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Everything posted by houseisarockin

  1. But see that is where they can fool you. The basics were always their simple truths. If they changed those they'd have to change a whole explanation system below it. Sounds "right on" don't it? But the simple truths they slip into the non-printed material, those things done in informal meetings not to be recorded and distributed. It's those informal mandate meetings that can kill you.
  2. So I'm snooping around twi's site and I run my mouse across the different menu options on either side of the poster. When it skims across "Terms, Conditions, and Privacy" the poster picture changes to a scroll. (all options have pictures to them) Hmm, I think to myself. This is terms and such for legal purposes right? So they liken the scrolls to legal terms then are they not? My goodness if they haven't defined their perception right there for you! Scrolls=Legal Listen up you folks still hanging on there. You can buy the lie, bury the truthful pain inside, do what you thought no one could ever do to you. You can take yourself into survival mode all fancied up with "sunday go to meeting" clothes. Walk the walk, talk the talk and be doing it from where you honestly believe you have to remain or you will die. It gets better, don't take a strangers word though. Just think of what you've read on this forum and consider it. We're not the crazy ones. You live amongst them, and it's okay that right now you don't believe me. I was there once myself.
  3. New England: Rev. and Mrs. C*ris G*amlich North Atlantic: Rev. and Mrs. S*ott B*dolosky Blue Ridge: Rev. and Mrs. J*e N*viello Mid-South: Revs. Mr. and Mrs. B*ll G*eene South Atlanta: Rev. and Mrs. B*b M*ynihan Ohio Valley: Rev. and Mrs. R*man S*eciw Midwest: Rev. and Mrs. M*ke A*derson Central: Rev. and Mrs. T*m H*rrocks Mid-Atlanta: Rev. and Mrs. T*m M*llins Rocky Mountain: Rev. and Mrs. M*rk W*llace Pacific: Rev. and Mrs. M*tt S*iles Western: Rev. and Mrs. E* O*ding © TWI
  4. The conduit thing, oh yea. Donna said she didn't want to be a conduit for the adversary getting through to Craig while he was filming the new Advanced Class. They had huge pipelines that ran underground, geez!
  5. Mentally you had to tie your "tails" together, cause if we were using the other end we would of all ran.
  6. Mr. Hammeroni and Belle, I was thinking out loud on Ed okay, I know you two know that but I see someone else posted it in another thread so I think I started a rumor didn't I? ;)-->
  7. I just read what you said (in another thread) when you brought this phrase up. You covered it very, very well!
  8. And then it was oops...we didn't realize this was going to actually cost us matched social security...that's a lot of money you know...ha ha ha ha ha ha
  9. We should have ran like the wind when we became suspect or even privy to the extent of their lack of accountability. It still amazes me that I personally ever bought "we all fall short of the glory, this was insignificant in respect to the good of the household". Well alrighty then....guess I'll just return to my status in life as a Stepford wife.
  10. One thing I've agreed with that they've taught is accountability, now isn't that an oxymoron of sorts? Because they did actually understand the concept and I did gain to my life because I practiced it. (not perfectly) So in this instance they used the proper lingo or catch phrase to describe it that was easy to entreat. But they failed miserably to ginosko it. And became skilled at deceit in this area, which is not just my observation or experience.
  11. Galen, I admire your involvement as it was, providing for others in your decisions. There's been no room for the likes of you in twi for quite some time, nor do I imagine will there be in the future.
  12. Galen, thank you for some of your history. The age of "debt" brought about much intrusion into peoples financial lives. You were expected to reveal the necessary details to aid in their being able to tell you exactly what you were to do. But there's been much done on debt here in the past so will not go further into it. Except to say if you had debt and they knew it, you were not left alone regarding it.
  13. Belle, all the time I have, must head out. First had to say I so admire your stand, it wasn't the easy choice Belle, bless your heart in the fullest way possible.
  14. Belle and Mr. Hammeroni, you both got in there while I was not paying attention. I may need to leave before I can reply, so not ignoring you okay.
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