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Posts posted by JustThinking

  1. Every day of my life...when I awaken, I ask the Lord to PLEASE let me run into a member of twi...my prayer is that they come up to me and begin witnessing to me...

    ...Of course I will give them a fake name when I attend their fellowship...and they will never ever expect me to spike the punch bowl with LSD...and my gawd what fun it will be when they all start tripping...

    ...that's when I'll pull out MY tapes.... :spy:

    :biglaugh: Wow, what fun you could have. Invite some foreign exchange students to come with you just to make it REALLY hard for them. And don't get folks who speak spanish. Too easy. Go for something in the far east. And have them do speaking in tongues and interpretations. Make the interpretation about tolerance and respect for ALL people. Oh yeah, throw in something about not worshipping a dead guy and you'll really make their night. ;)


  2. This is wrong on soooo many levels!

    1.You are asking God when, clearly, "it is written" (in PLAF) we must claim what's rightfully ours.

    2.They will use discerning of spirits to detect that spirit of deception that is orchestrating this effort.

    3.The LSD won't affect them because if they take up serpents or drink poison it won't harm them.

    HOWEVER---There is an outside chance the tapes will actually bore them into a premature death.

    If you're still there, aren't you kind of dead already? Mentally, if nothing else. Besides, if reading the blue book for the 89 millionth time didn't bore them to death already...


  3. So one get the idea I am still in twi,Left for good in dec20000,Gee it was about of all things,door to door witneesing!

    I said it was old wineskins,I was told it was because I did not like the coords wife!Said it had nothing to do with her,

    did they listen?No brought up debt instead!Told them it was none of their buisness,hung up and never went back.

    Whoa, Frank, what were you thinking?!!! This was a test of your spiritual abilities and you blew it?! If you had said, you did like the coordinator's wife and, in fact, had the hots for her, you would have been corpse material. Heck, you might have been the new limb coordinator. I bet you're kicking yourself now, huh?


    p.s. It might be fun to try to remember the excuses I heard to get out of witnessing. Some were pretty original. :)

  4. At the anniversary weekend in 2000 awards were given out (certificates I think) for people who had been "in the Word" for 20, 25, 30, 40 etc years.

    I had taken PFAL in 1978, 22 years earlier, but didn't get a certificate because I wasn't active for about 7 years in the middle of that time. :(

    Do they still do that?

    Was anyone here told the reason (real or not) that these were done? Anything Biblical or just the usual Way-speak?


  5. I have run into maybe one person still in in the last five years. And the person was NOT witnessing. Person was at coffee shop. Had a group of a few "professional" types the person made a connection with in the community. This person saw me, and I could see the panic, and lips move.. "gawd, please don't let him recognize me.."

    The eyes.. like a deer caught in the headlights..


    then person turned chair so as not to be in my view.. absolutely pathetic. Where are you "prevailing" now, hmmm?

    unbelievable.. I just pretended I didn't see the person.. but the look of fear.. so afraid I'd "out" them as to what kind of organization they "belong" to.. and really, with the line of work, it would be death, professionally.

    I think the person is still "in"..

    OMG, that reminds me of the time we were given some stupid new bumper sticker to replace the old green one. Something about prevailing, blah, blah, blah. The only thing I really remember was dreading someone looking at the back of my car and seeing it wasn't there. No way I was going to work with that thing on my bumper. Do they still even sell bumper stickers? All 85 people in WayVille probably have one by now anyway. ;)


    • Upvote 1
  6. Sheesh. They don't witness because deep down in their hearts they are ashamed. Not ashamed of the gospel, but ashamed of the lameness and control freak nature of their ministry. They secretly hope it will get better so someday in the future they won't have to be ashamed.

    Bingo! Well said. It makes one wonder what goes through the minds of the corpse who have to stand in front of people and try to get them pumped up? Oh wait, there's a book about that:


  7. Was a reason ever given awards for sticking around? I remember them starting but thought it was weird at the time. The folks getting them seemed a little awkward. One couple had been in 20 years, were dumped from the corpse and still kept slaving away. And they got a piece of paper? Woohoo!!!!! :blink:

    So what were the levels? 20 and up?


    • Upvote 1
  8. You guys got celery sticks??

    I think I was short changed!.

    There was NOTHING until the end. And at that point, it was so late we all wanted to get out of there pronto. Especially parents on a school night. Three hours of that c##p! Ugh! What was I thinking!!!


    There are several reasons for this, in my opinion.

