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Posts posted by JustThinking

  1. I have mine... I kept it and always will, not in honor of the way but in honor of those people I went WOW with...and that year of my life. We stood together... IT was a long year, some good some bad... but it meant so much to and me to those of us in my WOW family... No matter what the ministry is or was .. That pin is what I have left that is a reminder of that one year I spent entrusting my life to God and trying to have a closer walk with God.


    Nice thought.


  2. I doubt you're going to get any accurate reading on numbers even with innies who have access to that. All the current field employees inflate the numbers, refuse to remove people from lists, include those who went to 1 meeting last year, etc. They preserve their own paycheck in this fashion. They aren't real active numbers. Last I heard, the trunk had to give the OK to remove anyone from their lists.

    When I was in, we counted a lot of bogus people. There was a LOT of funny stuff going on to pump up the numbers. Twigs/Household fellowships were split even if it made them too small to be functional. Our "big" twig of 8 was split into two. That made a total of three in the local area which justified a job for a new corpse grad. No branch, no job. New corpse=new branch=new twig=growth!!!! Wow, he's amazing! Shows up and one month later, twigs are already splitting! :asdf: What BS.

    At that time (early 2000s), a friend in northern VA said DC had four people. Actually, they had one former corpse and three people who came to her apartment for free food. Impressed yet?


  3. If they do keep files on former members (and please note, I'm not saying they do.) I would think their concern would be more with "who KNOWS what?" rather than "who DID what?".

    Mine wouldn't fill the back side of a postage stamp.

    Mmm.. Waysider, good point. The use of a person's past did seem to be for immediate gratification. So does that mean they never had a real long term plan other than accumulate cash? I know VP had all sorts of "vision" but how's the Corps Chalet working out, for example? :doh: THAT vision was just bait and switch. Maybe my concerns are giving them more credit than they deserve? Maybe they're just NOT that smart?


  4. All,

    In another thread "WayGB still actively monitor this site", it occurred to me that TWI was a bit like the communists when it came to spying and record keeping. When communism collapsed, peoples files became public and it got UGLY. Many people's lives were ruined. After the big blowups in the 90s, TWI asked field leaders to report in on a number of things every week. Who came, how many showed up, etc. And there was ALWAYS a requirement to report "spiritually suspicious" behavior. Add that to the papers Corps candidates submitted about their life before the corps, stories on GS, etc., and you could probably really hurt some people. I suspect Corps folks never expected to see their life's story (warts and all) posted on line or in a dumpster.

    So...does anyone know how and where TWI keeps it's records? And DO they keep all of that old stuff? My money says they do. If so, should we be worried?


  5. The ironic part of this thread to me is how many people find this type of behavior bizarre. I suspect SOME of us might have either gone along or been in agreement once upon a time? And, yes, I would have been one of them. It's probably something to feel good about.

    So does anyone know what exactly they DO with this information? Just before I left, we were being asked to report on suspicious folks. It was after the Galatians tapes came out and everything was being watched. That staff at HQ were doing the same thing is no surprise. There's probably a big database somewhere keeping all of this information.

    Hmm...that IS a scary thought. (Sorry for the stream of consciousness here...) All of those Corps papers, personal reports, etc. I bet they keep EVERYTHING. When communism fell, the problems didn't end. The government spied on everyone and when the files became public... Well, it wasn't pretty. If TWI folds, what would happen to all of the WayGB files? A LOT of people potentially could be hurt.

    Geez, just when you thought they might just be decaying into a bunch of old toothless loonies...


    p.s. I will put this in a separate thread as it might be a bit off topic.

  6. If I were to speculate on the *characters who monitor this site*......

    3) Mr. R3ynolds........an oklahoma guy and did a short term assignment as trustee (until rosalie got agitated with him). He and rosalie were summoned to that confrontation meeting when P@ul All3n learned that martindale was "doing" his wife.


    What did he do to agitate her? I hadn't heard that before. TIA.


  7. Curious how many are still there? Do they still have larger functions such as advances or advanced class specials? I would think they're a good indicator. Attendance numbers for them would be helpful as well.


  8. One night we went to fellowship (like we did every night :wink2: ) and all the lights were off. We went in and candles were burning, linens draped over the tables, everyone sat around being really quiet.

    The fellowship coordinator then told a story about how her son was just in a car accident. The car had hit snow bank or something, flew into the air, twisted on its side, went through a fork in a really big tree (in the air), then landed on its wheels. Everyone was okay.

    She then said she had just given her tithe/ABS despite all good sense.

    The moral of the story: ABS, you might just have a really cool car accident. :biglaugh:

    Or the truth might be that they were full time WC and could no longer "waste" TWI money on electricity.

  9. How about this euphemism?..............the fog years

    That euphemism was strategically supplanted to detract and divert our attention.


    Good one.

    For me, sitting in yet another BORING meeting pretending we were "prospering" when it was PAINFULLY obvious everything was in the tank. And not being willing to go through yet another disagreement with my LC about being realistic. No growth, no excitment, etc. It felt like being in the bunker with Hitler while he believed the tide would turn any day. Sheeshh!


