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Posts posted by gc

  1. Belle, I made two new friends by teaching a class in my home. Not a bible class wink2.gif;)--> but a crocheting class.

    I was fortunate enough not to scare off my two closest girlfriends while I was part of twi even though I pushed the limits of friendship too far at times. I've known them both from grade school. And I have another close friend from twi. When it all fell apart, we grew closer.

    Have fun with your dog training class, it sounds like a lot of fun! Plenty of potential friends there icon_smile.gif:)-->


  2. ok Cindy, this is my favorite Banana Bread recipe

    I never put the icing on it, but I'm sure its good if you want to use it. This bread is moist everytime I've baked it. I give it as christmas gifts, the mini loafs, to people at work and the bread never makes it home since they eat it right away!

    Cinnamon-Banana Bread


    1 cup firmly packed brown sugar

    1 cup butter or margarine, divided

    2 ripe bananas, cut into small pieces

    1/2 cup chopped pecans

    1/2 cup granulated sugar

    2 eggs

    1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

    2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

    1 teaspoon baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon baking soda


    1 1/4 cups confectioners sugar

    1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, softened

    Preheat oven to 350*F.

    For bread: combine brown sugar and 1/2 cup butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring until butter is melted. Add bananas and pecans, stirring until well coated. Cool to room temperature.

    In a large bowl, cream remaining butter and granulated sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs. In a small bowl, sift together remaining ingredients. Stir dry ingredients into creamed mixture. Stir in banana mixture. Divide batter evenely between 2 greased 3 1/2x6 3/4-inch loaf pans. Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center of bread comes out clean. Cool in pans 10 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

    For Frosting: combine confectioners sugar and cream cheese in a medium bowl. Using medium speed of an electric mixer, beat until smooth. Drizzle frosting over bread. Store in an airtight container.

    Yield: 2 loaves of bread

    The Spirit of Christmas Cookbook 1996

  3. I just found this recipe and thought of this thread. I haven't tried it, but once I'm off my diet...I will icon_smile.gif:)-->

    French Toast with Bananas and Walnuts

    6 eggs

    1/4 cup milk

    4 very ripe bananas

    1/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

    1/8 tsp, freshly grated nutmeg

    8 slices egg bread

    4 Tbs. butter

    Powdered sugar, for dusting

    Maple syrup or jam, for serving

    In a large shallow bowl, using a fork, beat the eggs until lightly

    frothy. Stir in the milk and set aside. Peel the bananas into a small

    bowl and mash them with a fork. Stir in the walnuts and the nutmeg.

    Spread the banana mixture over the 1/2 of the bread slices, leaving a

    1/4-inch border uncovered on all edges. Top with the remaining bread

    slices and press down gently to seal.

    Place 2 sandwiches in the egg mixture and press down gently. Turn

    over and let soak for a moment until evenly saturated on both sides.

    Repeat with the other 2 remaining sandwiches.

    In a frying pan or on a griddle, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over

    medium heat. Place the sandwiches on griddle and fry until the

    undersides are golden brown, about 2 minutes. Add the remaining

    butter, flip the sandwiches with a spatula and fry until golden


    To serve place the toast on plates and dust with powdered sugar.

    Serve with maple syrup or jam.

    Recipe courtesy Paula Deen

    Show: Paula's Home Cooking

    Episode: Southern Brunch


  4. This is one of my favorite recipes and since I came up with it and its not in print and the measurement are not exact. Its kind of a throw together recipe, if you know what I mean.






    olive oil

    Lee and Perrin


    a touch of water, if needed


    add a bit of margarine and some olive into a medium skillet to heat. slice mushrooms and onion, add to oil, add a bit of Lee and Perrin and sprinkle with garlic, saute' until almost done (how ever you like it), add sliced zuccini and squash to the mixture. Continue cooking until your veggies are how you like them. The mushroom and squash will add liquid to the mix. Pour over pasta, top with grated parmesan cheese. Pepper to taste after its cooked.

    the amounts you use depends on how many are eating. For me, I'm the only one eating, I use 1/2 of a zuccini and 1/2 of a squash, a handful of mushrooms (remember they shrink with cooking) and 1 medium onion.

    I fixed this for one other person once and he cleaned his plate and asked for more. That's my signal that the meal was good! And he has since tried the recipe at home.

    Ok, thanks Cindy! icon_smile.gif:)-->


  5. quote:
    Originally posted by coolchef1248@adelphia.net:

    and please remember spices and hers are to enhance not over power food.

    to me if you wonder what the enhancement is when you eat it and are not quite sure what the herb is you have suceeded confused.gif

    'cept when you are talking about cooking with garlic, right? wink2.gif;)-->

    thanks for the recipe, that one's easy enough for me to try right away!


