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Posts posted by Ham

  1. Now, about Germany.. there could be no new, modern Germany until Hitler and his henchmen were utterly crushed.

    Interesting that many of the henchmen denied accountability of their actions all the way to their deaths. "We were just following orders", "the Jews had proven themselves to be our enemies" or some such nonsense. Before Hitler, the Jews were among the most loyal among Germans. Personally, I believe that if you carry out an unlawful order you are very accountable for the consequences.

    This is the parallel that I see with Germany- an organization that raped some, tortured more, and cast out most of their most faithful followers. In my opinion, their hands are blood-stained in at least one instance. "Well, I got some good out of it, they did not rape me". Well, that's OK. They did not rape you, they only raped your sister.

    Unless there are some REAL changes on their end, the only rebuilding they are going to get is after the place gets bulldozed over.

  2. The least an apology would do would be to get a percentage of us off their backs. You'd think they have thought of that already- that alone might be worth the price of swallowing some pride (even in appearance only) and making the big step. But nooooo, "god" just CANNOT be wrong.

    The conditions for forgiveness presented by some folk here are pretty reasonable- quit lying, cheating, stealing and worse. Start being honest, tell the truth- even if it "hurts". Prove that you really care. Open the doors of communication wide. Free the slaves. Anyone else noticed their message board is STILL "under construction"? I read some of the posts- not mean or vindictive, just "have you straightened yourself out yet?" In my opinion, that much effort for reconciliation is more than they deserve.

    They probably have my name and address somewhere. Most folk could find my name and address in about fifteen seconds. As of yet, all I hear is the wind blowing in the corn fields, and I do not really expect anything from them.

    The nice "open" letter of dear Harve did not impress me either- I don't even see why he bothered.

    To me, it wasn't worth the effort of reading. The way I read it he was really saying "This is why we choose to be evil, and this is why it is right". But it did cause no small furor. Some here actually thought that they would have a real exchange of ideas with them. Never happened. I highly doubt that good ole Harve even read some of the replies to his posted letter.

    As to the new website, "we use the internet, now" is hardly a qualification for forgiveness. "We answer the phone once in a blue moon now" is not either.

    Same hard hearted, recalcitrant bunch of idiots.

  3. In my opinion, "present truth" is now just another second rate marketing scheme.

    Need more money? Convince the flock that all of those old PFAL materials- the collaterals- are "old wineskins". Anybody who's anybody in da tree just HAS to have to new "prevailing" edition. Just label the reformed, defunct materials as "present truth". Works every time.. same for classes.

    After the poor suckers have gone through five or six "prevailing present truth" versions of old said classes without obtaining any real results, the upper ups can calm the masses, claiming that the classes they took were indeed, old wineskins. That is why they did not get results. You just have to take the new version that's just coming out..

  4. "Work-study"- another euphemism for "slavery". The last I remember, what that means is to go to the event, pay almost full admission price for the "blessing" of being able to "study"(?) and work your rear off for the week to put on the event. And you had better be "blessed" about it. Sounds to me like a recipe for insanity.

  5. From Harv-aroo:

    "Our teachers did a great job of debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual" to do good Biblical research. They really showed us that the keys are already ours and that we have the materials in our ministry storehouse to each be very successful at working God’s Word."

    Typical. "No brains required. Just study (and you better sure as he** obey) our material".

    Obvious to them that no intellect is required- they have been close to succeeding chasing off all the intellectuals.

    Ministry "storehouse" smells more like an outhouse to me.. somebody please flush..

  6. Quite true. Instead of "obnoxious", I think what a lot of it really is dealing with frustration. Trying to work with a neighbor that has some real problems, and refuses your help, or anybody else's help for that matter. Some people simply choose to be miserable, and try to spread a little more miserable around. Sometimes its just hard to understand. You can only do so much..

  7. Sorry, but have one more dog story.. one other neighbor, otherwise was a nice guy.. left the dog chained up in back yard. This dog would bark if he could hear a pin drop in a snowstorm. My ex had a perfect solution, she was very smart. No police, no reports, no begging or pleading.. she started feeding the dog. Hot dogs.. no kidding. After about a week, she and the dog were the best of friends. The dog still barked, but far less frequently. One day, the owner came out his house, shook his finger at the dog and yelled at it for some reason.. the dog bit the owner, and that was the end of that.

  8. I think my most obnoxious neighbor was the one that let their dog run, almost for the whole weekend. And it barked, almost continuously. Of course, by the time the animal control people came, it was tied up all proper with ribbons on it.

  9. Just wondering.. has anybody considered making a complaint about HIS "dogs"? May be interesting to see how he explains to the animal people how that it was not really dogs barking, but just he and his wife were heard cursing and screaming in the street.. heh heh.

  10. If I was a teacher doing the same thing, they would run me out of town on a rail.

    "Now students, we are here to study engineering, but you are "encouraged" to only read the second grade primer for math. After all, this is our "proven" publication. Simply ignore all of the other "ungodly" text books.."

    Somehow, logical people will not tolerate this kind of nonsense in any other profession. I guess "religion" is exempt..

  11. Here we go again.. sure would be a nice mission statement if it was coming from almost anybody else. And of course it HAS to be "prevailing". Trouble is, da word sure is not prevailing there anymore, probably never has, at least among some of the higer ups.

    What application does Mr. D have in mind? More shuffling of papers, more mind numbing "activities" for supposed God's people. More classes. A more godly application would involve seeking forgiveness from those that have been hurt, but I am not holding my breath.

    And, what kind of biblical understanding is it that they seek? "We still let our people read their bibles, when they are not busy going to "twig", planning for our wonderful events, and in general not kissing our rear ends, and for damn sure as long as it does not disagree with what we teach". That would at least be a little more honest.

    Poor ole harve wants to build "fruit" in his life. Probably hasn't seen "fruit" for over a decade. No fruit? Replace it with activity, mind numbing activity.

  12. The local pizza place here is a one of a kind. Best pizza I have had anywhere. Sauce on it is fantastic.

    Only thing, I used to see empty cans of banana puree behind the place- may have been the secret ingredient in the sauce? Who knows..

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