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Posts posted by pjroberge

  1. Shellon:

    Just trying to understand
    If you don't want to ask on the board, email me at pjroberge2@prowebtechs.com

    No question is stupid and the issues were very complicated. I will do my best to answer them for you.

    If you wish a brief (12 pages) outline of the issues the ene statements on www.twisucks.com are a good place to start. icon_cool.gif

  2. quote:
    TWI got the domain names they felt Pat was infringing upon
    Actually, TWI misrepresented to the court that thewayinternational.com infringed on a TWI trademark for the way International and stated that it was identical to the domain name.

    Unfortunatly, TWI "forgot" the real trademark says: "the prevailing word the way international new knoxville ohio ephesians". This is not the same.

    TWI did not have a valid trademark for the way international until midway into the case.

  3. quote:
    What did you get out of all of this?
    I stood up to their threats and have gotten a great legal education. I also now know their litigation strategy and what will be effective in a future lawsuit to cancell their trademarks. I will make this information available free to any church TWI bothers in the future...

    Also, the information about TWI I am putting up at www.twisucks.com will be indexed by the search engines and come up when someone does a search on TWI icon_cool.gif

  4. quote:
    In this particular case, all they were seeking was the domain at issue.
    Not true. If TWI only wanted the domain name, they could have resolved the dispute with the domain name arbitration board for under $1000.00

    TWI wanted injunctive relief (shut down the websites)against the two websites that they claimed infringed on their trademarks. The domain name issue was only a small part of the story.

    Evaluator took a look at both sides and told Pat that he would be spanked if the case proceeded to trial, so Pat decided to do what TWI wanted him to do and TWI decided not to spank him.
    Actually, I think you have it the other way around. I was going to trial period if they didn't offer to settle.
  5. whitedove:

    TWI wanted a lot more if you read their complaint. I fought 4 lawyers and their legal teams to only a minor concession of a domain name I didn't want anymore, and a new one I hadn't used yet. Total value of $27 versus TWI's $50, 000.00 in estimated costs. Your abs at work...

  6. I had an encounter with a RCMP officer during a blizzard I was driving through. He pulled me over and politely asked me if I thought it was prudent to be driving 89 mph in a blizzard considering the conditions with almost no visibility. He made a valid point...

  7. quote:
    I have recently found a copy of the letter Wierwille sent in 1976 telling us he endorsed Maine Senator Hayes Gahagan.

    I recently talked to Hayes and he said that when TWI lost their tax exempt status over this issue that TWI probably lost millions....

  8. B.G. Leonard was at corps week and the ROA in 85. Corps people were being ministered to and being healed left and right. B. G. was going to teach at the ROA but LCM was so incensed at the healings that he gave B. G. Leonard, (Wierwille's teacher) the bums rush and wouldn't let him teach...

  9. quote:
    "Revelation changes and with new leadership there will be changes. It's the new dynamic church and it will continue to change to meet the needs of the people."


    "I serve a risen savior he's in the world today, I know that he's living what er men may say"


    I serve a powerless taskmaster he's absent from the world today, I know that he's absent what er men may claim"

  10. CC:

    The Way of Christ" dispute

    I withdrew my trademark application 2 years ago because it was too costly to pay a lawyer at $250/hr for a $300 trademark. Today, doing it myself, I might have pursued it although it wasn't a big issue anyway. The website name means the same. Path also means way in the dictionary.

  11. Raf:

    TWIM abandoned the use of the name "The Way International."
    They only agreed to do so in the United States. Almost all of TWIM's activities are in other countries where they can still use their name. This was TWI's concession.

    Both sides made compromises to avoid the long drawn out litigation that could result. Both of TWIM's principals ran large law firms and time is money....

    TWIM also settled before an actual hearing was made on the evidence. I intend to go all the way to a jury trial. I have ex-members who want to testify about their experiences in TWI, and two police officers who are going to testify about investigations they have done of TWI icon_smile.gif:)-->

  12. Dear Tom,

    Sorry I have been busy writing pleadings in my case.

    I had some time this afternoon and the documents you seek are at: www.twisucks.com in the lawsuits section. icon_cool.gif

    If you want to read some really convoluted stuff TWI wrote, read the Early Neutral evaluator statement under my lawsuit. It is enough to make your head spin icon_eek.gif

    PS: TWI called me a former member in the above ENE statement

  13. Dear CC,

    Your answers are:

    The way international ministries v.TWI

    Settled out of court with both sides making concessions

    Pe*ler v. TWI

    Depositions of TWI leaders finished last week and Trial expected beginning of year.

    TWI v. Robe*ge

    Discovery phase of arguing over documents and written questions. I filed a motion for summary judgment against TWI's complaint, and am awaiting judge's ruling on my amended counterclaim including violation of the rackettering act.

    I just sent the names of my first witnesses, and will be "grilled" under the lights by TWI's attorney's on the 14th and for probably a week or two after when they depose me. TWI's attorneys are looking for ways in my opinion to churn or pad their billable hours, so they will probably be long-winded asking the same questions over and over to fill in the time.

    The new case about the cemetary controversy: I talked to my court clerk friend and I have a copy of the case coming. I expect to post it next week.

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