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Posts posted by gc

  1. This article would be funny if not for being so sad!

    I remember the first time I had a discussion about the pros and cons of gun control in England and America. A few months laters I saw on the front page of a british newpaper an article reporting on a robbery using a knife. My question at the time was, "so will the British government outlaw knifes next?"

    Ron G., do you have the link to the article?


  2. Belle, I wasn't such a good kid either. I liked raising my son a lot better than I would have liked raising me icon_eek.gif Funny thing, I find my son and I to be very similar in a lot of ways.

    My dad used to test me now and then, I guess to see if my brain was working ok. icon_biggrin.gif:D--> Once he asked me the difference between a bridge and an over pass, I flunked the test. To this day I never call an over pass a bridge! I have always figured it was because my dad never went further than the 3rd grade. Some of his siblings had a university degree and my mom had a 3 years of university. I was proud of him anyway. He ran his own business, and taught himself the working end of geometry because of the type of business he had, all on a 3rd grade education.

    The gal that introduced me to TWI was my sister-in-law at the time. She was looking for the same things I was. I think there were more people truly seeking God and to understand what God wants from us than not. I think we got caught up in the "doing for...". Looking back though, I was trying to do it in my own strength, forgetting that the price was paid.


  3. After reading about your family Galen, my family is absolutely normal...almost June and Ward style icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    I think my upbringing was basically normal for the times. The only hang-up I have is the word "stupid". I think my father used that word too often. We have some infighting, but I think that's to be expected since there are 8 of us left and most of us are all stubborn and pig headed.

    Signals, I'm not sure you can gauge family stability on whether you joined a cult. When I look back on the reasons I joined TWI they were honest. I wanted to understand the bible and know what God was all about. Of course, I know less now then I did before I joined icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


  4. I absolutely hate hurricane season! I hate the boarding up, I hate the constant threat, I hate having to get everything worth anything off the floor, I hate wondering where the hell I'm going to go for the day it hits, I hate having to sit in traffic while escaping the madness and I hate the fear of coming back to a home under water. Did I say I HATE hurricane season? Well, I do!


  5. XLIII

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

    For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

    I love thee to the level of everyday's

    Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

    I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;

    I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

    I love thee with the passion put to use

    In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

    With my lost saints,--I love thee with the breath,

    Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose,

    I shall but love thee better after death.

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  6. Belle, I never brought anyone to twig, not even the man I was married to at the time. I very rarely witnessed to people, if ever. Once I remember a group of us witnessing, or at least we were supposed to, I don't remember actually doing the deed though (could be I played hookie that night). The only time I ever remember going out to witness was when I was 18, belonged to a different organization, I was on Bourbon Street and I was hit on a zillion times. It did no good :shrug:

    I never signed anyone up for class either.

    Its not that I didn't and don't talk about God, because I do. I just don't set out to talk about God in a witnessing fashion, it just comes up naturally (I think) Of course, when I talked to my family about things, it wasn't so natural since at the time I believed most of them to be heathen since all were Catholics with few beliefs.

    I felt badly that I didn't and wouldn't witness, but I would have felt worse if had.

    I have come to realize that I think the best way to witness is with our lives.


  7. We've had a Ruth's Chris here for years, but I never could afford to eat there. A few Christmas' ago my son gave me a gift cert. for my fiance and me to go. The food was delicious! Service was perfect! and the atmosphere couldn't have been better. It was a great present. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


  8. WN, Thanks. I think I saw something about them some years back, so you might be right.

    I agree, when you are taught from birth its so much tougher to get rid of. I know I can still kneel at the right time in a catholic church even though I've only been in one about 5 times in the past 33 years.


  9. I guess I should have been born a man wink2.gif;)-->

    I have clothes that are 15+ years old. I buy new tennis shoes and jeans because the ones I have have worn out. My mother offers to buy me new clothes and I won't have it! Most of my clothes are not 'trendy', you know, navy suit, khaki suit, black suit for funerals wink2.gif;)-->, red suit for when I feel like it and 7 pairs of jeans!

    I'm moving sometime in the next year so I've been going through all my things deciding what to store, what to take and what to put in a garage sale. I'm having a tough time going through my cook books..NOO, don't make me sell this book icon_eek.gif I know this will sound gross, but I still have my son's first teeth and his first curl that I snipped off before he had a hair cut at 4. Such precious memories love3.gif


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