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Posts posted by herbiejuan

  1. Roy thank you for your thoughts

    In the beginning was GOD

    Everything that comes after can be led directly to that one statement

    in the beginning was God, after that He created the earth

    sometime inbetween lucifer decided to meet the darkside

    he met it

    which meant we got fucced over

    but ROY...

    in the beginning was GOD

    HE created it all

    so if he created it, then perhaps he created good and evil?

    with a holy kiss and a damned good earnest feeling


  2. Wow Rascal what an ordeal you experienced!! I feel kinda sheepish saying this but I was asleep while the storm passed through here. I did wake up @ 4 and turned the tv on and saw where the Atlanta area got hammered. It looked bad but not nearly as serious as what you guys faced.

    When I lived on Elm St. we had several twisters pass overhead and drop down just to the east of us. I recall being hunkered down under the stairs in the hall with three kids two cats a dog and wife praying like crazy that it wouldn't hit us. Scary moments for sure, glad you weathered it ok.

  3. I think society can and should hold the recipients of society benefits accountable for the gift. Given that society has an investment in that education, society should reasonably expect a return on that investment. I would also expect this to transcand politics and become a major factor in our diverse economic portfolio but I suspect I am dreaming.

  4. It's Bowdon not Bowden, it's named after some confederate general that did something magnificent before being captured I think.

    I've heard many opinions on legalizing pot. I don't think it will happen because too many people are feeding at the trough. DEA, FBI State County and City interdiction efforts, not to mention the Border Patrol, Customs and the Military. Then you can count the revenue this trade brings into the host country in terms of legal and illegal investments and add to that the humdreds of folks making money cultivating processing and transporting the product to market and it constitutes a sizable amount of cash floating around a country. Too many hogs at the trough as somebodies grandpa used to say...

  5. I heard at the barbershop that a quarter of Alabama Dirtweed goes for $35-40 and you'll pay close to $100 for hydro. Apparantly the hydro system allows more complete control over heat light humidity and nutrients and therefore produces a higher quality product. He said you could get instructions and everything you need online.

    Really he did

  6. The salon was across the street from the chiefs' restaurant The Southern Lady and within spitting distance of the police dept. I do remember (fondly) those four finger lids going for 5-10$ ahh those were the dayz

    Lord Lord Lord...we made it to the national news


  7. Bowdon Police Chief Mark Brock was on routine patrol Saturday night when he came across a burglary in progress at a hair salon.

    According to police, the suspects were after more than 200 pounds of marijuana being stored in a freezer chest at Crane and Co. Salon on Shirley Avenue in Bowdon. The pot had a street value of a quarter of a million dollars. The salon owner, Erica Evette Crane, 33, her brother Howard Bernard Crane, 20, and Kareem Lee Evans, 18, all of Carrollton, were arrested and charged with trafficking marijuana. West Georgia Drug Task Force Agent Mike Fritz said Erica Crane’s brother was apparently trying to steal the large amount of marijuana in his sister’s shop with the aid of Evans.

    I asked Mark if he needed any help recounting the pot, he chuckled, I guess that was a no ;)

  8. Last year while sipping whiskey (not a good idea)and watching a movie I came across a somewhat repressed memory from my childhood. Memories of a sexual incident but mostly of shame and humiliation. It involved the nuns from Nativity School and 6 yrs of physical and emotional abuse. Now these memories weren't totally repressed, I had taken them out a bit at a time and examined them over the years but that night they came out altogether in a rush of anguish and pain. When that happened I felt an incredable amount of rage towards the perps and had they been in my living room I could, in that rage, quite easily have killed them with little or no regrets.

    What made my circumstance so unusual was that the originating event was known, not only to my parents (who confronted the nun) but also to the other parents whose children attended the school and THEY did NOTHING. I think realising that (as an adult) made my anger/rage that much more intense as I felt (as that small child), abandoned and foresaken by those entrusted to my care and safekeeping.

    Since I had used alcohol to self medicate before I knew I needed to stop so I started going back to AA for support and brought up my experiences with some trusted friends there. What I learned was many, many people in recovery (and not) had similar experiences, that we were the walking wounded and we self medicated to forget those experiences.

    I called the SF Archdiocise and spoke to their abuse liasion about my experience. She wrote me a long letter acknowledging and apologizing for what happened and repeatedly reminded me it was not my fault. When I read that (and I had to read it several times before it sunk in), I felt the greatest release from the chains of my past. I realised the shame and the disgrace belonged on the nuns and the church for allowing that to happen and not on me.

