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Posts posted by waterbuffalo

  1. Dear T.E.,

    You brought tears to my eyes and I hurt for you. But, please remember that the valleys are where God works because we can't help ourselves anymore. Believe me, I've been there MANY times and I know what you're going through.

    Someone very dear to me has been diagnosed with what I think you may have. Please send me a private message if you know how and I'll be glad to share some things he has done that have helped. He came very close to losing his wife, too.

    Please remember, you are loved, at least here, anyway. We care.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  2. oenophile,

    I've had a lot of that godly sorrow stuff in my own life, too, and for the same reasons. I'm so glad that Jesus Christ forgives and cleanses because it's such a dirty feeling after doing that to somebody.

    I sent you a private msg.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  3. {{{{{{{Watered Garden}}}}}}}


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  4. Hello,

    Good thread. I think the very verses that vp used to "prove" that every woman belonged to the king, actually, the way I read it, proves just the opposite. It's the section on David and Bathsheba. Why, if David had rights to every woman, did he go so far as to murder her husband so he (Uriah) and everyone else wouldn't find out? Why didn't he just take him aside and explain the situation if it was all right?



    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  5. Hey, I'm glad I was able to offer a little validation. I think you made the right choice, whatever it was!

    But I'm disappointed. I was hoping you would weigh in on Plotinus' thread and offer your insight into Auden. Now there's a poet's brain you can pick.


    Thanks, you did indeed validate my choice, and that means a lot to me because I am going back to school soon and English was one thing I was considering for a Master's program.

    As far as picking anyone's brain, I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. Actually, I really ENJOY sitting around and talking about literature and listening to what everyone says that they got out of it. Also, if a lot of people got a lot of different things out of one piece, that just means (to me) that it is even more of a masterpiece.

    My only point is that when some scholars say that they are the authority about what an author meant, I say, "no way." Only the author knew what he meant to say and if he doesn't make that clear in an interview or something, then what all the "experts" are saying about it is just their opinion, which they are entitled to, but I don't think they are entitled to say that their opinion is necessarily what the author meant.

    Hope that cleared things up. I really wasn't trying to derail or anything because I love to discuss literature.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  6. Originally posted by johniam:

    I always felt the same way about the label "cult". As soon as someone is convinced I'm in a cult, they don't have to listen to anything I say, don't have to be polite to me, etc.QUOTE]

    It does really hurt to be on the receiving end of being labeled. I'm totally with you on that one, Johniam.

    After being labeled as "brainwashed" for years by my family, one day after I left the ministry I visited the cult section of the Christian Bookstore and discovered that the Masons and Eastern Stars are considered to be the oldest and largest cults in the world. Guess who were the most severe critics against me? The ones who were in Eastern Star.

    Actually, I just decided to forgive them instead of sticking it to them after years of ostricizing (sp?) me. Railing for railing is something I try to steer clear of because it's such destructive behavior. But, I'm still really TEMPTED sometimes to pull that one out, but then I ask myself if I want to be right or if I want to be in relationship with them and relationship always (so far) has won out. But, it's really hard sometimes because human nature wants to hurt back when we've been hurt.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  7. Laleo,

    Just a quick aside, it's hard for me to seriously believe that a lot of famous authors MEANT all of this imagery and personification that the academics sit around and comment on. Unless the author says that he/she had this in mind, I tend to believe that they just sat down and wrote a good story meant to be enjoyed for itself and not with hidden meanings.

    But, I think it is fun to sit around and come up with our own interpretations and analogies/parallels in our world, too, such as what we're doing. But, for an "expert" to say that the author meant this or that, I believe is just a way either for the "expert" to sound important (mental masturbation) or simply projection on their part.

    Anyhoo, just my opinion on that and I'm sure there are many who would disagree with me.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  8. Laleo,

    Thanks for commenting on you how you came to your thoughts on this movie...kinda thought it might be a combination of different sources which shaped 'em. You put them together very nicely. Thank you.

    I DO think of it as a Christian theme...just how the characters interacted and helped each other and formed a "family" and were even hindered by a devil-witch (ww of the west) and helped by an angel-witch (glenda).

    For some reason I'm reminded of another movie with the same " formed family" theme,The Outlaw Josey Wales , which is also one of my favorites.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  9. quote:
    Originally posted by ItsStillTheWord:

    Another good parallel is that Dorothy's experiences turned out to be a dream - IF TWI turns out to be a dream then..I'm still 19!!!

    We can only hope!

    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  10. Laleo,

    Hi! Wonderful subject for discussion.

    Hey, I just wondered, are those your thoughts or did you get part of the analogies out of the Clift Notes or something similar?

    But, the Oz destination, yes, I think I was trying to arrive someplace while in the way, but never really knew where that place WAS. I suppose I thought I would become more spiritual as I continued in their programs and for some reason thought THAT would make me more something. LOL! It all seems so strange now that I look back on it.

    All I can say is that at least Dorothy KNEW where she wanted to go and that was back home with the ones she loved. It took me many more years to finally figure that one out (only kidding). Even though I LOVE my family and am much closer to them now, I really don't want to live near them. But the part about being grateful for them, I'm finally getting. It was a revelation for me to wake up one day and realize that my family, regardless of their imperfections and critical spirits, were probably the only people on earth who love(d) me unconditionally.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  11. Personally, I think animals are pretty neat creatures. Some people should aspire to be as good as some of the animals out there.

    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  12. rascal,

    it has been my experience that immature and incompetent people in positions of authority always seem to resort to labeling those under them or those with a different way of doing things. This is their way of making themselves feel better because they don't know how to develop relationships with people and talk things out that they disagree with.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  13. We drive that in, usually, four. I sent you a private msg.

    Also, is there a way, after you've already posted, to edit what you write without the "the msg. was edited...blah, blah, blah" at the end.

    Not that i'm tryin' to make anyone look like a horses's a**, but just wondered. LOL.


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  14. WOW! THAT worked too! And, I already know how to edit (duh! imagine that!)


    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

    And congratulation on your upcoming marriage. How far from Indpls is the wedding?


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  15. THAT worked.

    Now, for the c & p exercise...

    There is another way - highlight, copy and paste. Start out with a [ quote ] tag, then highlight and copy and paste from someone's post, then put the [ /quote ] tag.

    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  16. quote:
    Originally posted by Steve!:

    You click the left icon, immediately to the right of "posted January 22, 04 09:03 AM", and it will put EVERYTHING from my post between the [ quote ] [ /quote ] tags.

    hOpe this works with deleting part of it.

    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  17. OK. THAT didn't work.

    How do I just put the part that I want in quotes from someone elses post? It didn't work when I hilighted one paragraph of your post, either and then clicked on the left icon of your post.

    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

  18. quote:
    Originally posted by Steve!:

    Originally posted by waterbuffalo:


    I'm learning how to do quotes too. LOL!


    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

    NOW try quoting what someone else wrote!

    It's easy - down in the lower right corner of every post, there are 2 icons. The one on the left is a folder with quotation marks on it - just click that on anyone's post, and then add your comments.

    You can also edit your own posts so that you don't have to post umpteen million times to get something right - on your own posts there are THREE icons - the one in the middle is a folder with a pencil with an eraser on it. Click that on one of your own posts, and you can change what you had written before.

    It's especially fun after someone has responded to what you wrote, then you change what you wrote, and the responder end's up looking like the hind end of a horse! Hilarious!

    "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

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