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Everything posted by krys

  1. Unbelievable. Thanks Zixar. I should have realized that Venus has so many dense clouds, I knew it too - -just forgot for the moment. If you ever want amy biological info, I'm "it". The picture wouldn't "save" for me...maybe when you get time you could try again. I would suggest email, but I know I'm not the only one who would like to see it
  2. I am not starting this thread to be facetious. In fact most of you realize I hardly ever start threads at all! This is an exception. Since you know so much (said in earnest awe and respect) about "stuff" especially planets and the stars, would you please try to explain this to me: What do you think earth looks like from a point in space, say near Mars or maybe even Venus? Would we twinkle? Would we have a color? I know Mars appears redish and Venus yellow kind of.
  3. I really really wanna buy a tee shirt I've always wanted a tee shirt....and I've been looking for a spot where they can be bought...but don't see one yet. For what it is worth, I know Pawtucket has been approached more than once or twice about gifts or donations to make this all possible, and has, to my knowledge, always tastefully declined. I there believe he really doesn't want $$ for any of this for his own personal reasons. If that is so, then I belive we just must accept his wishes here, even though we want to do something, out of our thanksgiving....etc. If for his own reasons Pawtucket doesn't want $$ is there something else we can give him??? dunno. Perhaps each of us could make an annual or quaterly donation to one of our own favorite genuine charities, such as the Arthritis Foundation or some other thing..even a scholarship fund....made on his behalf, perhaps. Didn't we learn somewhere - - "let each one give as he purposeth in his heart"? There are plenty of ways we can give out of joyful hearts, and it's still true - - what ever goes around....comes around! edited to fix a spelling goof - - I'm sorry Garth [This message was edited by krysilis on June 21, 2002 at 18:41.]
  4. And may I add my good wishes to those already posted. love krys
  5. Oh THE: Wow, yet another new home. How doest thou stand it? Spacious, well manacured lawns etc...clean...undefiled - -indeed as an undiscovered country. I think StarTrek used that "undiscovered country" title though. Wishing you many happy returns of the day...this is, of course, Flag Day! Nice to have you here too!
  6. If we had a spell checker and a preview screen editing posts would probably be unnecessary. Most of the time, if I edit something it's because of grammar or spelling or something like that...or I discover a different way of saying something and change a few words...usually within a few minutes of posting. However: If something posted reveals personal info, I think that should be edited for all the obvious reasons. It has happened to me....twice. One time, a poster who knew me (intimatey at one time) made several references to times we had shared together and I asked this person to remove those references, because I held info the WayGB would have killed for. This poster understood the situation and did make changes. I was grateful. Another time, I posted something that could have given a different 3rd party priviliged information, but I didn't realize it...it was one of those "great minds think alike" type things. I deleted some of my comments in deference to their wish/need. Perhaps one approach could be to put the 60 minute time limit in, and allow some to appeal to you to edit out certain information. Of course, I know that you regularly do this, and remind others also, but just in case..... We do need to be responsible and accountable for what we say, and I believe most of us are. However, sometimes things don't always work out as planned.
  7. Actually, I kinda like it. At least it is comforting to know that the post didn't go into never-never cyber-land. I know I'm not alone in stating that too many posts totally disappeared off the EZboard...never to be found again!
  8. Wow! I just realized this was there...I didn't see it until the tabs were clear on the "mypop" page (but it is listed below). How many of these can be running simultaneously??? Would this be the kind of place to house the "abuse" forum discussed on the other site? This place just seems to get better and betterer!
  9. Can we do a font size greatersize = 8>than 7???
  10. Did you do that marquee the usual html way?? or another trick!!! Gotta try it out!!! marquee to go test color = green>size = 7> whoo hoo hoo hoo! I love it when things work the first time!!!! It's a good thing this isn't a work day, because I would call in sick to keep playing around. (just kidding)
  11. krys

    More About the Ant

    2 photos
  12. krys

    The Ant does Christmas - @ 3 1/2

    pictures of my grandson's first "real" Christmas
  13. krys

    Anthony's Halloween

    fun stuff about my grandson
  14. krys

    Anthony Goes to See the Game

    at the Mets Training Field
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