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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2010 in all areas

  1. My cousin posted this article on Facebook and I thought it was worth sharing here. Keep in mind the reference to wearing tefillin would indicate this rabbi is pretty orthodox. The article can be found HERE Here are two parts I especially liked: There are 613 commandments in the Torah. One is to refrain from gay sex. Another is for men and women to marry and have children. So when Jewish gay couples come to me for counselling and tell me they have never been attracted to the opposite sex in their entire lives and are desperately alone, I tell them, “You have 611 commandments left. That should keep you busy. Now, go create a kosher home with a mezuza on the door. Turn off the TV on the Sabbath and share your festive meal with many guests. Put on tefillin and pray to God three times a day, for you are His beloved children. He desires you and seeks you out.” and I have numerous gay friends whose greatest fear, like so many straight people, is to end up alone. Should we merely throw the book at these people? Does not the same book, the Bible, also say, “It is not good for man to be alone?” And all I’m asking from my religious brethren is this: Even as you oppose gay relationships because of your beliefs, please be tortured by your opposition. Understand that when our most deeply held beliefs conflict with our basic humanity, we should feel the tragedy of the conflict, rather than simply find convenient scapegoats upon whom to blame all of America’s ills. Emphasis added by me.
    1 point
  2. You see? This is where we get "stuck". You and I have been so indoctrinated with "show it to me in the Bible" that we fail (not necessarily you in particular) at times to think out of the box. I know of no place in the Bible where it gives clear instruction on the right-ness or wrong-ness of organizations. Jesus does say to go into all the world and make disciples. It appears to me that we get to work with him on how to most effectively do that in a given situation. That might include a organization. Leaders, I believe, are needed to run the organization, teach, lead by example and all the other wonderful things other posters have suggested in this thread. But they are not there to tell people how and what to think, or how to run their lives. Obviously there have been many organizations that have failed in that regard, hence the distrust. I agree with you when you say, "Modern Christianity places an inordinate amount of value on the organization-even placing the organization between the Christian and Christ" If you should decide to associate yourself with another religious organization, and I'm not saying you ever should, you have some advantages you can help others with. For one thing, you know not to believe that leaders are beyond reproach, they are not. You also know that leaders, all leaders, have selfish motives as do all human beings. What I look for in an organization is how people treat the leadership. Are they scared of him, or does he freely mill about with the rest of the "people" acting like a normal person? How much freedom is there to disagree with the leadership? What do the leaders concern themselves with? Are they concerned if I read the "wrong" book, or go to the "wrong" movie"? Will they comment if they think my wife is not "submissive"? Or do they just teach what they teach and the let the adult individuals figure out how to apply it? Finally, and most importantly to me anyway, is whether Jesus is glorified, or whether the talent, wisdom, humor, etc. of the Pastor is glorified. With what you and I have been through, it isn't hard to sniff out the show-offs. Rest assured, in every organization and within every man are flaws and selfishness. I apologize to any who might be offended by my using the all inclusive "he" when referring to leadership. I realize that leadership is not the exclusive domain of men however I find it cumbersome when writing to constantly be repeating "he or she".
    1 point
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