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Posts posted by tomtuttle

  1. I'd like to share on the art of sharing. I learned maany things at the feet of Len while in res, and I know my corps bro's & sis's would be blessed more than they already are to hear me share of what Len shared with me.

    Sharing comes from the hebrew word ....um, meaning one whose bowels gush out. We are to let our hearts explode out to the hearers that which is burning as a chile pepper in the innermost parts of our being.

    And this is how, with a capital 'H' and a capital 'O' and a capital 'W', our very own Shallowdipper got his name ...

  2. Syborg and yellowcritter, I wanna talk to you 'bout JESUS!!!

    Can you give me chapter & verse for "Barjesus"??

    Ex, wilt thou again at this time restore unto us a 9th corps reunion? Have we enough yet for a REAL believer's meeting, with Dana but a stone's throw from the kingdom of our tread??

    Soggysock, please tell Dana that Davis and company are lookin' for him, and they have a jar of vasoline and a Kirby waiting in the wings ...

  3. Our own beloved Dana, once lost but now is again found. It good to be (clap!!) home again ...

    You go tell that Dana fella that he can trade in that big 'ole truck for a lean, mean twig hopper, on sale now from Box 328 New Crocksville, Ohio, 45871. That would certainly get the unbeliever's attention!!! What a witness. I can see it yet... And with that new manidigestion of kissing in tongues, he could prove how sweet we 9th corps are, just like our fodder prophesied.

    I wonder if his truck says "We're movin' God's Word" painted on the side ...

    And happy fodder's day, all you bible-believin' men!!!!

    Simon, me thinks you ate more than one or two of those electrifying fish.

  4. If I "learnt" anything in the corps, it is that if you're with the right gal, she will send you to the seventh heaven. And if you're not listening, you'll be hearin' from heaven in another (allos - of a different kind) way ...

    And, I am not lost, seeing it is but the 3rd hour of prayer, but am gathered together with the others (heteros - difference in genus) in the upper floor Vierville room.

    Art thou the uncomely part of the one body??

  5. Simoneon, you bring a spring to mah step, and a smile to mah soul.

    Didn't Ken Burns do a teaching on Simon, the silver tongued orator??

    I was real blessed one time (and one time only) before one glorious corps night, standing outside top-floor Wierville, beads of perspiration welling up on my upper lip area because of the practical dress code in late, balmy summer, when Father told me I had better have one last smoke before entering the holey of holies. As I metaphysically searched my paw-keets for a Kool shorty, adrenalin spurted through mah veins as I realized I had none, no, not one. I wasn't starving to death for a butt, I just wanted a snack, like you or I might be hungry for a pack of gum. Well, who do you think was there, walking right on by the spirit, to help me in mah infirmity?? It was my brother in the Vierville, Simoneon, motioning me to gaze yonder at the vast stock of nicotine-manna left for me and him in the butt can a mere 3 feet from the windows of heaven. Talk about pouring me out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it!!!

    To this day (to-yone) I see snot to give thanks.

  6. Too hot to fish

    too hot for golf

    and too cold to go home ...

    Whether it be right in the sight of God to quit the LoShantas, judge ye.

    Howz about Malacosita Malts??

    We need to lift the lift list again, to bring our companion in trouble, err, travel, Bill the fast buck Loshantafury, to this our 9th corps party.

    And did Dana King ever slow dance with Donna Ozarkiu (sp)??? Knee high to a grasshopper or twighopper.

    Rev Ex, please invite mother to these our treads. She could add new light to our loshantathread ...

  7. Where is tuttle??

    Sorry guys, but sometimes a man gets so busy with the things of God that he forgets time and space and OhShanta's. Hey, that'd make a great restaurant name; OhShanta's Cheekin 'N Ribs ... I can smell it yet ...

    Yellowstripper, I would enlist your help as you have 24 hr WOW burger experience.

    I will return, after the cock throws twice.

  8. When are we gonna learn somethin around here??

    When a man, and when I say man, I use it as the all-inclusive noun which includes women. Class, when a man gets saved, when he gets born again of God's spirit, he has EVERYTHING he will ever need. We are not gonna get ANYTHING more. We've got it all!!!

