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faith no more

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Everything posted by faith no more

  1. stand behind him and he sucks. stand before him and he blows. stand beside him and he does'nt do a damn thing for you.
  2. hey mchud, dont know if you'll see this but here goes. i remember nancy. she was a good friend. we met in san diego when i was just getting involved with twi. i even have a photo of her somewhere tucked away with my other memories from that time. anyway, this info is about seven years old but it's all i have. after leaving new knoxville sometime after '86 i was told she moved to cleveland with long time friend rhonda and rhondas son. sorry i cant give you more than that. i imagine that she took her leave and started a new outside twi.
  3. it's irrelevant is what it is. the bible is crap. just a collection of mythology. discard it and find something real you can believe in. i did and i'm much better off now. fairy tales are for children.
  4. frack yeah! how do you think we ended up in an outfit like twi? if he'd loved us he would have at least warned us off. WE ARE ALL DAMNED!!!!(maniacal laughter) good thing i'm an athiest now.
  5. hello again all. in my cyber travels i come across many interesting sights and stumbled across this one recently. certainly worthy of my attention and i believe yours. so peruse and enjoy. http://www.churchofreality.org/ and at the same sight this piece: http://www.churchofreality.org/opinion/christian.htm food for thought. enjoy.
  6. this from a guy who calls himself "teach me vp" hey teachmevp while yahweh was at it did he give you any winning lotto numbers? it's people like you that finally turned me off to religion and turned me into a Born Again Athiest Loafer.so in a way i kinda thankful, so thanks. you're a credit to your dogma. so you go yahweh and i'll go my way and nary the twain shall meet. enjoy your day. satan is lord LOLOLOLOL!!!!
  7. I am as a beast of the field delighting in my flesh and all the pleasure it brings me! hey roy. seen some of your videos over at youtube.kinda cool still trying to figure all this crap out?do yourself a favor and quit. i did! life is too short to sit and contemplate the meaning of these bronze age tribal scribblings. no one has been able to,they just pretend to so they can scam people into thinking they have found the key to unlocking these so called "mysteries"in that work of fiction. the hellovit is it keeps working! go figure. throw off your shackles and free your mind dude and truly live.
  8. that could change after this sight closes though waysider.
  9. thanks for the link watsider,looks good! see you all over there. let's keep the watch fires burning.
  10. dont know if this has ever been here before but i came across this and thought it was hilarious. so all you chick tract fans have a look and i'm sure you'll get a chuckle or two outta this. http://www.rubbersuitstudios.com/ptcct.htm
  11. thanks for the welcome waysider. can i get whip cream on that?
  12. mine is an expression of my realization that there is no god. none of us would be here if there was now would we? and my complete contempt and hatred of all religion.
  13. i ignore the subject too. it doesent exist. hell is nothing more than a scare tactic used to frighten the simple into submission. most,if not all religions have some version of it and it serves the same purpose.a tool used to obtain obediance from the faithful and support($)by fleecing the flock. however subtle it is a form of fear utilized by evil people to gain easy resources from those who are desperate and of low self esteem. how despicable. no one knows what happens when we die. no one. and it's perfectly normal to fear this unknown. unfortunately this fear has become a tool to be expoited by heartless people throughout history who use it for monetary gain and social/politcal engineering. it's a trap and a damn good one, and half of beating a trap is knowing it exists.the rest is up to you. just my observations be free
  14. searching for long time friends Oscar and Carol Arieta (can't remember if that's one or two r's anymore). we attended a splinter in east county area. but after about 01,02, we lost contact. before that, last time we chatted they spoke of moving to nevada or maybe texas in order to buy a house. would like to hook up again with 'em and see how things panned out.
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