  6. Cindy, if you use regular salt is the measurement different?

    I'm thinking of trying your recipe on a small pork roast, so I'm cutting it down.

    I have this gorgeous rosemary bush and am trying to find new ways to use the herb icon_smile.gif:)-->


  7. Do you have a quiche recipe already?

    Country Quiche

    1 (9-inch) baked pie shell*

    1 tablespoon butter

    1/2 cup chopped celery

    1/2 cup chopped green pepper

    1/2 cup chopped onion

    1/2 cup (2 oz.) diced cooked lean ham or turkey ham **

    1/2 cup (2 oz.) shredded, Cheddar cheese

    6 eggs

    1 cup milk

    1/2 teaspoon salt, optional

    1/2 teaspoon paprika

    Onion slices separated into rings, optional

    Green onion curls, optional

    In small skillet over medium heat, cook celery, pepper, and onion in butter until tender

    but not brown, about 6 minutes. Sprinkle vegetables, ham, and cheese into pie shell.

    Beat together eggs, milk, salt, if desired, and paprika until well blended. Pour over

    vegetable mixture.

    Bake preheated 375 º F oven until knife inserted near center comes out clean, about 30

    to 40 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

    Garnish with onion rings and onion curls, if desired.

    *If frozen use deep-dish style.

    **You can make this recipe with all different ingredients, my favorite is garlic sausage and mushroom

  8. Worship to me is singing my love to God. Sometimes I also just sit and look at my gorgeous crape myrtle trees in awe and remember that God is God.

    Its been a so long ago that I believed that SIT was worship, that I had forgotten. Heck, it could be that too, I don't know for sure. icon_smile.gif:)-->


  9. I don't believe anyone can understand what the book of revelation means. We have 1000's of ministries all claiming to understand what it means and they have different understandings. How can that be and the meanings of the book be understood?

    So, if no one understands what it means then how can you add or subtract to it when there is no understanding? They are all guesses. And the guesses in most cases are big businesses.


  10. quote:
    Originally posted by Cowgirl:

    Howdy gc !!

    Here is some info on the yogurt as a fat flushing food,however the author doesn't mention non-pasturized yogurt. You might want to check that out, the benefits of non-pasturized yogurt over pasturized.

    I think the non-pasturized is the yogurt that still has live bacteria, not processed. I've been doing some reading, one site said that some times the bacteria will survive the process. Still reading, but this is some of what I found on the pasturization:

    '...In some types of yogurt, the bacteria survive the processing; in other cases, the milk is pasteurized again after the cultures are added, and the bacteria are destroyed. This is more often the case in Swiss-style brands. Many frozen yogurt products are pasteurized after culturing, too. Check the ingredient listing for "active yogurt cultures" or "living yogurt cultures." Yogurt that has been pasteurized subsequent to culturing will be labeled "heat-treated after culturing."'


    Thanks for all the info!


  11. In my humble opinion, TWC is no different than the rest of the body of Christ and should never have been treated as such. I believe we non-titled ministers tend to put titled ministers on a pedestal, expected more out of them and looked to them when we should have been looking to Jesus. I don't think that a pastor or any minister should be treated differently. I know at one time I thought differently because of admiration.

    Recently, I was talking to a full time minister (who used to be part time minister and part time manager at the rest I work at). He was celebrating himself because of how long he has been a minister and how important that is. I realized then that I had long stopped putting "The minister" on a pedestal. I told him, there is no difference between you, the full minister, and me. He responded with, he was due certain respects because of his calling. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:--> I tried to remind him that God has made all of the body of Christ a minister of His love and an ambassdor and that one is not more important than the other. I think I gave him indigestion!


  12. Cowgirl, do you know how veggies are affected if steamed? I don't eat salads, but some veggies like cucumbers and carrots I will raw. The rest I steam.

    The non-pasturized yogurt, what is the low down on that as far as fat flushing etc?

    Cindy!, the banana milk shakes are good when you add strawberries and blueberries too. I recently started adding raw oatmeal, grapenut cereal and plain yogurt with "active yogurt cultures" or "living yogurt cultures" to my milk shakes. The oatmeal is great for your heart and gives it a nutty flavor (or maybe that is the grapenut?) in the shake and makes you feel fuller, just make sure you mix it well in the blender. The yogurt is healthy and has beneficial bacteria, but for it to be beneficial you have to have continual consumption. Not sure what the recommendations are, ie how fast the body expels it. Plus, I have lots of grains that I use for bread baking and am going to test them out in my shakes next.


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