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Posts posted by pjroberge

  1. I went a few years ago and it was fun. But I got into a little trouble. I went to one of the really packed seminars and Seth wheeled me into the back of the room.It was wall to wall people.

    I was really beat from my flight and dozed off. Then I heard this really loud buzz saw type sound and woke up. Everyone was turned around facing me and my neighbors asked me if I was ok.

    Apparently my snoring made the walls vibrate. Needless to say I apologized and wheeled myself out in a hasty retreat....

    Pictures from the 2002 conference are posted at:


  2. quote:
    Doctrinal correctness is most imortant for the power to rise above all forms of darkness.

    "And though I have [the gift of] prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." 1 corin.13:2

    Mike: Pull your head out of VeePee's a*s and read what the scriptures say about your precious "mastery" of piffl

  3. George:

    My thought is that Jesus Christ is our God, not THE God. Moses was God to Aaron etc. The example of this type of relationship is in the old testament.

    Also, Thomas said: My Lord and MY God. He and Jesus obviously prayed to THE God who was ultimately superior.

  4. Long Gone,

    The case was settled out of court. Both sides gave on issues. TWIM doesn't do much in the US so changing their name here was of no consequence. However, they can still use The Way International Ministries in the foreign countries where their actual work is.

    An interesting note though is that TWI had as part of the settlement a condition that none of TWIM's personel help me in my lawsuit.

    TWI has added another attorney to my case so now its 2 law firms and 4 attorneys vs pat. And TWI is worried someone might help me.

    My amended counterclaim which was far better written (thanks to your observations and others) has a count for the RICO Act and The Sherman Act. Perhaps the issues are more serious than TWI wants to let on.

    Does this worry TWI? Very interesting...

  5. smikeol,

    If you are able to come out of your piffle mindset for a moment,answer me this:

    1) How did the Apostles operate the ministry of reconcilliation without piffle?

    2) How did B.G. Leonard operate a ministry of deliverance far beyond VeePee's and was Veepee's teacher without your precious piffle

    3) How is your holding piffle as an object of virtual worship by yourself not idolatry?

  6. How many of us while in TWI would have been at a loss for what to witness to people about if there was no TWI or class to sign people up for?

    Was our waybrained "witnessing" really biblical witnessing, or was it a sales promotion of the TWI business and their products?

    In my opinion, in the absence of the sales pitch we would have begun to witness Jesus Christ and His power. And shared the love of God with people and ministered to those people one-on-one, and not relied on piffle to get people born again....

  7. A close friend (ex corps)just was awarded his doctoral degree from a highly respected university. His doctoral disertation took tens of thousands of hours to research and write and was about 300 pages.

    While writing his thesis he had an advisor who ruthlessly rode his *** and made him make thousands of changes. The final thesis was read and evaluated by a board of examiners from several different universities and he was only awarded his doctorate after this board approved the thesis.

    The process took over 3 years and my friend had been widely published in academic journals before and during this work.

    Did VPW have his work examined by a board of his peers from other institutions other than the Pike's Peak "Seminary" (a bedroom in someone's apartment)? I doubt it....

  8. Mr. Hammeroni

    If you could do it without copyright problems
    There are no legal problems. As long as we stick to a satirical use we are fine. As a matter of fact, the more satirical and outrageous the better legally.

    TWI will choke on this one, but other than empty threats, can do nothing. It is a constitutionally protected right. Send me your script icon_biggrin.gif:D-->....

  9. quote:
    Mind if I make some contributions?

    I set this website up so that anyone that wants to may contribute. I am certainly not Mr. artistic and would appreciate everyone's help and input. I'd like it to be a group project that all of us can have some part in building our own type of "ministry" icon_cool.gif...
  10. quote:
    serious? crud, I took 15 credits of Biblical Greek at a Lutheran college, due in large part to all the Greek they were tossing around, cripes, oh well, at least it counted toward my degree.
    so, you have taken far more greek than VeePee. Is it now Dr. Sky4it?
  11. Another couple of facts:

    1) VPW didn't take classes at Moody. Their registrar told me there is no record of him taking classes

    2) VeePee only took one semester(at Princeton?)(freshman level) of classical greek, not any biblical greek.

  12. A quetion to ask is why did the vicster go the pikes peak diploma mill route if he actually wrote a competent doctoral thesis?

    For that matter, why didn't he get his doctorate through a recognized institution? My opinion is that no reputable institution would accept VPW as a doctoral candidate...

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