    So quit prayin about it.

    God says it,

    That settles it.

    Doesn't make a bit of difference whether or not I believe it or you believe it.

    Doncha' see it???

  9. My SexCatharsis, that which we have both seen and heard from our lord TJ was, phonetically, "Idul-tree".

    Say this 3 times backwards and say unto thyself, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home ..." and thou shalt be numbered among the sluggards and winebibbers.

    And Symone, your logic is as intact as those we listened to so earnestly so maany, maany years ago ...

    The more I peruse that wonderful picture of the WOG Red-Eye Rosie, the more I can envision just why she is so revered by so many, just like Diana of the Diversions.

    Jesus wept.

  10. No, no, a thousand times no!!!

    Lorena was as the woman of Endor, cutting off the privy member for idolation and worship, from whence now have the 1st church of the halfcockites.

    Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth ...

  11. Now I lay me down to sleep ... oh, that's not the right one. How about the verse that had dangtim wood in it???

    And doesn't the bible say something about cocks crowing???

  12. Great renewed mind effort, Simon. We were dealing the workman and the word ...

    Maybe if you had been listening to our fodder in the Vierville, how he said that nothing profitable gets accomplished after midnight, you phronema would be a bit tighter. But it has happened unto you according to the true proverb, "He goeth after her staightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter ..."

  13. Yougotitnow, with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak unto mah people, but what you posted was nothing but jibberish to the carnal man. Yet WE here on our red tire tread understand, that is, the spirit residing within us understands, and then teaches our minds.

    For you babes, who are not of full age, who are in need of milk and not meat, that which hegotgas posted was a figure of speech. That's right!! This figure is called polynousfarts. God wants to emphasize the editing capability we have here on our tread. And Simon asks,"But Lord, how shall I edit, except some man should teach (guide) me??". That's IT!!!! Now we've learned something. If you don't know, don't indicate you DO know. It's no disgrace to know, uh, to NOT know. It's a disgrace to indicate you know when you really don't.

    Simon, please list all your questions on paper. I will answer them all AFTER the 12th night of Christmas ...

  14. I see a law, warring against your members, you beloved 9th corps brethren. Control your bowles, even as you have learned of me to control mah mind. Then shalt thou also see visions and dream dreams.

    All men, and I want you to listen to this very carefully, ALL MEN have sinned, and fall Colleen short of the glory of God. Simon, you're straining at a gnat to receive, once you have reached into His cookie Lovesteadt jar. You cannot FORCE the things, as we think they are the things of God. For who was referred to as the man mighty in the scriptures?? You have a tremendous head-knowledge of the Word. Now therefore perform the doing of it. For as the body without the soul is dead, so is faith without works dead also (EW Bullinger).

    SisterExcommuner, your words are as a healing balm to my open sores, of which I am sore distressed. But by his stripes I am healed.

    Where is Jelloquiffer??

    Rocky, you're a good father.

    KnotinEmporia, teach us your students about why kids today are so odd.

    And OhBeDazed, be still am know that I am not God.

  15. My oh my, but how this, our wonderful 9th corps fellowship, blesses my heart of hearts and eyes to see and ears to hear , oohhh, there goes that strange feeling again, ooopppsss, what was that!!!! Did you feel THAT??

    Speak Lord, for thy servant feareth ...

    And above all, have fervent (white-hot) charity among yourselves, and be at peace, peace wonderful peace, coming down from the Father, we thank you for our spokesperson Lenny, and also for Gary Buttocks, whom, though we see them not, speaketh unto you in all their glory. And let the peace of God rule in your feet to the which also Fellowsniffer was called, and be ye thankful ye are not in Him as we are in Him, that we may be one, even as He is one.

    There. That was burning in mah heart, JoeBehalf. You wanted to know. So I shared. Did you notice how mah mind shifts gears without overlap?? And how I have put on the mind Christ, Joe, get the h*ll outta here, even this place where they were first called Antioch Christians.

