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God first

Beloved Abigail

God loves you my dear friend

Yes this happens to me too at times "hit me completely wrong and I am feeling completely uninspired"

I try to just pray about them and talk to G-d and Christ to see if I am missing something

I been attacked on some boards for small things and that is why I thank God for this board and saints like you

I find at times some believers are not ready for all things I see and at times I am not ready for what others teach

i believe its a walk or day by day dealing with our hearts and the hearts of others

keep looking because you have taught us a lot my friend

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Abigail, I have that happen. What I have found that works for me is to take a break. Read a trashy novel, a fantasy story or just something totally for fun.

A book I LOVE to read is "The Eight" by Catherine Neville. It's fun, flips back and forth between modern times, ancient times, midieval times, the French Revolution, etc. I've read it probably five times and never tire of it.

Another selection that's light, funny and good for giggles is anything by Janet Evonovich or Sue Grafton - they can be read in a day and are no-brainers.

If you still want to stay in the "scholastic" area - try reading "The Four Agreements" by Ruiz. It's awesome and he combines Toletic (?) philoosphy with Judaistic philosophy, I think. I've read it once, plan to read it again and am now reading his book on Knowledge and have the companion "workbook" to "The Four Agreements".

I think, though, it's good to take a break - kind of like vacations refresh us - so does some silly time away from the seriousness and intellectual energy all these things we're interested in require of us.

I've also started spending more time more consistently playing frisbee with Vixen and doing "fun" stuff with her instead of actual "training". It's been good for both of us. The same thing, I think, works for us.

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Thanks, guys. I think what I need to do is figure out how to practically apply what I am learning. How to incorporate it into my day to day life. And I think I need to get out into a community more.

I need to go to temple and give it an honest to goodness try. Just seems that the services that are in English are at a rather inconvenient time and the service that is more convenient is also more traditional and mostly in Hebrew (and significantly longer). I just have to push myself to get out there and do it.

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I have come across a number of articles at my favorite research spot that have hit me completely wrong and I am feeling completely uninspired and frustrated. Does this ever happen to you? What do you do when you hit a dry spell?

Abi, I'd say if it's hitting you completely wrong maybe your perception is off, & it would be good to take a step back, & later take another look at it.

Maybe share with a trusted friend (who also frequents the spot) what your perception is & see what their take is on it. Maybe if you see it from their point of view, it won't seem completely wrong anymore.

Careful though, maybe it is wrong, & your perceptions are right.

Big help, huh?

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Well, I think it is a little of both.

I get teachings and articles sent to me via email. I had one that said something to the effect that the person was going to send "spies" (his word, not mine) to the various synagogues to make sure the businessmen were participating in the services on the sabbath (the forming of a minion requires 10 men for prayers). If they weren't they were to be excommunicated. I read the email late at night, while letting the dogs out, and was so angry I deleted it. I went back to the website that it came from and cannot find it. Now I am wondering if it was some kind of dream.

Then I was reading a series on women in Judaism. Keeping in mind it is a Chassidic website (which is very strict in practice), they really weren't that bad, but that gave me a lot of flashbacks to TWI days. There are definite and distinct teachings from TWI, and I suspect/pray/hope they practice what they teach, unlike TWI -nonetheless it bothered me.

But I think, above and beyond all of that - I just need to get out and return to the synagogue I managed on one single occassion to be brave enough to go to, cause all of this learning isn't doing me a lot of good if I can't get out and practice some of it. And I would like to teach more of it to my kids, and that too I think requires more of a community.

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I did it!!!!!

Yesterday my younger son (Jacob) and I headed off to the synagogue for Shabbat service. Aaron didn't want to go, and I saw no benefit in forcing him, especially given my own uncertanties. So, it was just the two of us. I have to say, I really enjoyed it. They had services outside, which had its ups and downs. It was beautiful out, but about 20 minutes before service was over the sprinklers came on and drew out all the mosquitos.

However, the service itself was very pleasant and peaceful. It was a reform service. The songs were all in Hebrew, so I didn't understand what was being said, but I very much enjoyed listening nonetheless. The prayers were in Hebrew and then translated into English, which was very helpful for me. I can't say it was a deeply moving, but it was very pleasant and I will go again.

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