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Posts posted by gc

  1. Today my CD would look like this:

    You're My Best Friend - Queen

    I was born to love you - Queen

    Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye

    Hello - Lionel Richie

    Nothing Compares to you - Sinead O'Connor

    Time in a Bottle - Jim Croce

    Lay Lady Lay - Bob Dylan

    You're in my heart - Rod Stewart

    Still - The Commodores

    Delta Lady - Joe Cocker

    Every Breath You Take - Police

    Follow you, follow me - Genesis

    Samba Pa Ti - Santana

    Every Day Hurts - Sad Cafe

    Miss You Nights - Cliff Richard

    Everything I do - Bryan Adams

    Love is All Around - Troggs

    Take my Breath Away - Berlin

    Have I told you lately - Van Morrison

    Autumn Leaves - Eva Cassidy

    Songbird - Eva Cassidy

    In Memory of Elizabeth Reed - Allman Brothers

    I guess that's why they call it the blues - Sir Elton


  2. David, either I'm going nuts or you have just changed the picture. I don't remember that the other one was a gibson. icon_smile.gif:)-->


  3. I love Christmas, its always a lot of fun. The only thing I don't like is the last minute rush, I am a last minute annie (as my father always called me). Last year was the easiest I've ever had along those lines. I went out of town during Christmas season. I waited until after Christmas to do my shopping while I was gone, no rush, no crowds and I got everything at a decent price! The only thing I missed by being out of town was coffee with my son Christmas morning. He always drops by on his way out of town to see me, so instead I just called him that morning and had a natter icon_smile.gif:)-->


  4. dmiller, Allan and CoolWaters, thanks for the links going to check them out.

    Allan, is Hillsong the name of your church or your group or both?

    How about groups or singers that ya'll like that aren't just pop christian?

    smurfette, thanks for the suggestions. I've heard of both of those groups before, so I'll check them out.


  5. When I first left twi a few of us started a home fellowship because we were just hanging in limbo it seemed. It started off much like a twig in teaching and ideas, but evolved. After a few years we went our seperate ways, some joining churches others went to more structured twi splinter groups. It was a wonderful time of love, fellowship and growth.

    For me it was needed.


  6. Anyone have any suggestions for good christian music? I rarely listen to christian radio because most of the music I don't like.

    I like most genres, 'cept rap. Four of my most listened to christian cds right now are Eden Bridge (Celtic), Danny Daniels (Blues), Van Morrison (rock) and Eva Cassidy (old gospel). I also have an old Sandy Patti that I enjoy.

    Any suggestions?


  7. rascal, I thought I was the only person who wrote letters! icon_smile.gif:)--> They helped sidestep arguments, but I never did get much in results or resolving of anything! There were times I bared my soul in those letters trying to put much love and understanding into them :shrug: I'm glad it works for you, I always thought it was a good idea! icon_smile.gif:)-->


  8. A lot of good suggestions here! Thanks!

    Here's a question I've always wondered about.

    I've always been bothered by the statement "quit bitching". I don't usually complain about things, but there comes a time when even my patience runs low. I don't quite understand when reminding, suggesting or questioning turns into bitching. Is saying that someone is bitching just used when they are saying something you don't want to deal with? Or is there another way that a woman should say things so it doesn't sound like bitching to a man?

    For an example: when my ex-husband was remodeling our home after a major flood and he would go a week or longer without showing any progress (mind you, this was his work at the time because he was unemployed, it wasn't that he would come home from work and then deal with the house) and I wouldn't see any progress, there might have been some, but I just didn't see it yet. If I asked how it was coming along or would suggest something he would get angry and tell me to quit bitching.

    Another thing that was talked about earlier, I think young women need to be taught how to communicate with men way before they get married. So many wives can't just come right out with what the problem is. A man shouldn't have to guess and shouldn't have to put up with a woman pouting who won't share what she has issues with. I agree with the men here. I very rarely have that problem now. But, there was a time when I was much younger that I would sometimes say "nothing" or "never mind, its no big deal" and walk off. Do we really expect men to be able to read our minds? Maybe not, but I think we expect men to put 2 and 2 together the same way we do and they don't.

    I can trust my fiance and he trusts me, that's so important for good communications. He is a very good communicator and he shares his feelings. This is the direct opposite from my ex, who couldn't/wouldn't trust me enough to share his feelings and we rarely communicated well together. So its not that all men can't or won't.


  9. I can never think of anything witty or imaginative, so I tend to stick with things that are fairly obvious or to the point. g and c are my initials, hence gc. My initials will be changing within the year to g.n. icon_biggrin.gif:D--> but I think I'll stick with the gc since I've had them for so long.

    When I began on the internet and frequented irc my nick was Esther, after Queen Esther, and CajunPrincess. The CajunPrincess was for the way I wanted to be treated if I ever started dating again (after my divorce).

    I haven't chosen an avatar yet. I have a picture that I use normally, but not sure if it is possible to use it here.


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