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Posts posted by gc

  1. I think its hard on everyone when we fail at something. I don't take it well either. But when you are able to look at this situation without being upset maybe you will see that this job wasn't the best for you, as an individual. You'll find your job, I'm sure of it!

    I have a friend that is looking for work. She has her master's in science, very qualified, a hard worker, very adaptable and learns quickly, but having a hard time finding work. And it took my fiance 8 months or so to find work in his field. The first job he took wasn't and he was so over qualified that he was bored. But finally he a job came through! Keep looking, you'll find your job and in the meantime, we'll be praying icon_smile.gif:)-->

    (I'm new here and you don't know me, so I hope I haven't said too much. I just wanted to encourage you)


  2. I found this list on the same site; national hurricane center. There is all kinds of interesting things on that site.

    Category One Hurricane:

    Winds 74-95 mph

    Category Two Hurricane:

    Winds 96-110 mph

    Category Three Hurricane:

    Winds 111-130 mph

    Category Four Hurricane:

    Winds 131-155 mph

    Category Five Hurricane:

    Winds greater than 155 mph

  3. What a wonderful thread! First the announcement of a upcoming wedding, then the wedding song and the topper was the vows. It had me a little choked up icon_smile.gif:)-->

    Congrats to the husband and wife to be, congrats to the newlyweds and congrats to David for writing those lovely words!


  4. Today is my first day back on my diet. I did well! I didn't snack at work at all and that's my downfall. I had a minor surgery done yesterday so I'm not up to exercise more than walking. Will start back once I'm healed up!

    I went to the doc yesterday and as per usual they weighed me. I have gained enough to make me cringe icon_frown.gif:(-->

  5. I found a bread that has lavender in it that I'm going to try. Its called:

    Herb and Lavender Rolls

    Source: Country Living

    Herbes de Provence, a traditional French herb blend that usually includes rosemary, thyme, marjoram, sage, summer savory, and lavender, is the fragrant and flavorful surprise tucked between the layers of these rolls. If you like, make them even more aromatic by adding more lavender.

    12 servings (24 rolls)

    6 C. bread flour

    2 pkg. (1 1/2 T.) active dry yeast

    2 tsp. salt

    2 1/2 C. buttermilk

    1 tsp. baking soda

    1/2 C. butter

    1/4 C. plus 2 T. herbes de Provence

    1 tsp. chopped lavender flowers (optional)

    Make the dough: In a large bowl or food processor fitted with a metal blade, combine flour, yeast, and salt.

    In a small bowl, stir buttermilk and soda together. Use a wooden spoon to stir the liquid into the flour mixture or, with the processor running, gradually add the buttermilk mixture to the dry ingredients. Process until a soft, supple dough forms or, on a lightly floured surface, knead dough by hand until smooth - about 15 minutes.

    Form dough into a ball. Lightly oil a large bowl, place dough in it, and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise until doubled - about an hour.

    Form the rolls: Lightly spray two 12-cup muffin tins with vegetable-oil cooking spray and set aside. Punch the dough down and place on a lightly floured surface. Divide dough in half and pat the dough into two 6 x 6-inch squares, cover with a clean towel, and let rest for 10 minutes.

    In a small saucepan, melt the butter. In a small bowl, mix the herbes de Provence and the lavender flowers, if using. With a lightly floured rolling pin, shape 1 square of dough into a 12 x 24-inch rectangle. Using a pastry brush, coat the dough with half of the melted butter and sprinkle with 1/2 of the herb mixture. Using a sharp knife or pizza wheel, cut the dough along the 24-inch length into six 12-inch-long, 2-inch-wide strips. Stack the 6 strips, butter side up, and cut each into twelve 2-inch square stacks. Pinch one side each of the 12 dough stacks together and place, pinched end first, into a muffin tin. Repeat, using remaining square of dough. Lightly cover with towel and let rise until doubled in bulk -- about 45 minutes. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

    Bake the rolls: Place rolls on the middle rack of the oven and bake until golden brown - 15 to 20 minutes. Remove immediately from the muffin tin and cool on a wire rack. Serve warm.

    Nutrition information per serving: protein: 4.7 g; fat: 4.4 g; carbohydrate: 21.7 g; fiber: .84 g; sodium: 258 mg; cholesterol: 11.2 mg; calories: 145

    Oh and Belle, I never did say, Your Welcome! icon_smile.gif:)-->

  6. oxbirdau, that was a terrible thing to happen, there's nothing worse than loosing a child. I'm sorry. icon_frown.gif:(-->

    As far as healing goes, believing for something or most anything to do with scriptures, I really know little to nothing, now. I used to know so much, or thought I did, and if I didn't know it, then I could "work the word" and figure it out. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    The coolest scripture, for me, todate is Matt 26:39. And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

    Jesus didn't want to die on the cross, but he did it anyway. I have wondered for years why I didn't see this when people would tell me my believing was off. Could Jesus have "believed" not to die on the cross?


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