    So Betherave, you have inspired me to tap into that which our brother Simonion is fervently seeking. He gets no answers, neither by dream, nor by prayer, neither by urim. As He is (hey, wasn't that one of our collateral readings???), so are we 9th corps in this red thread.

    And now I go unto my bed, where men dream dreams and see visions of dumplings dancing in their heads, and also of course our sister Vicki of the Del Duncan Negro, with her fouche hot pants and enticingly transparent blouse, daring even the most steeled among men to tremble not at the image before them, pools of bovine perspiration welling up on the upper lip area, thoughts tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of stripper perfume, ever yearning, and never able to come unto the goddess of the sweet-tooth.

  16. Well, well, well ... lookie who's back ...

    It's Yawnasoggie with his legion of friends.

    Welcome and God Blast!!!

    For our beloved Donovans, and Kent (Clark Kent) KippHallinger, in my next life I wanna be a lesbian. Just think, all the women I want AND I can hit from the red tees ...

  17. Thank you, SEx (Sister Ex). I had my head up my spiritual butt. I AM THE CAUSE OF HIS BUSINESS PROSPERING!!! Why, if not for me being a part of his piddly-*** little company selling that silly, temperal, earthly bullcrap,

    he would probably have had to close shop boomsquick for lack of business.

    It never ceases to amaze me. That the natural man, the man of the five senses, has the audacity and arrogance to think that HE is so important and that HE is so smart, so as to make his business sink or swim.

    It is so obvious to us Way people that WE are the ones that stand in the gap between their measly, scummy existance and the Glo-ry of God.

    Ah shanta. Mala cosita lo shanta!!!

  18. hi back.

    I miss emporia and cheese wedges ...

    ... and also the metal bed frames with springs in the empty pool "Allen" gym ... I hepped put 'em there!!!

    I am very busy these days doing what the client is paying me to do. It ain't easy bein' a giggilo ... or is that Vergilio ???

  19. Faithfully, yes.

    I am a SOGWAP.

    I am fearfully and awesomely made.

    I am, as He is, as always,

    Ferd Foodle

    Warmin' up yet, Simon the carpenter's metric left-handed screwdriver??

  20. If you want to know anything about how to reduce a so great a gathering, that there's not even room enough to stand, to a decimal value, I can tell you more than you both will ever know. And the 3 snoopdog nites were wrong; one is NOT the loneliest number. That would be: 419-753-2623 (correct this time, Ex??).

    Where's Michael Fertita???

  21. John, rewritting the scriptures is not necessary, as He arose at whatsoever time a believer awakes.

    You see, this is why they were so sad, you see. This word "arose". In the originals it is in the pluperfect tense, indicating a process perfected (exartizo) over time. A transliteration of the verse would render it as, "as He was in the PROCESS of being arisen ...". This is a tremendous truth!!! Because of this, He began His ascension a great while before day, and continued rising, not unlike a leaven which leaveneth the whole lump, until the cock crowed twice, which is 11:59:59 pm in our reconning of time.

    So once again we see, in manifestation, you walking right on by the Spirit. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.

  22. Yougotguts, how dare you try to shroud my godly salutations with a rancid rendidtion similar to that which we would expect from lewd fellows of the baser sort.

    "Holding it forth in Him..."

    Is that some sort of homosexual inuendo that I hear in mine earballs??

    I see snot to give my sulatations as I am pushed around by the holy toast ...

  23. Simon-in-the-rough, with all those cigs you've devoured, what do you think your flesh would taste like?

    Maybe you should be thinking of donations to the local gehenna ...

    As for me and my house, I do believe we have found the secret to victorious living and life eternal in the flesh. These are the 5 steps:

    1. Jethro Kloss high enema daily.

    2. Knowles breath training daily.

    3. HONESTLY earning aerobic points daily.

    4. Jethro Kloss high enema daily.

    These 5 things will guarantee results. And all these things will I give thee, Simon, if thou wilt (chamberlain) fall down and worship me (fall over!!! fall over!!!).

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