    I am grateful to you ladies for baring your souls it's silence that permits these things to continue

  9. Although MY guys are all trained to keep the lid down since one of the little ones fell in and waking up to mama`s ear splitting shrieks when SHE fell in the dark....lol

    Tom it became a big issue when I fell in to the toilet with a splash in the dark one night.

    Also, little children in a hurry to potty don`t always look...also resulting in some falls in the potty.

    Rascal thats how we teach the little ones how to swim in the south doncha know


  10. I spoke to a couple of mark and avoids prior to the wife event and had heard of their m+a sessions from folks who were unfortuante enough to have been there so when they turned their teeth on the wifey it clarified for me what they were underneath those sickly sweet smiles.

    Yeller bellied cowards who'd rather pick on a woman than a man

    You know now that I think about it most of the overbearing assholes I've had dealings with never would confront me but prefered to attack the women in my life, that sure doesn't say much about their character (or manliness for that matter).

  11. Promiscuity (and hence infidelity) can be a symptom of mood and personality disorders. What comes first the chicken or the egg I dunno but some of those disorders stem from childhood stuff so your perception of immaturity and hence a me me me thought process is right.

    I've had women walk out of their bedrooms butt nekid n ask me to join them in the shower, I've had mothers tell me it was ok if I *went out* with their daughters (three times) and of course the usual lonely believer lady that had needs. I saw it as compromising my integrity so I passed on the invites.

    Funny how growing up changes your perception of things.

  12. The first time I was confronted was after I bought a brand new pickup truck. Our LC scolded me about my committment to gawd's werd and craiggers debt policy. I reminded him that the policy was directed to the corp and not lowly tc's and that I routinely got hundreds of thousands of miles out of my vehicles and considered that a better stewardship of Gods money not to mention a better example of living abundantly that pretty much shut him up.

    The second time was during those tedious mandatory Sunday dress your best meetings in the latter 90's. My wife had wanted to visit her sister in Florida for some time. Since it was a three day weekend I told her to go ahead. She was concerned our tc wouldn't like it but I told her I was the head of the household the fallout would be directed towards me and not her and frankly it didn't worry me one bit but to go and have a good time.

    Well wouldn't you know it, right after she left the tc called to make sure we were going. I told him no we wouldn't as the wife was heading to Fla at that very moment. He was a little perturbed and insisted I chase her down and bring her to the meeting (which I didn't and told him so) I also reminded him that I was the head of the household and expected any fallout from this to be directed towards me and not her. I did attend the meeting and never heard a peep from anyone about it and thought the matter closed...


    Next twig I couldn't go cuz of a city council meeting and the tc jumped all in wifeys case for not keeping her committment to gawd, she was stunned by this arrogant assholes 20 minute tirade and was very angry when she got home so I called the tc and ripped him a new one. He maintained his position so I called the bc and lc about it and FINALLY got an apology of sorts from the little squirt.

    It was the last straw for me then and when a few weeks later the wifey told me she didn't want to go back to twig anymore I said oh good neither do I. I called the little squirt that night and told him we weren't coming back. He asked why and I said Doug, I wouldn't know where to start and if I started I wouldn't know where to end so lets just leave it at that.

    Thus ended my involvment with twi

  13. Jim I agree we are living much longer and healthier lives today than a century or two ago. Most of that can be attributed to understanding what was causing disease outbreaks and eliminating the source or educating folks in better hygiene. I don't believe there is a *good old days* we should return to, just good new days ahead as we understand more about the world we live in.

    I've done alot of study on pesticide use and its effects both here and abroad and unfortunately some countries we import food from still allow DDT (and other banned pesticides) to be used on food crops. So we are not nearly as safe as we think in that regard, fact is that stuff is sometimes applied at rates far above the recommended amounts by unskilled labor so there is a chance that even if the chemical is permitted the dosage could still be high enough to be toxic to both the farmworker and consumer.

    I'm not aware of specie specific pesticides outside of some interesting developments in the GM field, Malathion for instance kills not only mosquitos but bee's and butterflies as well, something my city council was surprised to learn and while it may not persist in the environment for long, it is the route of exposure and duration that does most of the damage.

    Comparative nutritional studies on sustainable vs conventionally grown foods is just now taking place so this study is one of the first to be released but you are correct, processed junk food leaves alot to be desired nutritionally and a lack of exercise only compounds the problem. My staff is assembling what little there is on this, if/when it gets placed into a report I'll post it here.

  14. Krys you might be right our biological clocks were programmed generations before and messing with our sleep/rest cycles must have an impact on our mental and physical health and stamina. I'm guessing that light cycles play a big role too. I've done some basic research into plant light cycles and have learned that light duration can play a major role in sex determination (male/female) productivity and general heatlh of said test subjects.

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