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Things I Wish I Could Make My Kids to Understand


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Satori gave me an idea for this thread. Much like his thread, please keep your posts to questions or statements about things that you wish you could get your kids to undestand.

It can be about anything - happy or sad.

But there's no need to expound on why you're posting about it - you can bullet you posts, or whatever.

If you NEED to talk about what your posts or statement to your kids, please do so in another post.

By the way - it doesn't have to be to your own biological child - it could be a step-son or step-daughter, student, niece or nephew - you get the idea.

In keeping with my rules, I'll post my comments to my kids in another post... :)

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I am also just a person .

I feel and hurt and get frightened .

i need you sometimes to understand you feel like my best friend .

God dearly loves you and so do I.

you can never do something so stupid or dumb or wrong i will stop trying to help you because i believe your a better part of who I am.

i will always forgive you no matter what.

will you tell me when your afraid please?

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1. If I tell you to do something or not to do something, chances are I have a really good reason for saying it. You may not yet have enough knowledge or wisdom to understand this -- you should trust my judgement.

2. It would require far less energy if you just did it and got it over with, rather than whine.

3. Been there, done that.

4. You really NEED to get more than six hours of sleep a night.

5. Yes, I really meant it when I said it.

6. If you do the same thing, expect the same results.

7. Yes, you DO know (response to "I dunno")

8. If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it (for the THIRTIETH TIME)

9. (And for the parents of younger kids): Yes, that car IS bigger than you and will hurt you if it hits you.

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Someday your baby brother will be as big or bigger than you. He will remember what you just did to him.

Just because __(insert name here)_______ does it, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do.

Just because it's green, it doesn't mean it's a vegetable. It's okay to eat something that's green. Honest.

Not everyone who speaks to you is really your friend.

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Just because _____________told you to do or did it is not a good reason for you to do it. Try thinking for yourself. It's a whole lot more fun.

Yes, adults do have your best interests in mind when they ask you not to continue disrespectful behavior. When you're in the workplace, that kind of disrespect won't be tolerated.

When I ask you not to interrupt me and follow the class rules, that does not qualify you for victim status. You are being asked to do the same things that are expected of everyone else.

Oh, so your uncle, aunt, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother is going to come over here and kick my butt? Bring 'em on. I'm happy to stand up to any lie that you make up that could get them that upset and then we'll see whose butt ends up getting kicked.

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To my oldest son Keanu, 19 y/o:

"I wish you would understand that you ALREADY are a wonderful person, that you have already "arrived" simply because you are one of God's Children. If you understood this deep within, you would stop trying to "be cool", to look good in the eyes of others by doing stupid things to get attention". I wish you would understand that you have arrived at the pinnacle of coolness because of what God has done for you in Christ Jesus You are already there my man.....". :spy:

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Life is about thoughts... if some don't seem to work well for you, try different ones. It's all up to YOU!

Reading is very good.

Food for the most part is something that should benefit you. Not just taste good

Most bad habits are protected by excuses...

The real bad guys usually don't look to shabby.

If you're unsure about something, ask...

It's perfectly normal not to know all the answers

Things can be replaced, people can not

Lying is the worst... so many things are ruined because of it

Wear what looks good & feels good on your body

Those 'Bad Boys' don't usually have a lot to brag about as adults

Being filthy rich isn't as wonderful as it seems

The more 'stuff' you have, the more work you'll have to do taking care of it

Old, wrinkled up people have a lot to offer, and can be a lot of fun. Don't be too concerned about how they look, because they don't like how they look either :redface2:

Always look someone in the eyes while they're talking, think about what they're saying, and ask some questions. People like to tell you about themselves... you'll have your turn... just be patient.

You're wonderful

What you think others may be thinking is probably wrong... don't waste your time

The anxiety of a difficult task is usually worse than what will actually happen

Doing something for someone else makes you feel good

People can change, but most do not

Be involved, be active, let your voice be heard... you will make a difference someplace

Your brain is a muscle, it can grow, or it can shrink

Overindulging too often makes you feel bad... that's not what your body or mind is meant to do

Find something you love to do, and try to make a living doing that

Reading can take you places... :wink2:

Your grandparents were in WWII...they have a lot to share about life... most of it they're right about

Keep practicing your _________. Music does wonders for your soul!

Get together often with your friends, write down & remember the important things in life, like BIRTHDAYS

If you thought you had too much work to do as a kid, all that was for YOUR benefit as an adult... you're welcome :biglaugh: (Really, I could have done it all myself in half the time)

Spend lots of time admiring the outdoors, plants, animals, weather... fascinating stuff

Make your home a sweet, comfy place you'll look forward to getting back into... just like your favorite p.j.'s

Share some time & goodies with your neighbors

Don't take chances in or near moving vehicles... the outcome may be deadly

Your words can do all kinds of things... help, hurt, confuse, encourage, reassure, scare, comfort, humor...etc... Words ARE a big deal!

You'll build better relationships playing cards with your friends than you would sitting with that new PlayStation game together, barely talking...

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