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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2011 in all areas

  1. quote = Leafytwiglet: As others mentioned VP sexually molested his own daughter... what makes you think she was a teen ager and what makes you think he only did it once quote = johniam: She lives in MI. Why don't you call her and ask her about it rather than blindly believe what someone posted here. There's a website called zabasearch.com that will give phone numbers and addresses for free. Go ahead, call her. And while you're at it, why don't you ask her how she feels about the things said here about her dad? Reply to Johniam I would never presume to call her out of the blue as a total stranger... and you forget I was abused by my stepfather and would have no problem with others discussing the merits of whether he was good or bad in light of his own claims on what he did. Also as a person who was molested and have heard what my step dad told others about what he did,considering that information in light of what was actually done... my step dad never told anyone the extend of his depravity... so if VP claimed only one instance of molestation, I know to the very bottom of my heart that there was more, how many? who knows... but I also know that My step dad used a lot of excuses for why it was okay, what he did... just as VP did. but that doesn't make it right ... and no real man who put's GOD and God's word first in his life would do anything so horrible.. and then justify it with what some obscure supposed aboriginal tribe(he probably made up) did. And in regards to basing your behavior on what some aboriginal tribe does... why would you do that when you have decided that your life will be based on what followers of God and jesus Christ have set as the standard for their life. I am not talking about reading about other religions and seeing where tehy all meeet in agreement about what is right for people to do to live in harmony... I am saying look at how he took something like that to excuse himself from following what was so obviously set forth in the bible as the way to live your life.
    1 point
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