    One is that some of the stories in the initial segments are of the "why would he make that up?" variety. He tells stories on himself, like when he allegedly gave the sermon on the evils of alcohol, he came across pretty badly, and how the Korean (?) missionary suggested that he go straight to the bible to uncover the abundant life. It's like when somebody tells you that they went to high school with some obscure actor or musician, rather than a famous one, you figure it's so inconsequential, it must be the truth. He eases into the self-aggrandizing stories little by little.

    Another is that he starts off by actually reading what's written and pointing out contradictions between what he reads and what mainline denominations believe. He builds trust and then gradually starts slipping in dubious Greek definitions and made up sources and lost documents. He does this so gradually that you barely notice that it's happening. Contrast this with Martindale's WayAP class, where he's screaming about the Trinity and abortion before you break for celery sticks and bad cofee.


    I think you're dead on. It fits the whole process. Give you everything in Pffle and you're a slave by the AC. Slave and slave driver, if you became a corpse.


  9. Y'all have this all wrong!

    MOG is "Molester of girls." See kids, initials are always explained right there on the bus, in the context or they've been abused before. But I'm glad you can't see it in the original.


    • Upvote 2
  10. Not in person for many (10+ ) years. No bumper stickers for about as long. I do see some on web sites like Facebook, MySpace, etc. Good to know that the internet is now blessed by WayVille. Anyone know when being online was no longer instant possession? Just curious.

    Weirdest encounter with an ex-wayfer? A guy at an airport with his kids wearing a really old WOW jacket. I asked if he was with the Way and he said "no." No explanation. "Were you ever a WOW?" "Yep." Man of many words.... Dumb me HAD to ask why he still wore the jacket then. His answer? "Uh, I like the color."


    • Upvote 3
  11. My wayfer folks taught me if I want to buy a house I should wait for some of our relatives to die. The inherited money they leave would help to not go into debt and stay right with God.

    They did not have any other ideas.

    It's good to give your children goals and nice things to look forward to, right?

    Nice to know that "God's Abundance" is essentially milking the dead unbelievers you just cursed the day before. Nice. Real nice.


  12. As did most Jews coming out of German concentration camps. Oh, but TWI says those didn't exist ;)

    We were told the number 6 million was exaggerated but not that camps didn't exist. Maybe this is new wine in an old something. Or was that old whining about empty bottles...? Anyhoo, point taken.

    Unfortunately, I wonder how many will grow old even outside of TWI. Many were hurt badly, lost family, careers, etc. Those things can cut one's life short.


  13. Cue the theme song from Jeopardy...

    I'm with the folks who say this whole thing sounds contrived. There was a poster for some time who called himself Roy (I think) who was a big VPW booster. Maybe it's him? <_<


    • Upvote 1
  14. Here you go

    Sowers Web Site

    Victor Paul Weirwille, the grandson of VP has started his own program.

    Built on his Grandfathers teachings and his grandfathers design.

    One can only hope that VP2 is not a rerun of VP1 but it seems to be shaping up to be just that.

    Honestly, WHO signs up for this in this day and age?!!! No mention of any qualifications at all! Ugh, are there still that many people who have no television, newspapers, internet, radio, smoke signals or alien telepathy? UN-believable. "Why, yes, I don't know you but, sure, I'll give you nine months of my life."

    I guess there still is one born every minute...


  15. Funny that... you take the people who are truly committed to your movement and beat the spirit and heart right out of them and wonder why your ministry is falling apart.

    Well duh... it doesn't take a rocket scientist,

    add to the mix the closing off of contact with the outside world and Waaa LAaaa it has to fold into itslef and disappear sooner or later.

    And for those who don't quit, the "lifetime" commitment they want from you in NO way commits them to have any attachment in return. VERY convenient. :realmad:


  16. Interesting here.. not a single one would honestly recommend someone to go into da corps or a lookalike..

    Those folks have already given GSC the old Mark and Avoid treatment.... Or do they still do that? Maybe they just burn you at the stake now? Ahhh, so many fun options for TWI to imagine...

    Besides, there can't be but a dozen corpse left. They were getting whacked on a daily basis before I left. And from what I read, the list of new sacrificial lambs is pretty short so...


  17. OK - Notice the similarities to Vee Pee and Pee Wee :

    Both danced on stage

    Both wore white shoes

    Both made fools of themselves

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Adding to the similarities:

    Both had careers end on a very low (or Lo-lo) note

    Both had very bizarre supporting casts

    But only one still has a chance to be a positive force in society.


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