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Graded on a Curve?


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Roy and anyone else who might know,

Roy's prophecy in the Holy Spirit thread got me thinking again about something I was studying this morning from Jesus about how we will be judged according to how we judge others. For those of us who were put with tough and possibly unfair "governors", do you think we get graded on a curve?


Asked why he began studying Greek at age 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replied,"Well, my good sir, it's now or never!"

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Hi Water Buffalo

We need a curve just to get saved and God is no respecter of persons but God understands our shortcoming in puts them into the math of things

Yes a big curve but that is what love is all about

When a loving mother or father rewards a child for trying to help in a job do they give the child ice cream or a mud pie

Yes its ice cream

And if a loving Mother grades her child for reward with a curve of love than our God would do it even greater

with love Roy
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Waterbuffalo -- That is a good question. My initial answer would be no. I still believe in the "administrations", so I don't think that applies to believers today. icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

But I also wonder, the validity of the words Jesus spoke, do they carry over to another administration? The validity is real to me, but the "carrying over" is what I wonder about, so your question makes sense.

I know we can lose rewards for good deeds done, if we do bad deeds that negate the good. Perhaps your question falls in this category, and if it does, then yes, we are graded on the curve system.

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i think we will be judged according to our heart because that is what God looks upon.

remember the letter kills but the spirit gives life. we learned to judge things so well by the letter didn't we? we got so caught up in the letter in our twi experience that we eventually saw the results in our lives...death to the joy of living, death to having compassion or empathy toward others who are not like us, death to the sensitivity of those in desparate need, death to experiencing our enjoyment of our families, death to our fondest hopes and passions, death to the ability to think critically ad nauseum.

it is my prayer that each of us find what it truly means to be spiritual by being open to the lessons along our journey that we need to learn so we may finally discover true Life.

Personally approves the wine list.

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God does look on the heart.

But - He is also just. I can't substantiate this with any Scripture, but it makes sense to me:

If we consider our spiritual development as we would progress in school.....we would expect more of those in 5th grade from those in kindergarten. And more of HS seniors than freshmen.

Remember the parable of the talents? The steward were judged by what they did with what they had.

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Krysilis -- yes God looks on the heart, and yes He is just. Also yes -- the steward is judged, because of what he did with what was given to him to be a steward of.

But I have to go back to Administrations, and reading WHAT is written, and TO WHOM.

docvic was not the only one propounding this concept, and I don't know enough about it to say whether or not the teachings of one administration "bleed" over to another.

I am sure that God expects those who are "seniors" to be more advanced than "freshmen", so maybe we will be graded on a curve, but I will look for that answer in the epistles, not the gospels.

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I'm still digesting what you said. That is GOOD. Feeds me, anyway.

Everyone else,

I know we aren't supposed to judge others when they hurt us now that we're BIGGER, let's say, but it's still not that easy when people do things deliberately. Jesus said on the cross to forgive them for they know not what they do. I suppose it is safe to assume that when people hurt others deliberately that even though they are doing it intentionally maybe they don't really KNOW what prompted their desire to do it so therefore they don't really KNOW why they did it and therefore it should be easier to forgive them.

It's easier to blow it off as not knowing what they are doing early on, too, than it is after we analyse it 1500 different way afterwards.

Anyway, I HOPE I can learn to do that more and sooner from now on.


Asked why he began studying Greek at age 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replied,"Well, my good sir, it's now or never!"

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Roy, your post is so SWEET and LOVING! THANK YOU! Yes, I believe FATHER GOD grades us on a curve just to get us saved! Wow! What a concept.

And, that mud pie analogy. Yes, I believe He does reward us with ice cream.


Asked why he began studying Greek at age 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replied,"Well, my good sir, it's now or never!"

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