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Snow Story?


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With my name being teachmevp, I get to talk to my name, whats up this vp,

see what these people are teachingme about you vp, whats up with that vp? Or, why

did you not teachme that vp, a con ah? So I thought about my name, thinking,

whats up this snow story vp, because of your con vp, no one can tell their snow story?

How many other kinda snow stories are their of the way, where a person can face

being discredited, "Thats a VeePee snow story"? Did the way make up discredit storys,

like in that movie, "Enemy of the State" in that movie they set out to discredit that guy,

before he came out with the tape, so if he came out with that tape, no one would believe

a word he said; did the way think that way, in a way in their fish stories?

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I sitting here watching this Earl hurricane coming the east coast way,

reminds me of a VeePee snow story, I found myself living in Florida

(thats other VeePee'er) and here comes hurricane Charlie that is coming

right at me, but Charlie made a turn that no one saw coming and went

through Datona, instead of St. Augustine. Them hurricanes are a trip, what

a trippe year it was, four or five hurricanes made their marks on Florida. I feel for

the people in Earls path, its a scary thing having one them bad boys making

its way towards you.

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Scary, yes.. but what do you think.. is your blood any more "special" than anyone elses in the hurricane's way..

vicster would say.. leaves my blood alone.. I'm da chosen..

usually the hurricane says "tough crap, mac.."

I'd say every time he challenged possibilities.. he was just damned lucky..

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I didn't have to go through the eye of the hurricane, it being my first hurricane,

nothing special about me, i'm just a dumb kid speaking in tongues. Just another

snow story being told, sure my Charlie the hurricane story should get the snowballs.

Lets speak in tongues for the people in the path of Earl, maybe our Father will blow

Earl the hurricane out to sea.

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