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Posts posted by tomtuttle

  1. I just returned also, just like Ex, and am so sorry for yours and your family's loss. I know it is not an easy thing to deal with, but we as your 9th bro's & sis's, even tho we joke at about everything, are behind you and pray for you & yours.

    There will come a day when we all are together again, with no pain or sorrow ...

  2. The Lord hath put it on mah heart to share a sto-rey, since Rocky Racoco is here:

    Back when Clinton was in office, he was returning to Washington from Arkansas on Air Force One. A marine corps sargent (whatever happened to Jeff??) stood by at the bottom of the airplane's stairs, Clinton leading a pig by the leash down the stairs, and the following conversation ensued:

    Clinton: Good afternoon, sargent.

    Sargent: Good day, Sir!!

    Clinton: Whaddya think of this pig?

    Sargent: That's a mighty fine-looking pig, Sir!! How did you get the pig?

    Clinton: I went to an auction down in Arkansas and got it there. I really didn't want a pig, but I got it for Hillary.

    Sargent: Excellent trade, sir!!!

  3. Symon, you are a man after my own heart.

    I need to neuthetically confront you, however, here amongst our own household within the household, about you topic concerning experiences, laid out before all to see and partake (koineneo). WE, THE household within God's kitchen, know how to rightly divide our experiences. But to open up that question to all is like casting swine before pearls. As it is written, "Jesus wept".

    Where was the baseball game that day at the lake?? I don't remember any ball game. I must have been witnessing...

  4. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children post on this thread ...

    Hegottampadwith, no offense meant with the Tampa pun. I suppose I could have used Deem City, but we'd lose some of the original greatness of it.

    Simon, you hit the hammerhead square on the nail. Some of us post during the work-day. But this is not because we have no jobs. It is because we stay in shape typing on a keyboard for our secular jobs, not climbing up on rooftops like spiritual hitch-hikers.

    Hey, do you guys remember the 1st day we were at Emporia; I think it was the day before the official 1st in-res day for us 9th, when Loytoy took us to some lake off of I-35, towards KC, to frolic?? Remember who you hung out with?? Remember any thoughts you had (like, what the **** am I doing here) ???

    Where's Michael Fertita??

  5. You got it bro Tom. Lo shanta, Lo prices, Lo- rian Andersen, all here at WayMart. Time for the blue light spacial ....

  6. You think mother would not be too blessed if she knew fodder was touchin' us???

    "I going to Florida today!!! I'm going to Florida today!!!"

    "Little Mary, why do you keep saying you're going to Florida today??"

    "'Cause Daddy says when I turn 13, he's gonna tampa with me!!!" ...

    I'm glad I don't get paid for mah sto-ries !!!

  7. Ex!!! Ex!!! Why dost thou disquiet me??

    Holy Aziz, talk about the one body in operation...

    How do you like THAT one !!!???!!!

    Perfect Posting Timing, lil sis.

  8. Okay boys, settle down. The God of our fodders in the vierville spake unto me (He had a different voice this time).

    And brother Simon (in the east, when a man calls somebody "brother"...),

    That revelation was not TO you. It might be

    F-O-R your learning, but it is not T-O you.

    It was for brother Butterwhipper, whose ministry to the lost sheep of the tribe of the Chickasaw's.

  9. Right Arm, TooGray!!!!

    But that isn't just mumbling or muttering as JAL would say. That mumbling is really speaking the wunnerful works of Mog.

    Sometimes that revelation will come from the most unlikely of sources, like the street people, or even train people. But as we know, truth is truth, a tooth for a tooth, every jot and tuttle, and it certainly will cure any insomnia one may have.

    Remember: a KEY is just that. A key. It is not the motor, it is not the wind beneath my wings, it is a KEY. I have lots of keys. Big keys, little keys, silver keys, rusty keys, why, I even have part of Key Largo in a jar.

    Did you hear that?? Who's touching me??

    Lo shanta ...

  10. Yeah, Yellowdripper, I "need to know" what is in that lockbox carepackage of yours.

    Any small, barnyard animals??

    Any graven images??

    Wilbur the love goat???

    Inquiring minds (nous's) want to know ...

    Hayward Chappell setup tonite for the Dealing with the Renewed Mind class. Right after rollaway ...

  11. I apologize to all you sweeties that were FC, "regular" corps, staff, etc, etc, for not seeing this while in res. Maybe I could have halped you in some way. Maybe there would have been SOMETHING I could have done. I too am embare-assed about ever supporting such a lovely group of penisheads called "leadership".

    I too was married while in res and only heard faint rumors of daliances. My "renewed mind", my "key to power", kept me from seeing what is obvious today. And those that treated others like dirt when they were sick, in need, hurting, and whatever alse, those "leaders" would receive from the Lord's hand DOUBLE, if I were God.

    How was I able to relatively enjoy in residence?? By joking my way through it. By hanging with others who could do the same, like Ex, Simonion, Hegotouttathere, and others.

    Had everyone been like our wunnerful groomed "leaders", or like they were "on their way up", I would have not lasted past the 1st 6 months.

    You gals were stronger than I. Thanks for sharing, and sorry I didn't know more to be able to help more ...

  12. Oh Simoncyborg, full of love and grace!!!

    Praise be to thee, oh brother of Elrod, keeper of the gates, Gozer in disguise ...

    I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts !!!

  13. TomS, TomS, thou art careful and troubled about maany things.

    Let no man dispise thy weight. If he were not corps, I would turn that ole' alfakitty over to satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved.

    And right, Excampinelli, Lorian Andersen and Kent "The Kid" Kipplinger were who witnessed to our rising star Tom Birdseed. But when he would not be persuaded, they ceased, saying, the will of the Vierville be done.

  14. FREE TOM BIRD!!!


    ... and the morepart knew not wherefore they were come together ...

    Thanks sis sex. I am sitting perfectly for him. He was set up by the devil. He would have loved "serving" under Craiggy.

    Was that Tick, Vic, or Memorex???

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