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Posts posted by pjroberge

  1. The real issues seem to be about the founders promises about the gravesites where regular members were buried in the way woods called the campfire area.

    The founders promised access to all and the new regime have out of malicious and reprehensible retribution made access an ordeal to those that left, and only allow family members if access is given. You are .... out of luck if you are a friend of someone buried there and wish to pay respects.

    Doug as I understand it was also a close friend of Don Wierwille and makes his yearly visit to pay his respects to the graves at TWI.

    It is the height of unmitigated gaul and mental cruelty to deny people access to loved ones graves in the cough cough "protection of TWI's property rights". TWI doesn't own the remains of those buried there.

    Don't you get it you ridiculous clowns at TWI who make believe that you represent God with your arrogant air of self importance. You don't represent the God of the Lord Jesus Christ. You represent satan whom you have pledged your allegience to. Your fruit is stinking up the planet.

    There is nowhere that I know of in civilized society where access to gravesites on church property is limited by any church. TWI claims to be a church, but acts like members of the mafia over "their property"

    TWI wouldn't know agape love if it bit them on the as*

  2. Dear Mr. Hammeroni,

    As you know, you have violated the intellectual property rights of Donna by posting about Woggie™, and you will be punished to the full extent of the power we think we have but don't. Rest assured, you will be reduced to a greasespot by midnight for your insolence. You will bow before the all powerful woggie™ icon_razz.gif:P-->

  3. Skyrider:

    Surely, they must have heard about the number of lawsuits, past and present?
    Actually, Jim M and I talked about this when he went to Gunnison doing research recently.

    Jim talked to some innies until they figured out who he was, and one of the things they said was that TWI would be victorious in the Allen lawsuit because it was all lies.

    Talk about being kept in the dark! The followers have no idea about the other 5 lawsuits that have occurred since.

  4. quote:
    They are probably saving it to help settle on of the ongoing lawsuits..
    Well, Gunnison may pay my settlement and a little towards the Peeler case, but TWI will have to liquidate everything as well as the alleged Grand Caymen Island accounts to pay the $75 million the Peelers will get.

    I can't wait to see the faces of the juries in my case and the Peeler's case when the bod get on the stand and .... all over themselves, while ex-way members watch and are entertained. icon_cool.gif

  5. quote:
    If I was counting on TWI to supply my retirement, would you recommend I start scrambling? I
    It all depends on whether the current hurricanes that hit the grand caymen islands destroyed the banks where TWI's allegedly has accounts icon_wink.gif;)-->
  6. quote:
    You omitted the gscafe.com numbers
    I didn't know that the two domain names were different stats. They both pulled up the same page. Obviously your forums rocks as far as web activity. I was trying to compare the regular sites that have editorial content. Obviously TWI's site lacks appeal icon_wink.gif;)-->

    My whole point of this thread was that despite 3-4000 supposidly "loyal" drones at TWI, that only 2 ex-way sites had more activity than TWI's website by 10:1 , and perhaps TWI members might be spending more time on ex-way sites than TWI's official site. icon_cool.gif

  7. Surprisingly enough, despite an estimated 3-4000 drones at TWI, 2 ex-way websites alone have over 10 times the # of page views as TWI's website:

    Ex-Cultworld 5,409,641

    GS Cafe 2,827,286

    Theway.org 816,043

    (Page Views- 3 Month Average)

    Source: Alexa by Google http://www.alexa.com/

    It goes to show you that despite larger numbers of "members" in TWI, their members still do not do much Internet for their dose of present spewth, or present TWI members really prefer ex-way websites over TWI's icon_cool.gif......

  8. I worked at hq just before my interim year with the 11th corpse during score week and roa.I had been one of the people developing and printing the corpse wedding pics from the emporia mass weddings.

    I had a tooth go bad and it required a root canal. Nothing like being reamed out for taking time to go to rome city to have it temporarily fixed.

    I ran a fever for most of that time while working in the darkroom and grew tired of the half assed system set up to do the prints.

    I finally (when the boss wasn't looking) did batch processing like I had done for over 20 years at home. In two hours I did a couple days of work.

    My overlord found out and rewarded my efficiency by reaming me out again. I told him that he was wrong and being senior corpse had not apparently increased his intelligence.

    Needless to say my wishes of working on staff became an interim corpse 4th wow assignment to Arkansas...

  9. My opinion:

    Was VPW saved? Maybe

    Was VPW working for god? Yup

    Who was the god VPW worked for is the question?

    I think he worked for the god mentioned in John 10:10(a) serving the lusts of the flesh which are the fruits of VPW's and TWI's master satan.

    Why beat around the bush? Weren't we taught in the advanced class that any good evil did, had to come at the cost of greater evil?

    TWI's was speaking from experience, their experience as to who they are in opposition to the body of Christ.

  10. Steve!:

    To anwer your question I do use a wheel chair about half the time. My legs have been giving out for years so I can't walk but short distances unlike the conference which required a lot of walking.

    But thanks to Seth I had a "driver" for those miserable stuck in the mud carpet covered hallways of the conference.

    But I keep fighting the best I can against what some would say is inevitable.

    Although I sinned against God while in and promoting TWI and deserve what has happened to me, I also hold onto the belief that it isn't over till Jesus appears in the clouds.

    Hey TWI, how is it that with 4 lawyers and all your people praying for my death that you can't take out one crippled old fart? Is you god not as prevailing as you'd like? hehehe....

  11. I have been thinking about how TWI allegedly has broken up marriages, stolen people lives and have driven some to suicide as well as claiming that if you left TWI you and your loved ones would come to destruction and become greasespots.

    Is this behavior consistent with the behavior of Jesus Christ and the other believers, or is this behavior the same as the enemy Jesus Christ came to destroy?

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