  10. Way Leadership Still Douche Bags

    That is all.

    Good night.

    An attorney for the National Association of Douche BagS (NADS) will be contacting Paw in the morning to request a formal apology to all of their douche' bag members...


  11. <Ducking behind desk to avoid shoes thrown in my direction>

    I was absolutely excited. It seemed like an opportunity to finally find someone who could answer my questions about the Bible. Whatever their sins (and seems like they are legion), it DID convince me I could actually understand what I read. The management/leadership/whatever of TWI caused unbelievable harm to me and my family. Ironically, TWI equipped me with enough knowledge to later see through them.

    However, others gave me uncountable blessings including during that class and others. Same with folks at my first Advanced Class. Because of all of them, my life is so much better. At a minimum, I learned to love God again.

  12. If the Board followed their usual double standard...

    LCM likely had access to all sorts of media, books, radio, television, etc. That would have given any CURIOUS individual the opportunity to at least consider his ways. If nothing else, he owned a freakin' BIBLE! If he believed his own teachings, the Bible alone should have been enough to get him to reconsider.

    Focusing only on his age, VP, TWI, etc. also ignores the ability of God to work in his heart to convict him.

    Just my .02.


  13. All,

    I have been an occasional poster here, hopefully contributing to the discussion. And healing. And informing, etc.

    So... thank you!!! It is likely that many of you know what it's like to escape Way World and rejoin real life. I don't know that I would have done it or at least as well without so many of you. :eusa_clap:

    God will have to repay you as I'm am not likely up to the task.


  14. From a former wow:Wowmobile:an older model car,truck,ect,on last legs,too many miles on it,rusted right to heck if

    from the north,of little value,burns oil,trannie leaks,saw one where the rear end lieral fell out of it.

    twi,why with a t,leadership,always had new cars,always maintained.You might be a choice between an oil change,or a class,hmm..wonder who got that money.If said wow car broke down,it came out of your pocket,no one elses,or some were simply abanded.

    Antonym: BOD Mobile: n. Vehicle kept in pristine condition by money provided by WOWs and their recruits. Typically new model Fords which may or may not include a driver. Exterior flawless. Interior same. Rear seat may be worn as well as rear shocks. See also: Golf Cart, President's airplane, motorcoach.


  15. I have to admit that blanket statements on both sides made here make me uncomfortable at times. Like most here, I had bad experiences with TWI and they did a lot to harm me. But TWI also had some of the most wonderful people to ever come into my life as well. Fellow-sufferers with God. ;) I guess when folks are dealing with hurtful subjects, not everything comes out perfectly.


  16. I see the Belizean offshoot selling books on ebay--brand new books. The prevailing word editions which means someone has to be getting those from twi. I wonder how they are able to do this since twi doesn't sell books to people no longer involved? I'm surprised they want to sell prevailing word editions since there were edits made to those books to accommodate the "new" doctrines of twi.

    So then there is/was someone reviewing every order? I guess when you're as small as they are now, it shouldn't be too hard to pick out non-members.

  17. Does JL have a job? Or do the folks at CES or whatever group he hangs with support him? Personally, I don't know him nor ever met the man. He has done nothing to me. Just curious how one can spend two decades contemplating one's navel. My electricity would have been turned off...oh, 19 years and 10 months ago. Maybe I'm doing this whole thing wrong... ;)


  18. Good grief Charlie Brown!!!! How long are these guys going to milk this thing? Wierwille died over 20 years ago. His family (the rock of TWI) is scattered and his enterprise is a little shell of itself. And TWI still has more going for them than these has-beens. "I used to be somebody." If all you have to do is ponder of events from a quarter of a century ago, how shallow was your life in the first place?


  19. I heard that VP had said that God had given him revelation that there would always be at least two people standing in twi until Jesus came back.

    Any truth to this? I mean, truth that he said it... I certainly hope twi falls apart by then!

    I believe I remember hearing that at least once. It may have been a class or ROA. Not sure. Same thing about his family. Some sort of connection between the Werewolf family standing and TWI. There are others around who can do the quote justice.


  20. ...Alienated all my family and my friends...

    Yes, some are still friends, wonderful people, and I've made it up with the family, well, most of 'em.

    Oh wait, you CAN believe I did that, y'all did too.

    Sigh... I absolutely can identify. :redface: For all the criticism TWIt leader.... take, some of us rank and filers could be pretty bad too.

    One of my "shining moments": Telling a Greek Orthodox priest he was wrong about a Greek translation. He was a native speaker trained in classical greek and Hebrew. He looked at me like I was an idiot. Seems he was right on that point too! :redface:


  21. As I recall, there was some nonsense about not looking for the Hope if you bought life insurance.

    All that talk stopped around here when the miniMOG started selling life insurance through some multi-level marketing scheme.

    Who is/are the miniMOG?

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