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Posts posted by Ham

  1. Kind of interesting.. unlike Loy, one thing you can say for ole vic was he was slick. Really slick. Even five years ago, I would have found it difficult to believe that he would even be capable of doing half the stuff documented here. He really knew how to work a crowd. NOBODY except for the chosen few were remotely aware of what he was doing behind the scenes. Not being in the "in" crowd, I did not have a clue either.

    I see people going through what I went through. The denial. How could such a good guy do such dastardly deeds? If you buy into the persona, there is no logical way you could think he did it. He definitely knew "how to win friends and influence people".

    Even the vast majority of Germans thought Hitler was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Maybe even he had his good moments at times. And that is what they thought, "surely he is not that bad".

    Some of us take more time than others to wake up.

  2. Abigail, that was the real reason I did not post anything there. I try to leave "da kids" out of it. Still feel sorry for them. I honestly could not think of anything civil to post, so I refrained from doing so.

    Probably wouldn't do any more good than to get someone mad, think they were reading the rantings of a lunatic.. that's what I would have thought twenty five years ago.

  3. You make quite a few good points George. Especially the David Koresh group. At least two of the people there were very smart. They belonged to the ham radio "fraternity", and had the highest earned license you can get. Hardly dumb. Some people study and study and never get it.

    I guess smarts just doesn't guarantee that a person is going to immune to being conned.

  4. That's funny.. my naval friend says that too, and he was stationed on a couple of subs. He reminisces about the food. Navy chefs really trained by the best in the art, plus almost anything he could eat. I think he would rather forget what it was like being on one of the old fossil fuel powered jobs. Really liked being on one of the nukes.

  5. Dunno.. looking at their new message board again this morning got me thinking a little more. No post from innies seem to have any real substance- at least in my opinion. They look like a lot of the "blessings" letters, "we were sooooo "blessed" to be a part of..." with almost little or no valid reasons. Kind of makes me feel sick.

    One "positive" thing though- it makes me really "blessed" that my kids are not mixed up in that mess.

    Things don't look any better, no less any different.

  6. Well, I'll be nice. Next spring when I work the yard sales, I'll keep an eye out for a couple commodore 64's or vic 20's for them. More processing power than they could ever need. And John, yes, they can still play (a few very old) games on them. They might even be able to get greasespot up- without the graphics..

  7. And another thing (or two).. the name of the place. "Family tables". Kind of "rock of ages" ish. Why have they decided to resurrect yet one more "old wineskin"? I thought the ROA was disbanded largely because of the "homos" and "people's unbelief".

    Makes me wonder if they want us to get some kind of warm fuzzy feeling, remembering one of the few activities that could actually be a little fun. Now here we have, similar to the discussion in another thread, not a virtual VP, or virtual Loy (thank God!) but a "virtual ROA".


    If the BOD sanctioned this, I would venture to guess that it is an experiment to see what would really happen if they really pulled their heads out of the sand right on the internet. Doesn't look good to me, they already have two or three questions in their question forum that they either cannot or will not answer.

    I would not hold my breath waiting to see anybody "official" posting there.

  8. Even that could be too much overkill. You could easily keep track of all their stuff with Microsoft Works for DOS and about 1meg of ram..

    Could be they are finding it hard to get the X25 packet stuff to work on the internet.

    I knew a person that still used a commodore 64 up to a couple years ago on the internet. Maybe he could give them some pointers!

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