cowgirl
  16. Here's the LINK The song you want to hear is "Days Go BY" Lots of mandolin in it!! Absolutely one of my favourites!! Cowgirl
  17. I was reviewing 2 and 3 finger chords and I saw that some of these chords have the same name but yet totally different fingering positions. For example "A" in one of my notes is shown as a 2 finger chord and then in one of my books it is shown as a 3 finger chord, why is that? It's a bit confusing. When it calls for the "A" chord in a song how do you know which one to play, just go by the sound? Here are some others ones that do that.........G13, C7, Fm7, Am, A7, Cowgirl
  18. Gotta hurry and get this to the 3rd page, I got a real treat for y'all to listen to!!! Cowgirl
  19. Bluzeman, here's a site you might want to check when it comes to purchasing a mandolin, Some mighty fine mandoes here!! Of course I'm sure you're aware there's lots more to pick and chose from. I just happen to really enjoy the sound of these ones. There is a site that I have been trying to find where where it has lots of mandolins for sale and you can listen for a few seconds of the sound each one makes. I'll post it once I find it. Cowgirl http://www.rigelmandolin.com/
  20. Here is another one for your listening pleasure, got to give it a few seconds with the guitar and then it really gets into the mandolin!! I don't know why but everytime I hear the mandolin, it really touches the very core of me. I just love this instrument!! Cowgirl
  21. COWABUNGA!!!!! I finally, after an exhaustive search found the CHORDS to "Let it Be You" I have heard the song so many times I am sure I can come up with the invidual notes for it. Cowgirl
  22. Hey Bluzeman, that sounds great!!! You are way ahead of me when it comes to the mandolin!! If you don't mind me asking what kind of mandolin are you playing? Cowgirl
  23. One more question for now.............. I am looking for the chords or notes to the song "Let It Be You" by Ricky Skaggs and I have done quite a search on it in the past but haven't found anything on it as of yet. Anyone have any ideas? Cowgirl
  24. DMiller, How did you ever get your hands on a 1917 Gibson F-2 mandolin? Hey anybody recognize these boys?
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